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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка Животные в зоопарке

Write the words correctly 1. erab 5. konemy 2. olin
Write the words correctly 1. erab 1.  bear       (erab)            2.  lion Present Simple TenseWe use the Present Simple for:. daily routins Present Simple Tense The plan of the presentation: animal’s name what it looks like its habitat During the lesson : it was important for me …It was difficult My Mood During the lesson : it was important for me …It was difficult My Mood
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Write the words correctly

1. erab

Write the words correctly 1. erab    5. konemy

5. konemy

2. olin 6. omuse 3. regit 7. laoka 4. dapelor 8. aferifeg

Слайд 4 1. bear    (erab)          

1. bear     (erab)           2. lion     (olin)          

2. lion   (olin)          

3. tiger (regit)        
4. leopard (dapelor) 5. monkey (konemy) 6. mouse (omuse) 7. koala (laoka) 8. giraffe (aferifeg)

Слайд 5 Present Simple Tense
We use the Present Simple for:

Present Simple TenseWe use the Present Simple for:. daily routins

daily routins You always have lunch at

1.30 p.m.
. repeated actions He goes to the swimming pool on Sundays.
. habits We have coffee in the morning.
. timetables/ programmes (in future meaning) The film starts at 5p.m.
. permanent states They live in Russia. . laws of nature The sun rises in the east.

Слайд 6 Present Simple Tense

Present Simple Tense

Слайд 7 The plan of the presentation:

animal’s name

The plan of the presentation: animal’s name what it looks like its habitat

it looks like
its habitat

Слайд 8 During the lesson :

it was important for me

During the lesson : it was important for me …It was

It was difficult for me …
I managed …

Now I can …

Слайд 9 My Mood

My Mood

Слайд 12 During the lesson :

it was important for me

During the lesson : it was important for me …It was

It was difficult for me …
I managed …

Now I can …

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-zhivotnye-v-zooparke.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 159
  • Количество скачиваний: 0