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Презентация на тему Emotions as a Result к уроку на тему Мой жизненный опыт (8 класс)

The girl is happy. Why? (get a “5”)She has got a “5”!
The Present Perfect to show ResultPeople feel bored, sad or happy as The girl is happy. Why? (get a “5”)She has got a “5”! The children are scared. Why?  (see a monster)They have seen a monster The boy is crying. Why? (lose his toy car)He’s lost his toy car. The boy is upset. Why? (fail his test)He has failed his test The girl is surprised. Why? (see an elephant)She has seen an elephant! The girl is sad. Why?  (her mum …go to work)Her mumhas gone to work. The girl is crying. Why?  (hurt her finger)She has hurt her finger. The boy is disgusted. Why?  (eat something bad)He has eaten something bad. The boy is happy. Why? (find his dog)He has found his dog!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The girl is happy. Why? (get a “5”)

The girl is happy. Why? (get a “5”)She has got a “5”!

has got a “5”!

Слайд 3 The children are scared. Why? (see a monster)

The children are scared. Why? (see a monster)They have seen a monster

have seen a monster

Слайд 4 The boy is crying. Why? (lose his toy

The boy is crying. Why? (lose his toy car)He’s lost his toy car.

He’s lost his toy car.

Слайд 5 The boy is upset. Why? (fail his test)


The boy is upset. Why? (fail his test)He has failed his test

has failed
his test

Слайд 6 The girl is surprised. Why? (see an elephant)

The girl is surprised. Why? (see an elephant)She has seen an elephant!

has seen an elephant!

Слайд 7 The girl is sad. Why? (her mum …go

The girl is sad. Why? (her mum …go to work)Her mumhas gone to work.

to work)
Her mum
has gone
to work.

Слайд 8 The girl is crying. Why? (hurt her finger)

The girl is crying. Why? (hurt her finger)She has hurt her finger.

has hurt her finger.

Слайд 9 The boy is disgusted. Why? (eat something bad)

The boy is disgusted. Why? (eat something bad)He has eaten something bad.

has eaten something bad.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-emotions-as-a-result-k-uroku-na-temu-moy-zhiznennyy-opyt-8-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0