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Презентация на тему Праздники . Традиции и обычаи.

St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on the 17 th of March in the world by the Irish and people of other nationalities . It is
St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day    St. St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day    Traditionally, St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day    Church St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day    He St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day    St. St. Patrick’s Day    Shamrock St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day
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Слайд 2 St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day  St. Patrick's Day is

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on

the 17 th of March in the world by the Irish and people of other nationalities . It is celebrated in Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, North America and Ireland.

Слайд 3 St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day    March 17

March 17 is

the day in honour of the life of St. Patrick.

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St. Patrick’s Day  Traditionally, in early morning

Traditionally, in early morning Christians go

to churches, then the holiday begins. Christians and non-Christians celebrate this day by wearing green clothes, decorating a green ribbons, shamrock , eating Irish food, different other green food, drinking Irish drinks (for example, widely known both beer Guinness, Irish whiskey), they have parades.

Слайд 5 St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day   First parades have

First parades have been in

the United States in New York in 1876, and now parades are spread to other countries.

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St. Patrick’s Day    Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick is

the patron of Ireland, known for his religious activities.

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St. Patrick’s Day  Church describes his life

Church describes his life and deeds.

He also documented his life, the birth of the Christian faith in the letters.

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St. Patrick’s Day    St. Patrick

St. Patrick

was born in Britain in the late 4th century, it was time to end the domination of the Roman Empire.

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St. Patrick’s Day   He began to

He began to study at

a Christian priest, led the life of a monk. Then Saint Patrick had a vision, by an angel who told him to come to Ireland to bring religion.

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St. Patrick’s Day   Another thing that

Another thing that helped

Saint Patrick introduced Christianity - the shamrock

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St. Patrick’s Day  St. Patrick used the

St. Patrick used the shamrock to

explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish people.

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St. Patrick’s Day   Shamrock became a

Shamrock became a symbol of

St. Patrick's Day.

Слайд 13 St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day   Today, St. Patrick's

Today, St. Patrick's Day

is celebrated in America, Canada and Ireland.

Слайд 14 St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day    Many people wear green clothes.

Many people wear

green clothes.

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St. Patrick’s Day

Слайд 16 St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day

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  • Количество просмотров: 140
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