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Презентация на тему I want to be an astronaut

Phonetic drillA pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed.
The 6th of May. Wednesday     I want Phonetic drillA pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where Checking up homework Warm up Divide into groups Видео космос 543 To be-болуSpace-ғарышPlanet-планетаEarth- жерAn astronaut –ғарышкерteacher-мұғалімdoctor-дәрігерbuilder-құрылысшыfisherman-балық аулаушыnurse-медбикеdirector-директорsecretary-хатшыsinger-әншіlawyer-заңгерdentist- тіс дәрігері Who is the first astronaut in Russia?Who is the first astronaut in Ex. 3ReadingTranslatingDrawing Cardinal and ordinal numbers1 – first Match the numbers with names of monthsThe first Бағалау Homework Ex. 8 p.174     Composition “I’d like to Good bye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Phonetic drill
A pleasant place to place a plaice

Phonetic drillA pleasant place to place a plaice is a place

is a place where a plaice is pleased to

be placed.

Слайд 3 Checking up homework

Checking up homework

Слайд 4 Warm up

Warm up

Слайд 5 Divide into groups

Divide into groups       1st group



2nd group

3rd group

Слайд 6 Видео космос

Видео космос

Слайд 8 To be-болу
Earth- жер
An astronaut –ғарышкер
fisherman-балық аулаушы
dentist- тіс дәрігері

To be-болуSpace-ғарышPlanet-планетаEarth- жерAn astronaut –ғарышкерteacher-мұғалімdoctor-дәрігерbuilder-құрылысшыfisherman-балық аулаушыnurse-медбикеdirector-директорsecretary-хатшыsinger-әншіlawyer-заңгерdentist- тіс дәрігері

Слайд 9 Who is the first astronaut in Russia?
Who is

Who is the first astronaut in Russia?Who is the first astronaut

the first astronaut in Kazakhstan?
Who is the first astronaut

in the USA?

Слайд 10

The first

The first astronaut
in Russia is
Yuri Gagarin

The first astronaut
in Kazakhstan is
Tokhtar Aubakirov

The first astronaut
in the USA is
John Glenn

Слайд 11
Ex. 3

Ex. 3ReadingTranslatingDrawing

Слайд 12 Cardinal and ordinal numbers
1 – first

Cardinal and ordinal numbers1 – first

7 – seventh
2 – second 8 - eighth
3 – third 9 - ninth
4 – fourth 10 - tenth
5 – fifth 11 - eleventh
6 – sixth 12 - twelfth

Слайд 13 Match the numbers with names of months

The first

Match the numbers with names of monthsThe first

The second October
The third December
The fourth July
The fifth January
The sixth September
The seventh November
The eighth March
The ninth June
The tenth August
The eleventh April
The twelfth May

Слайд 14 Бағалау


Слайд 15
Homework Ex. 8 p.174

Homework Ex. 8 p.174   Composition “I’d like to visit

“I’d like to visit the Moon”

“I want to be an astronaut”

  • Имя файла: i-want-to-be-an-astronaut.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 159
  • Количество скачиваний: 0