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Презентация на тему по Лингвострановедению на тему Great Britain

Location Britain forms the greater part of the British Isles, which lie off the north-west coast of mainland Europe. Great Britain is separated from the Continent by the English Channel. «Great Britain» is a geographical expression
Great Britain Location Britain forms the greater part of the British Isles, which lie The current population of the United Kingdom is 66,314,338, based on the Big BenTower StonehengeBuckingham Palace Interesting Facts about the United KingdomThe word “Britain” is derived from the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Location Britain forms the greater part of the British

Location Britain forms the greater part of the British Isles, which

Isles, which lie off the north-west coast of mainland

Europe. Great Britain is separated from the Continent by the English Channel. «Great Britain» is a geographical expression but «The United Kingdom» is a political expression. The full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain comprises England, Wales and Scotland. Great Britain is in fact the biggest of the group of islands which lies between the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The total area is 242,534 sq. km. Britain is just under 1,000 km long from the south coast of England to the extreme north of Scotland, and just under 500 km across in the widest part

Слайд 3 The current population of the United Kingdom is

The current population of the United Kingdom is 66,314,338, based on

66,314,338, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
Current male

population  49%
Current female population 51%
The United Kingdom population is equivalent to 0.88% of the total world population.
The U.K. ranks number 21 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
The population density in the United Kingdom is 274 per Km2 (709 people per mi2).
The total land area is 241,930 Km2 (93,410 sq. miles)
81.0 % of the population is urban (53,627,859 people in 2017)
The median age in the United Kingdom is 40.3 years.

Слайд 4 Big Ben

Big BenTower

Слайд 5 Stonehenge
Buckingham Palace

StonehengeBuckingham Palace

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-lingvostranovedeniyu-na-temu-great-britain.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0