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Презентация на тему по английскому языку The USA

1) 13% of Americans believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth
12 FASCINATING FACTS YOU NEVER LEARNED ABOUT THE USA 1) 13% of Americans believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth 2) Its flag was designed by a high school student, Robert 3) One out of every seven Americans has more than 10 credit cards 4) The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of 5) Fist TV appeared in New York Сity in 1936 6) Apple has more money than the U.S. Treasury. 7)	Although English is the most commonly spoken language in the United States, 8) GPS is wholly controlled by the USA and can be ‘switched off’ at any time. 9)	During prohibition the government started poisoning beer, which led to thousands of deaths. 10)	The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper 11)	The first person to own a slave in America was a black man. 12)	100 acres of pizza are served in the US every day. Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 1) 13% of Americans believe that the Sun

1) 13% of Americans believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth

revolves around the Earth

Слайд 3 2) Its flag was designed by a

2) Its flag was designed by a high school student,

high school student, Robert G. Heft. Heft initially created

the American flag in 1958 as the school project during his junior year in high school. Heft scored a B- in his project but was promised by his teacher, that his grade would be reconsidered if the United States Congress was to accept the design for the flag. Heft's design was not only chosen but also adopted by the 1959 presidential proclamation.

Слайд 4 3) One out of every seven Americans has

3) One out of every seven Americans has more than 10 credit cards

more than 10 credit cards

Слайд 5 4) The Statue of Liberty was a gift

4) The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people

from the people of France to the people of

the United States in 1884

Слайд 6 5) Fist TV appeared in New York Сity

5) Fist TV appeared in New York Сity in 1936

in 1936

Слайд 7 6) Apple has more money than the U.S.

6) Apple has more money than the U.S. Treasury.


Слайд 8 7) Although English is the most commonly spoken language

7)	Although English is the most commonly spoken language in the United

in the United States, no official national language exists.

Слайд 9 8) GPS is wholly controlled by the USA

8) GPS is wholly controlled by the USA and can be ‘switched off’ at any time.

and can be ‘switched off’ at any time.

Слайд 10 9) During prohibition the government started poisoning beer, which

9)	During prohibition the government started poisoning beer, which led to thousands of deaths.

led to thousands of deaths.

Слайд 11 10) The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp

10)	The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper


Слайд 12 11) The first person to own a slave in

11)	The first person to own a slave in America was a black man.

America was a black man.

Слайд 13 12) 100 acres of pizza are served in the

12)	100 acres of pizza are served in the US every day.

US every day.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-the-usa.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0