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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Сезоны

VocabularyWinter- зимаSpring- веснаSummer- летоAutumn- осеньJanuary- январьFebruary- февральMarch- мартApril- апрельMay- майJune- июньJuly- июльAugust- августSeptember- сентябрьOctober- октябрьNovember- ноябрьDecember- декабрь
SEASONS VocabularyWinter- зимаSpring- веснаSummer- летоAutumn- осеньJanuary- январьFebruary- февральMarch- мартApril- апрельMay- майJune- июньJuly- июльAugust- WINTERDECEMBERJANUARYFEBRUARY It is winter. The weather is cold in winter. It snows in SPRINGMARCHAPRILMAY It is spring now. March, April and May are spring months. SUMMERJUNEJULYAUGUST It is summer. June, July and August are summer months. It is AUTUMNSEPTEMBEROCTOBERNOVEMBER It is autumn. September, October and November are autumn months. It is Agree or disagree:There are 10 months in a year.There are 30 days Complete the sentences:It often snows in ………..Winter is a ………….. season.Autumn is What seasons are there? It is cold. There is a lot of Describe the pictures:
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Vocabulary
Winter- зима
Spring- весна
Summer- лето
Autumn- осень
January- январь
February- февраль
March- март

VocabularyWinter- зимаSpring- веснаSummer- летоAutumn- осеньJanuary- январьFebruary- февральMarch- мартApril- апрельMay- майJune- июньJuly-

May- май
June- июнь
July- июль
August- август
September- сентябрь
October- октябрь
November- ноябрь
December- декабрь

Слайд 3 WINTER




Слайд 4
It is winter. The weather is cold in

It is winter. The weather is cold in winter. It snows

winter. It snows in winter. The days are short

and the nights are long. The streets, the trees and the fields are white with snow.

Слайд 5 SPRING




Слайд 6
It is spring now. March, April and

It is spring now. March, April and May are spring

May are spring months. It is cool or warm

in spring. The weather is fine. You can see flowers in the fields.

Слайд 7 SUMMER




Слайд 8
It is summer. June, July and August are

It is summer. June, July and August are summer months. It

summer months. It is hot in summer. The weather

is fine. The days are long and the nights are short. The fields and trees are green . There are many flowers in the fields.

Слайд 9 AUTUMN




Слайд 10
It is autumn. September, October and November are

It is autumn. September, October and November are autumn months. It

autumn months. It is cool in autumn. The weather

is bad. It usually rains in autumn. The trees are yellow and red. You can see apples on the apple- trees.

Слайд 11 Agree or disagree:
There are 10 months in a

Agree or disagree:There are 10 months in a year.There are 30

There are 30 days in February.
The winter months are:

December, January, February.
The spring months are: June, July, August.
The weather is bad in summer.
The trees are yellow and red in autumn.

Слайд 12 Complete the sentences:
It often snows in ………..
Winter is

Complete the sentences:It often snows in ………..Winter is a ………….. season.Autumn

a ………….. season.
Autumn is a …………… season.
There are …………

months in a year.
The days are ……….. And the nights are ………..

Слайд 13 What seasons are there?
It is cold. There is

What seasons are there? It is cold. There is a lot

a lot of snow in the streets, on the

houses. Some animals sleep. The trees are white with snow. There are 3 months in this season.
It `s warm. It `s not hot. There is a lot of water in the streets. It doesn `t snow. The trees and grass are green.

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