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Презентация на тему Прeзeнтация по английскому языку на тeму Климат Аляски 5 класс

The Alaskan climate. The weather. Clothes.
The Alaskan climate. The weather. Clothes. Northwest coner - северозападный уголTemperature - температураVary - различатьсяEarly - раннийDecide - Fill: ClimateSummers are cool with lots of rain. The average temperature in July Wildlife of Alaska The best-known animal of Alaska is a brown bear. FishAlaska has a variety of fish species (trout, salmon…). CaribouCaribou in Alaska are found in tundra and mountains. Snowflakes, snowflakes dance around.(руки в стороны, кружимся)Snowflakes, snowflakes touch the ground.(нагибаемся, руками Visit to Alaska1. Alaska is in the….. of the USA.2. Temperatures in Thank you
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 6 The Alaskan climate. The weather. Clothes.

The Alaskan climate. The weather. Clothes.

Слайд 7 Northwest coner - северозападный угол
Temperature - температура
Vary -

Northwest coner - северозападный уголTemperature - температураVary - различатьсяEarly - раннийDecide

Early - ранний
Decide - решать
Late - поздний
The Great Land

– Великая земля
Pack – упаковывать
Make sure - убедитесь

Слайд 8 Fill:


Слайд 9 Climate
Summers are cool with lots of rain. The

ClimateSummers are cool with lots of rain. The average temperature in

average temperature in July from 10 ° C to

18 ° C (sometimes 27 ° C ). Light wind blows in summer.

Alaska is situated in the northwest of America. Winters are cold with lots of snow. The average winter temperature in January from -12 ° C to -5 ° C. Winds are strong.

Слайд 10 Wildlife of Alaska
The best-known animal of Alaska is

Wildlife of Alaska The best-known animal of Alaska is a brown bear.

a brown bear.

Слайд 11 Fish
Alaska has a variety of fish species (trout, salmon…).

FishAlaska has a variety of fish species (trout, salmon…).

Слайд 12 Caribou
Caribou in Alaska are found in tundra and mountains.

CaribouCaribou in Alaska are found in tundra and mountains.

Слайд 13 Snowflakes, snowflakes dance around.
(руки в стороны, кружимся)
Snowflakes, snowflakes

Snowflakes, snowflakes dance around.(руки в стороны, кружимся)Snowflakes, snowflakes touch the ground.(нагибаемся,

touch the ground.
(нагибаемся, руками касаемся пола)
Snowflakes, snowflakes in the

(руки вверх, шевелим пальчиками)
Snowflakes, snowflakes everywhere
(прямыми руками делаем круговые движения)
Snowflakes, snowflakes dance around
(снова кружимся на месте)
Snowflakes, snowflakes touch the ground.
(нагибаемся, руками касаемся пола)

Are tired? Repeat after me!

Слайд 14 Visit to Alaska
1. Alaska is in the….. of

Visit to Alaska1. Alaska is in the….. of the USA.2. Temperatures

the USA.
2. Temperatures in spring vary from ……. to…

3. It often rains (snows)….
4. It’s warm (cool, cold) and sunny (windy).
5. If you want to visit Alaska in spring
you should take ……..

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-klimat-alyaski-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 236
  • Количество скачиваний: 8