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Презентация на тему по английскому языку День Земли

The Earth DayAPRIL 22
The Earth DayAPRIL 22 Why do you think it is important to celebrate the Earth Day? What do you think people can do to protect the environment? APRIL 22It is the day for people  to learn what they The first Earth Day celebration took place on April 22, 1970, a In December 1970, 7 months after the first Earth Day celebration, the The three R’s of the environment are: Reduce (generating less waste each What must we reduce? We must reduceUsing electricityUsing running water What can we reuse? We can reuseGlass bottles and tinsMetal tins What can we recycle? We can recycleAll kinds of paperAll kinds of plasticAll kinds of metal Remember these 3 R’s! What can we do to save the planet? Activities associated with helping the Earth often include planting trees, raising awareness petitionsignaturessamples community boardofficialsmuralRead and translate the wordshttp://vimeo.com/11237226 3,840 Minutes Saving a Local Park 1. Who started the campaign?2. What is the name of their campaign?3. 1. Write a petition2. Collect signatures for the campaign3. Present the petition What will you need if you want to start a campaign? Make Imagine that you want to organize a successful campaign. What can Homework Imagine you want to start a campaign to improve the ecological situation OUR GREEN RESOLUTIONS Be GREEN at home!Turn off the lights when you leave your room;Turn Be GREEN in the countryside!Don’t hurt animals and birds;Don’t damage birds’ nests;Feed Be GREEN at school!Ride your bicycle to school, a lot of cars Everyday is Earth Day,If it’ s not cold or wet or hotPitch We can only change the world by changing men.Wells
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Earth Day

The Earth DayAPRIL 22

Слайд 3 Why do you think it is important to

Why do you think it is important to celebrate the Earth Day?

celebrate the Earth Day?

Слайд 5 What do you think people
can do to

What do you think people can do to protect the environment?

the environment?

Слайд 6 APRIL 22
It is the day
for people to

APRIL 22It is the day for people to learn what they

learn what
they can do to save the Earth

Слайд 7 The first Earth Day celebration took place on

The first Earth Day celebration took place on April 22, 1970,

April 22, 1970, a date that many consider to

be the birth of the modern environmental movement. The purpose of Earth Day is to bring national attention to issues impacting the Earth and ways to help protect the environment so that future generations may also enjoy it.

Слайд 8 In December 1970, 7 months after the first

In December 1970, 7 months after the first Earth Day celebration,

Earth Day celebration, the U.S. Congress created the Environmental

Protection Agency to monitor and protect the environment.

In 1990 the holiday became international.

Слайд 9 The three R’s of the environment are: Reduce

The three R’s of the environment are: Reduce (generating less waste

(generating less waste each day); Reuse (using products multiple

times instead of discarding them); and Recycle (collecting products so they can be turned into news ones).

Слайд 10 What must we reduce? We must reduce

Using electricity

Using running

What must we reduce? We must reduceUsing electricityUsing running water


Слайд 11 What can we reuse? We can reuse

Glass bottles and

What can we reuse? We can reuseGlass bottles and tinsMetal tins


Metal tins

Слайд 12 What can we recycle? We can recycle

All kinds of

What can we recycle? We can recycleAll kinds of paperAll kinds of plasticAll kinds of metal


All kinds of plastic

All kinds of metal

Слайд 13 Remember these 3 R’s!

Remember these 3 R’s!

Слайд 14 What can we do to save the planet?

What can we do to save the planet?

Слайд 15 Activities associated with helping the Earth often include

Activities associated with helping the Earth often include planting trees, raising

planting trees,
raising awareness about recycling, volunteering for green

projects, and reducing the amount
of energy people consume.

Слайд 16 petition
community board

Read and translate the words

petitionsignaturessamples community boardofficialsmuralRead and translate the wordshttp://vimeo.com/11237226 3,840 Minutes Saving a Local Park

Minutes Saving a Local Park

Слайд 17 1. Who started the campaign?
2. What is the

1. Who started the campaign?2. What is the name of their

name of their campaign?
3. What do they want to

do with the ball fields?

3,840 Minutes Saving a Local Park

Слайд 18 1. Write a petition
2. Collect signatures for the

1. Write a petition2. Collect signatures for the campaign3. Present the

3. Present the petition to the local community board

Plant trees and flowers
5. Write an article to the local newspaper
6. Collect and study samples of soil
7. Research health and environmental conditions in their community
8. Meet with the local officials
9. Paint benches
10. Do a mural on the outside of a bathroom building

Watch the film again. Use The Present Perfect to say what the group has done and what it hasn't done yet.
e.g. Find volunteers
They have found volunteers.

Слайд 19 What will you need if you want to

What will you need if you want to start a campaign?

start a campaign? Make sentences.

 If we want
to clean a

polluted area
to plant flowers
to lay out a park
to paint benches
 we'll need
trash bags
dump trucks
flower seeds
young trees
permission from local officials

Слайд 20 Imagine that you want to organize a

Imagine that you want to organize a successful campaign. What

successful campaign. What can you do to let as

many people as possible learn about your campaign? Match parts of the sentences.
We can
tell about the campaign to
put an article about the campaign in
make a presentation in
write letters about your campaign to
talk about the campaign on

a local newspaper
a special website about the campaign
your friends and neighbours
the radio or on TV
your class or school
popular ecological organizations

Слайд 21 Homework
Imagine you want to start a campaign to

Homework Imagine you want to start a campaign to improve the ecological

improve the ecological situation in your town.
1. Choose an

aim of your campaign (e.g. to plant trees in a local park)
2. Think of a name for your campaign.
3. Decide what you need for your campaign.
4. Think what you can do to make the campaign popular.
5. Make an action plan for your campaign and present it to the class.



Слайд 23 Be GREEN at home!

Turn off the lights when

Be GREEN at home!Turn off the lights when you leave your

you leave your room;
Turn off the monitor when you’re

not using computer;
Always think about how much energy you use;
Close the faucet when you don`t need it;
Take showers instead of baths;
Use the dishwasher and washing machine only when fully loaded;
Use paper, not plastic

Слайд 24 Be GREEN in the countryside!
Don’t hurt animals and

Be GREEN in the countryside!Don’t hurt animals and birds;Don’t damage birds’

Don’t damage birds’ nests;
Feed animals and birds in winter;

cut down baby trees;
Don`t paint on trees;
Don’t throw rubbish into the rivers;
Don’t leave litter after your picnics;
Never forget that you are the admire, not the aggressor;
Don`t leave fire.

Do you like it?

Слайд 25 Be GREEN at school!
Ride your bicycle to school,

Be GREEN at school!Ride your bicycle to school, a lot of

a lot of cars pollute the air;
Use both

parts of the paper for writing or drawing something;
Turn off the lights and computers when you leave school;
Organize the ecological school groups.

Слайд 26 Everyday is Earth Day,
If it’ s not cold

Everyday is Earth Day,If it’ s not cold or wet or

or wet or hot
Pitch in to save the planet

the only one we’ve got.
-Author Unknown

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-den-zemli.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 147
  • Количество скачиваний: 2