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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Special people (6 класс)


Organization momenta)Greetings.b)Talk with a pupil on duty.c)Asking about the dates, days, absents, etc.
Secondary school №50 after AbaySpecial people Organization momenta)Greetings.b)Talk with a pupil on duty.c)Asking about the dates, days, absents, etc. “Шаттық шеңбері”What kind of you? Қызығушылығын  оятуТопқа бөлу1st group: Kazakhstan2nd group: Great Britain Checking up the hometaskEx: 5. Read the text about Margaret Thatcher then Read the text and check new words in your dictionary Margaret ThatcherBiography:  Ex: 6. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the The people which were in the Geniuese’s Book of RecordsӘлемдегі ең ұзын Әлемдегі ең қысқа адам – Қытайлық Хэ Пинг.  Бойының ұзындығы – 74 см. Әлемдегі ең семіз адам – Мексика тұрғыны Мануэль Урибен. Салмағы 560 келі тартады. Әлемдегі ең ақылды адам – Миссури штатының тұрғыны – Мэрилин Вос Савант.	Мерилиннің Әлемдегі ең сұлу әйел – әнші әрі актриса Дженифер Лопестің денесі Нью Our new theme of the lesson  “ Special people” The 16th of April.        	Saturday.Special people Now, it is time to work with our new vocabulary. Here they are: Now, all together repeat after me.Read yourselves, please begin.And at home you’ll New Grammar: Remember!  Бір буынды сын есімдердің соңында дауысты дыбыстан кейін дауыссыз дыбыс Doing Exercises:1. We have looked through our vocabulary and we may start Information- Gap I want to check your understanding.    Our Some are very very interesting ...   .1.The shortest surname in And now, we’ll play the game with Balloons about Comparative and Superlative X. Conclusion– I  see  that  you  have  understood  the   new  material. And You  have  to  choose  some  pictures  and  put  them  under  these  pictures.– XI. Evalution– And what about your marks?XII. Home-AssignementYour home-task will be to Thank you for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Organization moment

b)Talk with a pupil on duty.

c)Asking about

Organization momenta)Greetings.b)Talk with a pupil on duty.c)Asking about the dates, days, absents, etc.

the dates, days, absents, etc.

Слайд 3 “Шаттық шеңбері”
What kind of you?

“Шаттық шеңбері”What kind of you?

Слайд 4 Қызығушылығын ояту
Топқа бөлу
1st group: Kazakhstan
2nd group: Great

Қызығушылығын оятуТопқа бөлу1st group: Kazakhstan2nd group: Great Britain


Слайд 5 Checking up the hometask
Ex: 5. Read the text

Checking up the hometaskEx: 5. Read the text about Margaret Thatcher

about Margaret Thatcher then translated.
Ex: 6. Are the sentences

True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false sentences.

Слайд 6
Read the text and check new words in

Read the text and check new words in your dictionary Margaret

your dictionary
Margaret Thatcher
Biography:  Margaret Thatcher served as Prime Minister

of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990. She was the first woman to serve in Britain's highest political office. During her time as Prime Minister she was a staunch conservative. She also was an important leader for democracy in the Cold War against communism and the Soviet Union.  Where did she grow up?  She was born Margaret Roberts in Grantham, England on October 13, 1925. Her father was a local businessman and store owner. She had an older sister, Muriel, and the family lived above her father's grocery store.  Margaret learned early on about politics from her father Alfred who served as both alderman and Mayor of Grantham. Margaret attended Oxford University where she graduated with a degree in Chemistry.  While attending Oxford, Margaret became interested in politics. She became a strong believer in a conservative government where the government has a limited amount of intervention in business. She served as president of the Oxford University Conservative Association. After graduating in 1947 she got a job working as a chemist.  Prime Minister  Thatcher became Prime Minister on May 4, 1979. She held the top position in the United Kingdom for over 10 years. Here is a list of some of the most noteworthy events and accomplishments during this time:

Слайд 7 Ex: 6. Are the sentences true (T) or

Ex: 6. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct

false (F)?
Correct the false sentences.
She was born in

London. T F
She came from a rich family.
She had a lot of other interests.
Her husband was a politician.
People were afraid of her.
She was Prime Minister for ten years.
She was happy to resign.

Слайд 8 The people which were in the Geniuese’s Book

The people which were in the Geniuese’s Book of RecordsӘлемдегі ең

of Records
Әлемдегі ең ұзын адам – Түркия азаматы, Сұлтан

Бойының ұзындығы -2,47см.

Слайд 9 Әлемдегі ең қысқа адам – Қытайлық Хэ Пинг.

Әлемдегі ең қысқа адам – Қытайлық Хэ Пинг. Бойының ұзындығы – 74 см.

Бойының ұзындығы – 74 см.

Слайд 10 Әлемдегі ең семіз адам – Мексика тұрғыны Мануэль

Әлемдегі ең семіз адам – Мексика тұрғыны Мануэль Урибен. Салмағы 560 келі тартады.

