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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка Год за годом

Our Plan for the lessonWhat will we do at the lesson? (We will …)Learn new words Write a dictation Describe pictures Make dialogues Do the testWhat should you learn (We should learn…)the words the poem Your
Our Plan for the lessonWhat will we do at the lesson? (We Warming UpWhat season is it?Winter / Spring / Summer / Autumn 1 2 34 Vocabulary Do you know the months of the year? What is your Vocabulary What are the people doing? Rake Picking flowersRaking leavesPlaying in the snowGoing swimming Reading / SpeakingEx. 2 p. 86 Match the sentences to the pictures. What is the weather like?It’s cold /warm / hot. – Холодно. Тепло. Reflection / Homework  …What weather is it now?Was the lesson a Our plan for the lesson What will we do at the Make the dialogues. A: What is the weather like today? B: It Reading Answer! Where can you see such text: a. in a Talking about the weatherSpeak about the weather in different parts of the Reflection / Homework  …What weather is it now?Was the lesson a
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Our Plan for the lesson
What will we do

Our Plan for the lessonWhat will we do at the lesson?

at the lesson? (We will …)
Learn new words

a dictation
Describe pictures
Make dialogues
Do the test
What should you learn (We should learn…)
the words
the poem

Your mark for the lesson:
Exercise – 9 points
Dialogue – 5 points (correct speaking)
All in all: - 14 points
‘5’ – 13-14 points
‘4’ – 11-13 points
‘3’ – 8-10 points

Слайд 3 Warming Up
What season is it?
Winter / Spring /

Warming UpWhat season is it?Winter / Spring / Summer / Autumn 1 2 34

Summer / Autumn

Слайд 4 Vocabulary
Do you know the months of the

Vocabulary Do you know the months of the year? What is

What is your favourite season / month?
What are:

winter months?

spring months?

summer months?

autumn months?

December / January / February

March / April / May

June / July / August

September / October / November

Слайд 5 Vocabulary
What are the people doing?

Vocabulary What are the people doing? Rake Picking flowersRaking leavesPlaying in the snowGoing swimming

Raking leaves
Playing in the snow
Going swimming

Слайд 6 Reading / Speaking
Ex. 2 p. 86 Match the

Reading / SpeakingEx. 2 p. 86 Match the sentences to the

sentences to the pictures.
E. 3 p. 86 Look

at the pictures and correct the sentences:
e.g. In picture A, there are two children. - False. There are four children.
In picture A children are raking the leaves.
In picture A the weather is hot.
In picture B a boy is swimming.
In picture B there are three children.
In picture C there are five people.
In picture C people are playing in the snow.
In picture D it is raining.
In picture D the girl is picking flowers.

Слайд 7 What is the weather like?
It’s cold /warm /

What is the weather like?It’s cold /warm / hot. – Холодно.

hot. – Холодно. Тепло. Жарко.
It’s overcast / cloudy. -

Сплошная облачность / облачно.
It’s sunny / clear. – Солнечно. Ясно.
It’s windy / stormy / rainy. - Ветрено / Шторм / Дождливо.
Be fed up with something. – Устать от чего-либо.
It’s snowy. – Идёт снег.
It’s freezing. – Морозит.
Weather forecast. – Прогноз погоды.
It’s hailing. – Идёт град.
A thunderstorm – Гроза

Слайд 8 Reflection / Homework …
What weather is it

Reflection / Homework …What weather is it now?Was the lesson a

Was the lesson a / b / c?


W.B. p. 53 ex. 1,2
- Learn the words of the lesson.

A - interesting

B - so-so

C - dull

Слайд 9


7 Lesson A
By I. Kukushkina

In all Weathers
Year after Year

Слайд 10 Our plan for the lesson
What will

Our plan for the lesson What will we do at

we do at the lesson?
Make dialogues
Swim in

the sea
Read the text
Play football
What should you learn?
Learn the words
Learn to make dialogues
Learn to swim

Your mark
Exercise – 9 points
Dialogue 1 – 5 points
Dialogue 2 – 5 points
All in all – 19 points
‘5’ – 18-19 points
‘4’ – 16-17 points
‘3’ – 12-15 points

Слайд 11 Make the dialogues.
A: What is the weather

Make the dialogues. A: What is the weather like today? B:

like today?
B: It is snowing. It is not

very cold.
A: Let’s go skiing!
B: OK!

Let’s go swimming / skating / walking / riding a bike / playing football
Let’s watch TV / play chess / listen to music…

Слайд 12 Reading
Where can you see such

Reading Answer! Where can you see such text: a. in

a. in a magazine b. in a newspaper

c. on a computer screen?
How many people are on line?
Where are they?
What is the weather like in Scotland?
What is Gus doing in Scotland?
Where is it snowing?
What season is it in Australia now?


It’s rainy.

He is in an internet café.

It is snowing in Switzerland.

It’s summer.

Слайд 13 Talking about the weather
Speak about the weather in

Talking about the weatherSpeak about the weather in different parts of

different parts of the world.

A: Hi, Nick! Where are

B: I am in Saint Petersburg.
A: What’s the weather like in Saint Petersburg today?
B: It’s awful. It rains all the time.

Слайд 14 Reflection / Homework …
What weather is it

Reflection / Homework …What weather is it now?Was the lesson a

Was the lesson a / b / c?


W.B. p. 53 ex. 3
- Learn the words of the lesson.
- Learn the topic to the end.

A - interesting

B - so-so

C - dull

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-god-za-godom.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 164
  • Количество скачиваний: 0