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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Англия

EnglandEngland - the most major historical and administrative part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The population of England is 84% of the total UK population.Capital: LondonCurrency: Pound SterlingPopulation: 55.04 Million (2016)
ENGLAND and it`s attractions EnglandEngland - the most major historical and administrative part of the United God Save the Queen (UK) (оригинал, гимн Великобритании, Англии)

God save our gracious Queen,Long Боже, храни Королеву! (перевод )
Да здравствует наша величественная Королева!Боже, храни Королеву!Ниспошли ей победоносного,Счастливого, славногоИ Westminster PalaceWestminster Palace - building on the banks of the Thames in Big BenBig Ben - the name of the largest of the six British Museum British Museum - the main historical and archaeological museum of Windsor CastleWindsor Castle - the residence of the British monarch in Windsor, Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace - the official London residence of British monarchs. Located St. James ParkSt. James Park - a royal park in Westminster, budding Westminster AbbeyCollegiate Church of St. Peter in Westminster, almost always referred to Hyde Park Hyde Park - royal park of 1.4 square kilometers in Tower bridgeTower bridge - a drawbridge in the center of London on Salisbury CathedralSalisbury Cathedral - Gothic cathedral of the Virgin Mary in the Regent's ParkRegent's Park - one of the main royal parks in London, Madame Tussauds in LondonMadame Tussauds in London is the largest and most York MinsterYork Minster - Gothic cathedral in the English city of York, Dover CastleDover Castle - one of the largest in area of English Windermere Windermere - England Lake in the county of Cumbria. Located in Thank you for the attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 England
England - the most major historical and administrative

EnglandEngland - the most major historical and administrative part of the

part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland. The population of England is 84% of the total UK population.
Capital: London
Currency: Pound Sterling
Population: 55.04 Million (2016)

Слайд 3 God Save the Queen (UK) (оригинал, гимн Великобритании, Англии)

God Save the Queen (UK) (оригинал, гимн Великобритании, Англии)

God save our gracious

save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save

the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen!

O lord God arise,
Scatter our enemies,
And make them fall!
Confound their knavish tricks,
Confuse their politics,
On you our hopes we fix,
God save the Queen!

Not in this land alone,
But be God's mercies known,
From shore to shore!
Lord make the nations see,
That men should brothers be,
And form one family,
The wide world ov'er

From every latent foe,
From the assasins blow,
God save the Queen!
O'er her thine arm extend,
For Britain's sake defend,
Our mother, prince, and friend,
God save the Queen!

Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour,
Long may she reign!
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause,
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!

Слайд 4 Боже, храни Королеву! (перевод )

Да здравствует наша величественная Королева!

Боже, храни

Боже, храни Королеву! (перевод )
Да здравствует наша величественная Королева!Боже, храни Королеву!Ниспошли ей победоносного,Счастливого,

Ниспошли ей победоносного,
Счастливого, славного
И долгого правления нами!
Боже, храни Королеву!

О, Господь Бог, восстань
И разгони наших врагов,
Приведи их к погибели,
Разрушь их гнусные затеи,
Запутай их политические интриги!
Мы возлагаем на тебя все надежды!
Боже, храни Королеву!

О, Господь Бог, восстань
И разгони наших врагов,
Приведи их к погибели,
Разрушь их гнусные затеи,
Запутай их политические интриги!
Мы возлагаем на тебя все надежды!
Боже, храни Королеву!

Не только на этой земле,
Но славься милостью Божьей
От края земли до края!
Боже, пусть все нации поймут,
Что люди должны быть братьями
И жить, как одна большая семья
Во всём мире!

От тайных врагов,
От удара убийцы,
Боже, храни Королеву!
Протяни руки над её троном,
Защити, во имя Британии
Нашу мать, суверена и друга!
Боже, храни Королеву!
Изысканнейшие подарки ждут,
Чтобы, осыпав её, вызвать радость!
Пусть долго длится её правление!
Пусть она защищает наши законы
И даёт нам повод
Петь от души и во весь голос:
Боже, храни Королеву!

Слайд 5 Westminster Palace
Westminster Palace - building on the banks

Westminster PalaceWestminster Palace - building on the banks of the Thames

of the Thames in the London borough of Westminster,

where the meeting of the British Parliament. It connects to Trafalgar Square, Whitehall. Architectural style - Gothic Revival.

