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Презентация на тему ученика по теме Victory Day is a special day in my family

The Great Patriotic WarIt’s hard to think about terrible aggression of fascists.From the first day Soviet people fought heroically against the enemies. All people rose up to defend their freedom, their country, their families. The Soviet troops
Victory Day is a special day in my familyThe author isGordiyanov PavelForm 5VSurgut School №1 The Great Patriotic WarIt’s hard to think about terrible aggression of fascists.From The Great Patriotic war  in my family  My great-grandfathers took The Great Patriotic war  in my family  My great-grandfather Kharin Victory Day   Victory Day is a special day in my
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Great Patriotic War
It’s hard to think about

The Great Patriotic WarIt’s hard to think about terrible aggression of

terrible aggression of fascists.

From the first day Soviet people

fought heroically against the enemies. All people rose up to defend their freedom, their country, their families.

The Soviet troops held out against the enormous German army.

Слайд 3 The Great Patriotic war in my family

The Great Patriotic war in my family My great-grandfathers took part

My great-grandfathers took part in the Great Patriotic War

too. They lived in Petropavlovsk of North-Kazakhstan region.
My great-grandfather Tyurin Fyedor Vasilevich was called to defend our country in 1944. After several weeks in war college he was sent to armoured division in Leningrad front. He became a good tankman. He was wounded near Prague.
He went through the whole Europe and met the Victory Day in Berlin.
He had many battle reward.

Слайд 4 The Great Patriotic war in my family

The Great Patriotic war in my family My great-grandfather Kharin Michail

My great-grandfather Kharin Michail Michailovich was young when the

war started. He was 14 years old and he wanted to be a soldier. But his mother persuaded him to stay with her and help others to work on the factory. It was very hard labour. Later he was awarded by a medal «Workers during the Great Patriotic War».

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