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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Rabbit (3 класс)

It is a rabbit.
Rabbit1 четверть 3 класс по УМК под редакцией Вербицкой М.В. It is a rabbit. It is from Russia. It lives in a big forest. It has got 4 legs  and it has got a short tail. It is white in winter. And it is brown in summer. It can run well. It likes carrots very much I like rabbits and I like carrots too А теперь давайте – ка вспомним названия других животных:A beeAn oxA mouseA snailA mule А теперь давайте вспомним слова по теме «Семья»:Mother – mumFather – dadSisterGrandmother - granny И выучим несколько новых слов:BusyStrongSlowStubboncool My mum is like a bee because she’s as busy as she Презентация подготовлена Гергерт И.М. (г.Оренбург МОАУ «Гимназия №8) к УМК Forward 3
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 It is a rabbit.

It is a rabbit.

Слайд 3 It is from Russia. It lives in a big

It is from Russia. It lives in a big forest.


Слайд 4 It has got 4 legs and it has

It has got 4 legs and it has got a short tail.

got a short tail.

Слайд 5 It is white in winter.

It is white in winter.

Слайд 6 And it is brown in summer.

And it is brown in summer.

Слайд 7 It can run well.

It can run well.

Слайд 8 It likes carrots very much

It likes carrots very much

Слайд 9 I like rabbits and I like carrots too

I like rabbits and I like carrots too

Слайд 10 А теперь давайте – ка вспомним названия других

А теперь давайте – ка вспомним названия других животных:A beeAn oxA mouseA snailA mule

A bee
An ox
A mouse
A snail
A mule

Слайд 11 А теперь давайте вспомним слова по теме «Семья»:

А теперь давайте вспомним слова по теме «Семья»:Mother – mumFather – dadSisterGrandmother - granny

– mum
Father – dad
Grandmother - granny

Слайд 12 И выучим несколько новых слов:

И выучим несколько новых слов:BusyStrongSlowStubboncool

Слайд 13 My mum is like a bee because she’s

My mum is like a bee because she’s as busy as

as busy as she can
My dad is

like an ox because he’s strong and he can box
My sister is like a mouse because she’s quiet in the house
My granny is like a snail because she’s slow and can’t send email
But I am like a mule because I’m stubborn but really cool!

Now we can read an English poem.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-rabbit-3-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 134
  • Количество скачиваний: 0