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Презентация на тему Classification of English speech sounds

Outline1. Classification of speech sounds 2. Classification of English vowels3. Classification of English consonants
Lecture 4  Classification of English speech sounds Outline1. Classification of speech sounds 2. Classification of English vowels3. Classification of English consonants Classification of Speech Sounds20 vowel phonemes24 consonant phonemessonority (n.), sonorous (adj.)affricates [C, The System of Vowels1. the stability of articulationMonophthongs (simple vowels)  /V/, The System of Vowelsa nucleusa glidea vowel +й [j]й [j] + a vowel The System of Vowels2. the position of the tonguea). horizontal movement of The System of VowelskRt – back b). vertical movement of the tongue The System of Vowels3. quantitative principle (duration or length)4. the position of The English Consonants1. manner of noise production and the type of obstructionconstrictive The English Consonants2. Active organ of speech,     the ForelingualPosition of the tonguedorsal /т/,/д/,/с/,/н/,/ч/,/ц/apical /s/, /z/, /t/, /d/, /C/, /G/, /S/, 3. the work of the vocal cords D. Jones’ Classificationaccording to the organs which articulate bilabial /m/, /p/, /b/, 2. according to the manner in which the speech organs articulateplosives [p,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Outline
1. Classification of speech sounds
2. Classification of

Outline1. Classification of speech sounds 2. Classification of English vowels3. Classification of English consonants

English vowels
3. Classification of English consonants

Слайд 3 Classification of Speech Sounds
20 vowel phonemes
24 consonant phonemes

Classification of Speech Sounds20 vowel phonemes24 consonant phonemessonority (n.), sonorous (adj.)affricates

(n.), sonorous (adj.)
affricates [C, G]
plosives [p, b, d, t,

k, g]

Слайд 4 The System of Vowels
1. the stability of articulation

The System of Vowels1. the stability of articulationMonophthongs (simple vowels) /V/,

(simple vowels)
/V/, /I/, /e/, /x/, /R/, /P/,

/L/, /V/, /A/, /W/
Diphthongs (complex vowels)
/eI/, /aI/, /OI/, /aV/, /EV/, /Iq/, /Fq/, /Vq/
Diphthongoids (diphthongized vowels)
/J/, /H/

Слайд 5 The System of Vowels
a nucleus
a glide
a vowel +й

The System of Vowelsa nucleusa glidea vowel +й [j]й [j] + a vowel

й [j] + a vowel

Слайд 6 The System of Vowels

2. the position of the

The System of Vowels2. the position of the tonguea). horizontal movement

a). horizontal movement of the tongue
Fully front /J/, /e/,

Front-retracted /I/
Central (mixed)/W/, /q/, /A/
Fully back /R/, /P/, /L/, /H/
Back-advanced /V/

Слайд 7 The System of Vowels
kRt – back

The System of VowelskRt – back


– front-retracted
kAt – central SJp - front

Слайд 8 b). vertical movement of the tongue

b). vertical movement of the tongue

Слайд 9 The System of Vowels
3. quantitative principle (duration or

The System of Vowels3. quantitative principle (duration or length)4. the position

4. the position of the lips
rounded (labialized)

[P, L,H, V]
unrounded (non-labialized)
[J, I, e, W, q, A, x, R]
5. the degree of muscular tension

Слайд 10 The English Consonants

1. manner of noise production and

The English Consonants1. manner of noise production and the type of

the type of obstruction
constrictive /s/, /z/, /S/, /Z/, /T/,

/D/, /h/, /w/, /r/, /l/, /j/
occlusive /p/, /b/, /k/, /g/, /t/, /d/, /m/, /n/, /N/
occlusive-constrictive (affricates) /C/, /G/
trilled or rolled /r/

Слайд 11 The English Consonants
2. Active organ of speech,

The English Consonants2. Active organ of speech,   the place

the place of articulation

bilabial /m/, /p/, /b/, /w/
labio-dental /f/, /v/
forelingual /s/, /z/, /t/, /d/, /r/, /C/, /G/, /S/, /Z/, /T/, /D/, /n/, /l/ /
mediolingual /j/, /N/
backlingual (velar) /k/, /g/

Слайд 12 Forelingual
Position of the tongue
dorsal /т/,/д/,/с/,/н/,/ч/,/ц/
apical /s/, /z/, /t/,

ForelingualPosition of the tonguedorsal /т/,/д/,/с/,/н/,/ч/,/ц/apical /s/, /z/, /t/, /d/, /C/, /G/,

/d/, /C/, /G/, /S/, /Z/,/n/, /l//
cacuminal Br./r/; retroflex(ed)

(sub-apical) Am. /r/

Place of Obstruction
interdental Am./T/, /D/
dental Br. /T/, /D/
Russ. /т/,/д/,/с/,/з/
alveolar /s/, /z/, /t/, /d/, /n/, /l//
post-alveolar /r/
palato-alveolar /C/, /G/, /S/, /Z/

Слайд 13

3. the work of the vocal cords

3. the work of the vocal cords    voiced

voiced – voiceless

4. the soft palate
nasal - oral

Слайд 14 D. Jones’ Classification
according to the organs which articulate

D. Jones’ Classificationaccording to the organs which articulate bilabial /m/, /p/,

bilabial /m/, /p/, /b/, /w/
labio-dental /f/, /v/
dental /θ/, /D/

/s/, /z/, /t/, /d/, /l/, /n/
post-alveolar /r/
palato-alveolar /C/, /G/, /S/, /Z/
palatal /j/
velar /k/, /g/, /N/
glottal /h/

  • Имя файла: classification-of-english-speech-sounds.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 162
  • Количество скачиваний: 1