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Презентация на тему Basic concepts and definitions

Review of modern technologies of software design. Organization of the software development process
Al-Farabi KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Software Design Lecture 1 Basic concepts and definitionsA.R. TurganbayevaAlmaty2016 Review of modern technologies of software design. Organization of the software development process VocabularyWaterfall – сарқырама - водопад gathering – жинау - сборConversion – түрлендіру The Software ChallengePeople may come and go, but software may remainA software The Software Specification ChallengeSoftware specification is not easyIt should be generated at For the successful implementation of an IT project rather choose effective technology A Process of Software Development Process - a special case of the Software DesignDeriving a solution which satisfies software requirements Stages of DesignProblem understandingLook at the problem from different angles to discover The Design ProcessAny design may be modelled as a directed  graph Phases in the Design Process Design of small and large systems The Software Life Cycle – The Life and Death of SoftwareSoftware products Waterfall Model Model Falls (waterfall model or serial development) - probably the The Diagram of Waterfall Model The classic waterfall model includes the following areasDevelop requirements: gathering business requirements Key considerations for the use of such a model development As you Design Principles in Software Life Cycle ActivitiesTop-down approach: breaking a system into Requirements Analysis, Use Cases, and Sequence DiagramsFirst step in analysis is to Pre- and PostconditionsPrecondition: a statement of any assumptions or constraints on the An Example: Telephone DirectoryMaintain a collection of telephone directory entries, where each Dependencies Among Possible Actions Things you already know (about) ...Java programs (you know and love)Classes and The modern technologies of software designRapid application development (RAD)Spiral modelComponent-Based ModelHeavy and Thank you for the attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Review of modern technologies of software design.

Review of modern technologies of software design. Organization of the software development process

of the software development process

Слайд 3 Vocabulary
Waterfall – сарқырама - водопад
gathering – жинау

VocabularyWaterfall – сарқырама - водопад gathering – жинау - сборConversion –

- сбор
Conversion – түрлендіру - преобразование
Deployment – орналастыру -

развертывание, размещение
Domain model - домен моделі - модель предметной области
Compliance – сәйкестігі - согласие
Flaws – кемшіліктер - дефекты, недостатки
commercial operation – коммерциялық операциялар - коммерческая эксплуатация
Maintain – қолдау - поддержка

Слайд 4 The Software Challenge
People may come and go, but

The Software ChallengePeople may come and go, but software may remainA

software may remain
A software product is often expected to

be used for an extended period of time by someone who did not write the program and who is not intimately familiar with its internal design
Software may evolve
New features may be added, environments may change, so initial specification may be incomplete

Слайд 5 The Software Specification Challenge
Software specification is not easy

The Software Specification ChallengeSoftware specification is not easyIt should be generated

should be generated at the beginning of project and

maintained up-to-date while the software goes through changes
It should be clarified through extensive interaction between the users and the system analyst, and then approved by the users
It should be clear and understandable to any programmer

Слайд 6 For the successful implementation of an IT project

For the successful implementation of an IT project rather choose effective

rather choose effective technology and development tools to provide

the necessary budget, and to find skilled developers.
In any organization, there are rules and techniques of project participants (customers, analysts, developers, testers, technical writers) distribute among themselves tasks interact with each other, create project artifacts (specifications, source code, documentation).
These rules may be well organized or chaotic, or be formally documented to exist in the minds of the project team, but in any case it is their combination is called a process of development.

Слайд 7 A Process of Software Development
Process - a

A Process of Software Development Process - a special case of

special case of the more general concept of software

development methodologies.
Examples of methodologies are structured programming or object-oriented analysis and design.

Слайд 8 Software Design
Deriving a solution which satisfies software requirements

Software DesignDeriving a solution which satisfies software requirements

Слайд 9 Stages of Design
Problem understanding
Look at the problem from

Stages of DesignProblem understandingLook at the problem from different angles to

different angles to discover the design requirements.
Identify one or

more solutions
Evaluate possible solutions and choose the most appropriate depending on the designer's experience and available resources.
Describe solution abstractions
Use graphical, formal or other descriptive notations to describe the components of the design.
Repeat process for each identified abstraction until the design is expressed in primitive terms.

