Слайд 7
Remember the words and translate the sentences with
to dawn on (upon) somebody – осенить The truth began
to dawn upon him despair – отчаяние He was filled with despair when he saw it. Princess - принцесса The little Princess was playing with her companions. to mock – насмехаться The naughty boys mocked at his ugliness. merely – просто I merely asked his name. to moan – стонать, moan - стон We were listening to the moan of the wind on a winter evening. to crawl – ползти wounded – раненый He crawled like some wounded thing into the shadow of the tree. to exaggerate - преувеличивать exaggeration – преувеличение You exaggerate the difficulties.
Слайд 8
Read the sentences to the given illustrations
Across 1. The main character of the story 4. To laugh at somebody 2. The flower in his hands 5. The feeling of joy 3. To repeat somebody`s actions 6. The way of showing something with one`s 4. An object in the mirror hands 2 1 4 3 5