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Презентация на тему Ukrainian cuisine

Borscht Borscht is a soup of Ukrainian origin that is popular in many Eastern and Central European countries. In most of these countries, it is made with beetroot as the main ingredient. In some countries, tomato
Ukrainian cuisine Borscht Borscht is a soup of Ukrainian origin that is popular in RosolnykRosolnyk — the first liquid food, an essential element of which is Olivier salad    Olivier salad is a traditional salad dish Paska (bread) Paska is made with milk, butter, eggs, flour, and sugar, Korovai The korovai is a traditional Ukrainian, Russian and Polish bread, most Syrniki Syrniki are made from creamy quark, mixed with flour, eggs, and Cabbage roll In Europe, the filling is traditionally based around meat, often
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Borscht
Borscht is a soup of Ukrainian origin that

Borscht Borscht is a soup of Ukrainian origin that is popular

is popular in many Eastern and Central European countries.

In most of these countries, it is made with beetroot as the main ingredient. In some countries, tomato is used as the main ingredient, while beetroot acts as a secondary ingredient.

Слайд 3 Rosolnyk
Rosolnyk — the first liquid food, an essential

RosolnykRosolnyk — the first liquid food, an essential element of which

element of which is salty cucumbers.
The structure may also

include meat, pluck, different cereals (rice, buckwheat, barleys), vegetables (potato, carrot, onion, roots parsley, saler or parsnips), spices and greens.

Слайд 4 Olivier salad
Olivier salad is

Olivier salad  Olivier salad is a traditional salad dish from

a traditional salad dish from Russia, which is also

popular in many other European countries. It is made with diced potatoes, vegetables, eggs, and sometimes ham and is dressed with mayonnaise. Worldwide, the dish is commonly referred to as Russian salad, although this term can connote with Vinegret.

Слайд 5 Paska (bread)
Paska is made with milk, butter, eggs,

Paska (bread) Paska is made with milk, butter, eggs, flour, and

flour, and sugar, except in Romania, where the recipe

most commonly includes sweet cream, cottage cheese, and/or sour cream along with eggs, sugar, raisins, and rum. An egg and water mixture is used as a glaze.

Слайд 6 Korovai
The korovai is a traditional Ukrainian, Russian and

Korovai The korovai is a traditional Ukrainian, Russian and Polish bread,

Polish bread, most often used at weddings, where it

has great symbolic meaning, and has remained part of the wedding tradition in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and by the Ukrainian diaspora. Its use in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine dates back to hospitality and holiday customs in ancient Rus.

Слайд 7 Syrniki
Syrniki are made from creamy quark, mixed with

Syrniki Syrniki are made from creamy quark, mixed with flour, eggs,

flour, eggs, and sugar, sometimes adding vanilla extract. The

soft mixture is shaped into cakes, which are fried, generally in vegetable oil. The outside becomes crisp, and the center is warm and creamy. They are sweet and served for breakfast or dessert. Their simplicity has made them very popular in Eastern Europe.

  • Имя файла: ukrainian-cuisine.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 124
  • Количество скачиваний: 0