Салмағы 560 келі тартады.

Слайд 11

Әлемдегі ең ақылды адам – Миссури штатының тұрғыны

Әлемдегі ең ақылды адам – Миссури штатының тұрғыны – Мэрилин Вос

– Мэрилин Вос Савант.
Мерилиннің асқан қабілеті бала кезінде-ақ белгілі

болған екен. 10 жасында алғырлығымен көзге түскен. Ол сол кездің өзінде Гиннестің рекордтар кітабына енгізілді.

Слайд 12

Әлемдегі ең сұлу әйел – әнші әрі актриса

Әлемдегі ең сұлу әйел – әнші әрі актриса Дженифер Лопестің денесі

Дженифер Лопестің денесі Нью – Йорктегі бір сақтандыру компаниясында

1 миллиард евроға сақтандырылған.

Слайд 13 Our new theme of the lesson “ Special

Our new theme of the lesson “ Special people”


Слайд 14 The 16th of April.

The 16th of April.    	Saturday.Special people

Special people

Слайд 15 Now, it is time to work with our

Now, it is time to work with our new vocabulary. Here they are:

new vocabulary. Here they are:

Слайд 16 Now, all together repeat after me.
Read yourselves, please

Now, all together repeat after me.Read yourselves, please begin.And at home

And at home you’ll find the transcriptions of these

words from your dictionary. Are they right?

Слайд 17 New Grammar:

New Grammar:

Слайд 19 Remember!
Бір буынды сын есімдердің соңында дауысты

Remember! Бір буынды сын есімдердің соңында дауысты дыбыстан кейін дауыссыз дыбыс

дыбыстан кейін дауыссыз дыбыс келсе, сол дауыссыз дыбыс екі

рет жазылады.
Мысалы: Fat – fatter – fattest

Егер сын есімнің соңында y дауыссыз дыбыстан кейін келсе, онда ол i дыбысына өзгереді.
Мысалы: Dirty – dirtier - dirtiest

Слайд 20 Doing Exercises:1.
We have looked through our vocabulary

Doing Exercises:1. We have looked through our vocabulary and we may

and we may start to work with the text.

“Special people”. This text is about the people which were written in the Geniuese’s Book of Records.
1. First you’ll read the text for yourselves. Read, please.
2. Are there any adjectives in the text ? What form of adjectives is it ?

Слайд 25 Information- Gap
I want to check your understanding.

Information- Gap I want to check your understanding.  Our next

Our next task is “Information-Gap”.

You must complete the gaps with the information from the text.
Please, close your books! And write down on your copy-books.
Are you ready? If you are ready, please, check yourselves.

Слайд 28 Some are very very interesting ...

Some are very very interesting ...  .1.The shortest surname in

1.The shortest surname in the world consists of one

letter “O” . It’s in Korea.
2.The longest name consists of 662 letters. This woman lives in the city of Montana state. The people named her “Snow Owl”.
3. The largest frog is the Goliaf frog. It lives in Cameron. It’s weight is 3kg and height is 25 cm.
4. The largest monkey lives in the tropical forest and it’s a gorilla. Its weight is 300 kgs and is 2 meters long.
5. The hottest land in Kazakhstan is Shardara. Here the temperature is +47C.
6. The coldest land in Kazakhstan is the Khan-Tangiri peak. The temperature is -8C here.
7. The tallest man in the world is Muhammad Alam Chan. He is from Pakistan. His height is 2 meters 50cm.
8. The largest crocodile is Chao Jai. It lives in Hongkong. Its weight is 1 ton 114 kg.
9. The tallest waterfall is Angel. It falls from 1054 meters hight.
10. The most expensive picture in the world is Mona Liza by Leonardo Da Vinci. It costs 1 milliard dollar.

Слайд 29 And now, we’ll play the game with Balloons

And now, we’ll play the game with Balloons about Comparative and

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives.
Short –
Large –

Tall –
Expensive –

Слайд 30 X. Conclusion
– I  see  that  you  have  understood

X. Conclusion– I  see  that  you  have  understood  the   new  material.

 the   new  material. And  now  let’s  conclude our  lesson.

These’s  your  mood at  the  lesson.

Слайд 31 You  have  to  choose  some  pictures  and  put

You  have  to  choose  some  pictures  and  put  them  under  these

 them  under  these  pictures.
– If  you  like  the  task

 best  of all you have  to put  it  these.
– If you like the task, but not best of all, you have to put it there.
– If you don’t like this task, you have to put it there.

Слайд 32 XI. Evalution
– And what about your marks?

XII. Home-Assignement

XI. Evalution– And what about your marks?XII. Home-AssignementYour home-task will be

home-task will be to find information about “Special people”.


up. The lesson is over. Good-bye!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-special-people-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 165
  • Количество скачиваний: 0