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Презентация на тему по теме Экологические проблемы

The most urgent environmental problems of our time.There are so many environmental problems in the world that they do not fit into one large list. Some of them are global and some local.In the 21st century,
Ecological problems today The most urgent environmental problems of our time.There are so many environmental The main problems of the ecosystem of the globe can be identified:Air Forest cutting:Human economic activity has led to the fact that deforestation is Reduction of fresh water reserves:This process is closely related to the reduction The extermination of the fauna of the earth:Human life activity has a The problem of solid waste disposal: The problem of solid waste disposal
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The most urgent environmental problems of our time.

The most urgent environmental problems of our time.There are so many

are so many environmental problems in the world that

they do not fit into one large list. Some of them are global and some local.
In the 21st century, the issue of solving the most important environmental problems and preserving the earth's ecosystem for future generations became acute for all mankind.

Слайд 3 The main problems of the ecosystem of the

The main problems of the ecosystem of the globe can be

globe can be identified:
Air pollution of the earth :

all developed countries of the world air pollution emissions from industrial enterprises and exhaust gases of vehicles reaches a critical level. Although almost all enterprises are now equipped with the latest cleaning systems, this is not enough. The state of the earth's air basin is steadily deteriorating.

Слайд 4 Forest cutting:
Human economic activity has led to the

Forest cutting:Human economic activity has led to the fact that deforestation

fact that deforestation is carried out at a catastrophic

pace, and the restoration of the green array of the globe is extremely slow.
Depletion of fertile soil:

Due to massive deforestation and improper farming practices of the agricultural lands of the fertile soil layer has been steadily depleted. In addition, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides leads to poisoning of all life on earth.

Слайд 5 Reduction of fresh water reserves:
This process is closely

Reduction of fresh water reserves:This process is closely related to the

related to the reduction of forests and pollution of

the water basin by industrial waste. Even today in the basins of many rivers and lakes it is forbidden to swim, as the pollution of water exceeds all permissible limits. Lack of drinking water in the future threatens with environmental disaster.

Слайд 6 The extermination of the fauna of the earth:

The extermination of the fauna of the earth:Human life activity has

life activity has a special impact on the safety

of the fauna of the globe. So deforestation, pollution of reservoirs leads to the disappearance of many rare animals inhabiting our planet. Although there are quite a few reserves in the world where human activity is prohibited, the fauna of the earth is steadily decreasing. Poachers, who are ready to kill the last tiger in the Siberian taiga for profit, also apply their hand to this. And if this process does not stop our descendants of wild animals will know only from the pictures.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-teme-ekologicheskie-problemy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 167
  • Количество скачиваний: 0