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Презентация на тему к статье Изменения в бурятском национальном костюме (от древних времен до современности на английском языке)

GUTULsThe Respectful relation to the earth has been cultivating since the childhood: adults said to children that it was impossible to scratch the ground with a sharp object. Even socks of the Buryat boots – “gutuls”
FROM ANCIENT TIMES TO PRESENT TRANSFORMATION OF THE BURYAT NATIONAL DRESS: GUTULsThe Respectful relation to the earth has been cultivating since the childhood: The Buryats adopted new types of clothes and footwear from the Russians: At the time of the Soviet Union a traditional Buryat Sayana Shukhertueva Dashi Namdakov Dashi Namdakov`s exhibition of graphics and sculpture which took place in Irkutsk As well as in ancient times, a dress continues to reflect the Thank you for your attention!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 GUTULs
The Respectful relation to the earth has been

GUTULsThe Respectful relation to the earth has been cultivating since the

cultivating since the childhood: adults said to children that

it was impossible to scratch the ground with a sharp object. Even socks of the Buryat boots – “gutuls” were inflexed not to stumble and not to offend the ground.

Слайд 6 The Buryats adopted new types of clothes and

The Buryats adopted new types of clothes and footwear from the

footwear from the Russians: jackets, coats, skirts, hats, boots,

even “valenki”.

Слайд 9 At the time of the Soviet

At the time of the Soviet Union a traditional Buryat

Union a traditional Buryat dress practically stopped to exist.

Everywhere during this period the clothes of the Soviet manufacturing were widely spread. Almost all the soviet people wore the same clothes.

Слайд 13 Sayana Shukhertueva

Sayana Shukhertueva

Слайд 16 Dashi Namdakov

Dashi Namdakov

Слайд 17 Dashi Namdakov`s exhibition of graphics and sculpture which

Dashi Namdakov`s exhibition of graphics and sculpture which took place in

took place in Irkutsk in 2008 was opening with

the accompaniment of the traditional musical instruments, and the musicians were dressed in the traditional Buryat dresses.

Слайд 23 As well as in ancient times, a dress

As well as in ancient times, a dress continues to reflect

continues to reflect the processes happening in the society,

and we can see that the modern Buryat dress is not isolated cultural phenomenon, but it`s one of the elements of the Buryat national culture.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-state-izmeneniya-v-buryatskom-natsionalnom-kostyume-ot-drevnih-vremen-do-sovremennosti-na-angliyskom-yazyke.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
  • Количество скачиваний: 1