Слайд 10 The Design Process
Any design may be modelled as

The Design ProcessAny design may be modelled as a directed graph

a directed graph made up of entities with attributes

which participate in relationships.
The system should be described at several different levels of abstraction.
Design takes place in overlapping stages. It is artificial to separate it into distinct phases but some separation is usually necessary.

Слайд 11 Phases in the Design Process

Phases in the Design Process

Слайд 12 Design of small and large systems

Design of small and large systems

Слайд 13 The Software Life Cycle – The Life and

The Software Life Cycle – The Life and Death of SoftwareSoftware

Death of Software
Software products go through several stages as

they mature from initial concept to finished product
The sequence of stages is called a life cycle

Слайд 14 Waterfall Model
Model Falls (waterfall model or serial

Waterfall Model Model Falls (waterfall model or serial development) - probably

development) - probably the most famous and historically appeared

one of the first development process.
He was described in the article Royce (W.W. Royce) in 1970.
The basic idea is that the development process is divided into well-defined phases, performed strictly sequentially.
The name "waterfall" appeared due to the appearance of the diagram depicting the process:

Слайд 15 The Diagram of Waterfall Model

The Diagram of Waterfall Model

Слайд 16 The classic waterfall model includes the following areas

The classic waterfall model includes the following areasDevelop requirements: gathering business

requirements: gathering business requirements of the customer and their

conversion to the functional requirements of a software product.
Analysis and Design: the development of a domain model, the design of the database schema, object model, user interface, etc.
Realization (implementation): creation of a product according to the specifications developed in the previous step.
Testing: includes the verification of compliance with the functionality of the software needs of users (validation), as well as finding flaws in implementation.
Deployment: user training, system installation, transfer into commercial operation.

Слайд 17 Key considerations for the use of such a

Key considerations for the use of such a model development As

model development
As you know, the cost of correcting

mistakes made in the implementation of the project depends on how quickly these errors are detected and corrected.
The error in the requirements simply correct requirements at the design stage, but if it becomes aware of after the completion of the deployment, the consequences can be catastrophic.
Waterfall model tends to reduce as far as possible, the number of long-lived errors.
For this design development should not start until the requirements are not identified with sufficient quality, the coding is not started until the complete system design, etc.

Слайд 18 Design Principles in Software Life Cycle Activities
Top-down approach:

Design Principles in Software Life Cycle ActivitiesTop-down approach: breaking a system

breaking a system into a set of smaller subsystems

approach: identification of a set of objects and specification of their interactions
UML diagrams are a design tool to illustrate the interactions between
Classes and external entities

Слайд 19 Requirements Analysis, Use Cases, and Sequence Diagrams
First step

Requirements Analysis, Use Cases, and Sequence DiagramsFirst step in analysis is

in analysis is to study the problem of input

and output requirements carefully to make sure they are understood and make sense
Use case: list of the user actions and system responses for a particular sub-problem in the order that they are likely to occur
Sequence diagram: shows all the objects involved in this use case across the horizontal axis, time is shown along the vertical axis

Слайд 20 Pre- and Postconditions
Precondition: a statement of any assumptions

Pre- and PostconditionsPrecondition: a statement of any assumptions or constraints on

or constraints on the method data before the method

begins execution
Postcondition: a statement that describes the result of executing a method

Слайд 21 An Example: Telephone Directory
Maintain a collection of telephone

An Example: Telephone DirectoryMaintain a collection of telephone directory entries, where

directory entries, where each entry is referred to by

a unique name.
Can read from a file, save to a file, lookup, add, remove, and change phone number

Слайд 22 Dependencies Among Possible Actions

Dependencies Among Possible Actions

Слайд 23 Things you already know (about) ...
Java programs (you

Things you already know (about) ...Java programs (you know and love)Classes

know and love)
Classes and objects (you can create and

Inheritance (you understand and can extend)
Abstract classes (you remember what they are)
Interfaces (your contractual obligations)

Слайд 24 The modern technologies of software design
Rapid application development

The modern technologies of software designRapid application development (RAD)Spiral modelComponent-Based ModelHeavy

Spiral model
Component-Based Model
Heavy and lightweight processes
Agile Manifesto
Microsoft Solutions Framework

OpenUP &OpenUP/MDD
Model Driven Development

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  • Количество просмотров: 208
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