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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Праздник североамериканских индейцев пау-вау. (часть I).

Every year the colours and musical rhythms of Native American culture come alive at pow-wows all over America.
Презентация по теме «Праздник североамериканских индейцев» Выполнила учитель иностранных языков Лысикова И.С.часть IЖердевка 2019МБОУ «Жердевская СОШ» Every year the colours and musical rhythms of Native American culture come The Albuquerque Pow-Wow in New Mexico is Noth America’s biggest and most Indian leaders are strong and proud people. More than 3,000 dancers represent over 500 different Indian tribes from the The event always begins with the Grand Entry of Dancers. The dancers enter the arena group by group from all four entrances. Soon the arena explodes with colour, sound and movement. At the end of the event there are prizes for the best dancers. Indian women’s dancing Indian musical instruments Children make fun! They are very happy! Elder people take part in the competitions too. Miss Indian World Список источников иллюстраций:   1. Индеец с флейтой. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7c/54/7c/7c547ced478116a1107a593abb96598a.jpg2. Индейцы с 10. Женские танцы. https://blog.trekaroo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Things-to-do-in-Washington-by-Flickr-SeaTurtle.jpg://i.pinimg.com/originals/8f/ea/fa/8feafa3eacb06b399a71ea0f9447d6de.jpg11. Музыкальные инструменты индейцев. https://news.rambler.ru/img/2018/01/26161135.194914.1145.jpeg/http://s4.fotokto.ru/photo/full/578/5787488.jpg   12. Забавы
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Every year the colours and musical rhythms of

Every year the colours and musical rhythms of Native American culture

Native American culture come alive at pow-wows all over


Слайд 3 The Albuquerque Pow-Wow in New Mexico is Noth

The Albuquerque Pow-Wow in New Mexico is Noth America’s biggest and

America’s biggest and most spectacular celebration of the Indian

way of life.

Слайд 4 Indian leaders are strong and proud people.

Indian leaders are strong and proud people.

Слайд 5 More than 3,000 dancers represent over 500 different

More than 3,000 dancers represent over 500 different Indian tribes from

Indian tribes from the USA and Canada at the


Слайд 6 The event always begins with the Grand Entry

The event always begins with the Grand Entry of Dancers.

of Dancers.

Слайд 7 The dancers enter the arena group by group

The dancers enter the arena group by group from all four entrances.

from all four entrances.

Слайд 8 Soon the arena explodes with colour, sound and

Soon the arena explodes with colour, sound and movement.


Слайд 9 At the end of the event there are

At the end of the event there are prizes for the best dancers.

prizes for the best dancers.

Слайд 10 Indian women’s dancing

Indian women’s dancing

Слайд 11 Indian musical instruments

Indian musical instruments

Слайд 12 Children make fun!

Children make fun!

Слайд 13 They are very happy!

They are very happy!

Слайд 14 Elder people take part in the competitions too.

Elder people take part in the competitions too.

Слайд 15 Miss Indian World

Miss Indian World

Слайд 16 Список источников иллюстраций:
1. Индеец с

Список источников иллюстраций:  1. Индеец с флейтой. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7c/54/7c/7c547ced478116a1107a593abb96598a.jpg2. Индейцы с

флейтой. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7c/54/7c/7c547ced478116a1107a593abb96598a.jpg
2. Индейцы с флагами. http://fact.international/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/First-Nations-in-Canada-and-United-States-Sign-Historic-Treaty-Opposing-Pipelines.jpg
3. Индейцы США. https://d371bzke8qmfhi.cloudfront.net/s3fs-public/styles/explore_hero/public/powwow00101.1.jpg?itok=yJlE4W1u

4. Вожди. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/ac/fc/2bacfcc875aa33a535c4f5a327a6f754.jpg /https://i3.imageban.ru/out/2017/12/16/1c3f9da0cf93ac957ce0eafda5bdcdf2.jpg
5. Перед выходом на арену.
6. Выход в круг. https://dic.academic.ru/pictures/wiki/files/71/Grand_Entry_Omaha.jpg
7. На арене. http://mtdata.ru/u30/photoF31D/20433197646-0/original.jpg
8. Танцы. http://cn1.nevsedoma.com.ua/images/2011/79/4/05430000.jpg1/https://i.pinimg.com/736x/33/79/fa/3379fa9b9738e1ebed45027e751ffde9--american-pie-real-
9. Танцы. https://www.tribality.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/mens-grass-dance.jpg

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-prazdnik-severoamerikanskih-indeytsev-pau-vau-chast-i.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 266
  • Количество скачиваний: 3