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Презентация на тему How is the weather in...?

Phonetic drill
Organization momentҰйымдастыру кезеңі Phonetic drill Phonetic drillWeather Wear [weә]Warm [wͻ:m]water [wͻ:tә] tonguetwistter Checking-up homeworkClothes Brainstorming. New words+Y= cloudy Very cloudy The 23rd of February How is the weather in…? Present ContinuousThe 5th “b” sunny rainy windy windyVery windy Fog very foggy hotVery hot Frosty How is the weather in….?..It is sunny in  ____. Үлгілік фраза-How is the weather in London?-It is rainy today Сергіту сәті Tell the rule of Present Continuous Дәл сөйлеп тұрған уақытта болып жатқан созылыңқы іс-әрекет Revision of the verb  to be +S to be Ving now+S to be not Ving now+ To be TodayI am wearing    You are wearing   She conclusion Evaluation543 The lesson is overGood bye! How is the weather in……..?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Phonetic drill

Phonetic drill

Слайд 4 Phonetic drill
Wear [weә]
Warm [wͻ:m]
water [wͻ:tә]

Phonetic drillWeather Wear [weә]Warm [wͻ:m]water [wͻ:tә]

Слайд 5 tonguetwistter


Слайд 6 Checking-up homework


Checking-up homeworkClothes

Слайд 7 Brainstorming


Слайд 8 New words
+Y= cloudy

New words+Y= cloudy

Слайд 9 Very cloudy

Very cloudy

Слайд 10 The 23rd of February How is the weather in…? Present

The 23rd of February How is the weather in…? Present ContinuousThe 5th “b”


The 5th “b”

Слайд 17 windy
Very windy

windyVery windy

Слайд 21 very foggy

very foggy

Слайд 22 hot
Very hot

hotVery hot

Слайд 24 Frosty


Слайд 25 How is the weather in….?

It is sunny

How is the weather in….?..It is sunny in ____.


Слайд 26 Үлгілік фраза
-How is the weather in London?
-It is

Үлгілік фраза-How is the weather in London?-It is rainy today

rainy today

Слайд 27 Сергіту сәті

Сергіту сәті

Слайд 28

Tell the rule of Present Continuous

Tell the rule of Present Continuous

Слайд 29

Дәл сөйлеп тұрған уақытта болып жатқан созылыңқы іс-әрекет

Дәл сөйлеп тұрған уақытта болып жатқан созылыңқы іс-әрекет

Слайд 30
Revision of the verb to be

Revision of the verb to be

Слайд 31 +S to be Ving now

+S to be not

+S to be Ving now+S to be not Ving now+ To be S Ving now?

Ving now

+ To be S Ving now?

Слайд 33 Today
I am wearing

You are

TodayI am wearing  You are wearing  She is wearing He is wearingWe are wearing


She is wearing

He is


We are wearing

Слайд 34 conclusion


Слайд 37 Evaluation


Слайд 38
The lesson is over
Good bye!

The lesson is overGood bye!

  • Имя файла: how-is-the-weather-in.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 166
  • Количество скачиваний: 0