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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Страны (4 класс)

RussiaThe official name of our country is The Russian Federation.It is also called Russia.
countries Автор: Маслинцева А.И.Учитель английского языкаМАОУ СОШ № 147 г. Челябинск RussiaThe official name of our country is The Russian Federation.It is also called Russia. FlagThe Russian flag consist of three stripes :White, Blue and Red.Which symbolize CapitalMoscow is the capital of Russia wasfounded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgorukiy.The Great BritainThe official name of the country is TheUnited Kindom of Great FlagFlag of the United Kindom consist ofcrosses stripes of three patron saints:Red CapitalLondon is the capital of Great Britain.The most famous place in London The United States of AmericaThe official name of the country is theUnited FlagThe American flag consists of 13 stripesand 50 stars which symbolize number ofstates. CapitalThe capital of USA is Washington.The most popular monument in USA is
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Russia
The official name of our country is

RussiaThe official name of our country is The Russian Federation.It is also called Russia.

Russian Federation.
It is also called Russia.

Слайд 3 Flag
The Russian flag consist of three stripes :

FlagThe Russian flag consist of three stripes :White, Blue and Red.Which

Blue and Red.
Which symbolize :
White – generosity
Blue – wisdom

- love

Слайд 4 Capital
Moscow is the capital of Russia was
founded in

CapitalMoscow is the capital of Russia wasfounded in 1147 by Yuri

1147 by Yuri Dolgorukiy.
The most famous place in Moscow

Red Square where the Kremlin is

Слайд 5 Great Britain
The official name of the country is

Great BritainThe official name of the country is TheUnited Kindom of

United Kindom of Great Britain and Nothern
It is also

called Britain or United Kindom.

Слайд 6 Flag
Flag of the United Kindom consist of
crosses stripes

FlagFlag of the United Kindom consist ofcrosses stripes of three patron

of three patron saints:
Red cross – Saint George
White –

Saint Andrew
Red diagonal – Saint Patrick

Слайд 7 Capital
London is the capital of Great Britain.
The most

CapitalLondon is the capital of Great Britain.The most famous place in

famous place in London is House
of Parliament with Big

Ben – it is big clock on
one of the towers.

Слайд 8 The United States of America
The official name of

The United States of AmericaThe official name of the country is

the country is the
United States of America. It is

called USA or America.

Слайд 9 Flag
The American flag consists of 13 stripes
and 50

FlagThe American flag consists of 13 stripesand 50 stars which symbolize number ofstates.

stars which symbolize number of

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-strany-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 160
  • Количество скачиваний: 0