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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Знатоки английского языка (6 класс)

You must write words in the alphabetical order.
FUNNY STARTS You must write words in the alphabetical order. Cinema, English, football, hello, listen, look, mother, read, sandwich, sing, speak, theatre, video, write, zoo Who is better with figures? Шифровальщик. I read the text twice; you must listen and draw Play «Food - dominoes» Find the odd one out1. peach, pear, chicken, apple, banana2. tail, 2. Find the odd one out1. peach, pear, chicken, apple, banana2. Вопросы для капитанов Make up a word *Crossword “Fruits “ Banana – [bə'nænə] – (бэ'нэна) – бананApple – Unscramble the names  of the animals Answer, please!What new games do you know now? Did you like our competition? What is it? Thanks for playing!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 You must write words in the alphabetical

You must write words in the alphabetical order.


Слайд 3 Cinema, English, football, hello, listen, look, mother, read,

Cinema, English, football, hello, listen, look, mother, read, sandwich, sing, speak, theatre, video, write, zoo

sandwich, sing, speak, theatre, video, write, zoo

Слайд 5 Who is better with figures?

Who is better with figures?

Слайд 6 Шифровальщик. I read the text twice; you must

Шифровальщик. I read the text twice; you must listen and

listen and draw pictures on the text.

This is a yard.
There is a small house in the yard.
The house has six windows and one door.
There are two green apple trees in the yard.
There is a black dog under the tree.

Слайд 7 Play «Food - dominoes»

Play «Food - dominoes»

Слайд 8 Find the odd one out

1. peach, pear,

Find the odd one out1. peach, pear, chicken, apple, banana2.

chicken, apple, banana
2. tail, cat, mouse, dog, rabbit
3. bird,

airplane, kite, helicopter, bus
4. red, sun, green, purple, brown
5. cold, warm, dry, sky, cloudy

Слайд 9 2. Find the odd one out

1. peach,

2. Find the odd one out1. peach, pear, chicken, apple,

pear, chicken, apple, banana
2. tail, cat, mouse, dog, rabbit

bird, airplane, kite, helicopter, bus
4. red, sun, green, purple, brown
5. cold, warm, dry, sky, cloudy

Слайд 10 Вопросы

Вопросы для капитанов

Слайд 11 Make up a word

Make up a word

Слайд 15 *Crossword “Fruits “
Banana – [bə'nænə] –

*Crossword “Fruits “ Banana – [bə'nænə] – (бэ'нэна) – бананApple

(бэ'нэна) – банан
Apple – ['æpl] – (эпл) – яблоко

– [’melən] – ('мэлэн) – дыня
Grapes – [ˈɡreɪps] – ('грейпс) – виноград
Coconut ['kəukənʌt]- кокос
Pear – [pɛə] – ('пэа) – груша
Lemon – ['lemən] – ('лемн) – лимон 
Orange – ['ɔrindʒ] – ('орандж) – апельсин
Plum – [ˈplʌm] – (плам) – слива

Pea [piː] – горох
Cucumber ['kjuːkʌmbə] ('кьюкамба) огурец
Carrot ['kærət] ('кэрот) морковь
Cabbage ['kæbɪʤ] (‘кэбидж) капуста
Pumpkin ['pʌmpkɪn] ('пампкин) тыква
Potato [pə'teɪtəu] (по'тейтоу) картофель
Tomato [tə'meɪtəu] (то'мейтоу) помидор
Garlic. ['gaːlik] - Чеснок
Onion ['ɔnjən] ('оньон) лук

Слайд 16 Unscramble the names of the animals

Unscramble the names of the animals

Слайд 17 Answer, please!

What new games do you know now?

Answer, please!What new games do you know now? Did you like our competition?

Did you like our competition?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-znatoki-angliyskogo-yazyka-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 176
  • Количество скачиваний: 0