Слайд 6 Big Ben
Big Ben - the name of the

Big BenBig Ben - the name of the largest of the

largest of the six bells of Westminster Palace in

London, it is often mistakenly attributed to the name of the clock and the clock tower as a whole. At the time of the casting of Big Ben was the largest and heaviest bell of the United Kingdom.
Opening: 1859
Height: 96 m
Architectural style: Neo-gothic
Purpose: The Clock Tower

Слайд 7 British Museum
British Museum - the main historical

British Museum British Museum - the main historical and archaeological museum

and archaeological museum of the British Empire and one

of the largest museums in the world, the second most visited among art museums, after the Louvre.
Founded: 1753
Architectural style: Greek Revival

Слайд 8 Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle - the residence of the

Windsor CastleWindsor Castle - the residence of the British monarch in

British monarch in Windsor, Berkshire, England. For over 900

years, the castle is a firm symbol of the monarchy, on a hill overlooking the valley of the River Thames.
Purpose: The Palace
Architectural styles: Victorian architecture, Georgian architecture, Gothic architecture

Слайд 9 Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace - the official London residence

Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace - the official London residence of British monarchs.

of British monarchs. Located opposite the Pall Mall and

Green Park with white marble and gilded monument to Queen Victoria.
Opening: 1703
Area: 77 000 m²
Purpose: The Palace
Height: 24 m
Architectural style: neo-classical architecture

Слайд 10 St. James Park
St. James Park - a royal

St. James ParkSt. James Park - a royal park in Westminster,

park in Westminster, budding "green zone" in central London

which stretches from here to the west through Green Park and Hyde Park to Kensington Gardens.
Area: 23 hectares

Слайд 11 Westminster Abbey
Collegiate Church of St. Peter in Westminster,

Westminster AbbeyCollegiate Church of St. Peter in Westminster, almost always referred

almost always referred to Westminster Abbey - a Gothic

church in Westminster.
Opening: 1090
Area: 2972 m²
Architectural style: Gothic architecture
Height: 69 m

Слайд 12 Hyde Park
Hyde Park - royal park of

Hyde Park Hyde Park - royal park of 1.4 square kilometers

1.4 square kilometers in the center of London. From

west to adjoin Kensington Gardens. The traditional place of political rallies, festivals and celebrations.
Area: 142 hectares
Founded: 1637

Слайд 13 Tower bridge
Tower bridge - a drawbridge in the

Tower bridgeTower bridge - a drawbridge in the center of London

center of London on the River Thames near the

Tower of London. Sometimes confused with London Bridge, located upstream.It opened in 1894. It is also one of the symbols of London and Britain. Opening: June 30, 1894 Start of construction: April 22, 1886 Height: 65 m

Слайд 14 Salisbury Cathedral
Salisbury Cathedral - Gothic cathedral of the

Salisbury CathedralSalisbury Cathedral - Gothic cathedral of the Virgin Mary in

Virgin Mary in the English city of Salisbury, which

is being erected in its main parts in just 38 years, is considered the purest example of English Gothic.
Opening: 1320
Start of construction: 1220
Height: 123 m

Слайд 15 Regent's Park
Regent's Park - one of the main

Regent's ParkRegent's Park - one of the main royal parks in

royal parks in London, spread over an area of

188 hectares on the border between Westminster and Camden. In the old hunting grounds he belonged to Henry VIII.
Area: 166 hectares
Founded: 1814

Слайд 16 Madame Tussauds in London
Madame Tussauds in London is

Madame Tussauds in LondonMadame Tussauds in London is the largest and

the largest and most famous museum in the world

of wax figures, the main part of the exhibition is located in the capital of Great Britain (Marylebone).
As of today, the London museum has more than a thousand wax pieces from different eras.

Слайд 17 York Minster
York Minster - Gothic cathedral in the

York MinsterYork Minster - Gothic cathedral in the English city of

English city of York, who contested from the Cologne

Cathedral the title of the largest medieval church on the north of Europe.
Opening: 637 AD. e.
Height: 61 m
Architectural styles: English Gothic architecture, Perpendicular style

Слайд 18 Dover Castle
Dover Castle - one of the largest

Dover CastleDover Castle - one of the largest in area of

in area of English castles. Located in Dover, Kent,

on the shore of the Strait of Pas-de-Calais between the UK and France.
Opening: 1200
Purpose: Castle

Слайд 19 Windermere
Windermere - England Lake in the county

Windermere Windermere - England Lake in the county of Cumbria. Located

of Cumbria. Located in the Cumberland Mountains, National Park

Lake District.
Length: 18.08 km
Area: 14.73 km²
The height of the surface above sea level: 39 m
Width: 1.49 km

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