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Презентация на тему A trip to Mars

Manned mission to Mars - the planned flight to Mars with a manned spacecraft.
A trip to Mars Manned mission to Mars - the planned flight to Mars with a manned spacecraft. Hundred-Year Starship - project permanently sending people to Mars in order to A group of scientists and astronauts to Mars delivered with high-tech equipment Objectives of the future of flight In addition to the main purpose Effects on Astronauts Physiology Cosmic rays and solar radiation destroy tissues and DNA of the Physiology Immediately after hitting man in the weightlessness of his body begins PsychologyThe close quarters and limited social contacts become tangible for the cosmonauts. Threatening Equipment failureEspecially dangerous is the failure of the rocket motor. Each Ionizing radiationAn additional problem presented emerging solar flares, which a few days DustMartian dust may adversely affect the health of astronauts when hit by The benefits of flyingThe flight will be important for human civilization, if
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Manned mission to Mars - the planned flight

Manned mission to Mars - the planned flight to Mars with a manned spacecraft.

to Mars with a manned spacecraft.

Слайд 3 Hundred-Year Starship - project permanently sending people to

Hundred-Year Starship - project permanently sending people to Mars in order

Mars in order to colonize the planet. The project

was developed in 2010. The main idea of the project is to send people to Mars forever. This will significantly reduce the cost of the flight, it will be possible to take more cargo and crew. First 'Martians' plan to send to the Red Planet in 2030 already.

Слайд 4 A group of scientists and astronauts to Mars

A group of scientists and astronauts to Mars delivered with high-tech

delivered with high-tech equipment and a small nuclear reactor

can produce oxygen, water and food. Every two years, when Mars will be provided at the desired orbit, NASA will be able to replenish stocks of "colonists" and deliver new astronauts.

Слайд 5 Objectives of the future of flight
In addition to

Objectives of the future of flight In addition to the main

the main purpose of flight to Mars - landing

several people on the surface of Mars, with the return to Earth, as the objectives of the mission belongs to search for resources outside of the Earth.

Слайд 7 Effects on Astronauts

Effects on Astronauts

Слайд 9 Physiology
Cosmic rays and solar radiation destroy tissues and

Physiology Cosmic rays and solar radiation destroy tissues and DNA of

DNA of the organism. Of the damage is irreversible

and can lead to cell mutations.
Prolonged weightlessness during space flight is just the greatest medical problem. Muscles, bones and the circulatory system due to missing gravity become weak if they are not trained.

Слайд 10 Physiology
Immediately after hitting man in the weightlessness of

Physiology Immediately after hitting man in the weightlessness of his body

his body begins to change. Blood flows to the

upper half of the body, and the heart has to do more to pump blood. The body "thinks" that a lot of fluids in the body and begins to secrete hormones that are responsible for water-salt metabolism, resulting in a person loses a lot of fluids. Usually astronaut during this restructuring requires at least 3 liters of water a day. This effect is quite fast

Слайд 12 Psychology
The close quarters and limited social contacts become

PsychologyThe close quarters and limited social contacts become tangible for the

tangible for the cosmonauts. Most often cited aggression, which leads

to conflict when people are long in a confined space. This effect can be minimized if the stress-type people in interplanetary crew.

Слайд 14 Threatening


Слайд 15 Equipment failure
Especially dangerous is the failure of the

Equipment failureEspecially dangerous is the failure of the rocket motor.

rocket motor. Each engine has its tanks with a

working medium, its control system, its own section of the solar panels. If we consider that electrorocket engines have high reliability, the failure of a number of motors not much effect on the duration of the flight.

Слайд 16 Ionizing radiation
An additional problem presented emerging solar flares,

Ionizing radiationAn additional problem presented emerging solar flares, which a few

which a few days provide increased dose crew. In

such cases, the astronauts take cover and protected from ionizing radiation, a special room. Possible violations of health technology, especially computers, and wired communications during this time should be emphasized.

Слайд 17 Dust
Martian dust may adversely affect the health of

DustMartian dust may adversely affect the health of astronauts when hit

astronauts when hit by light. Due to the very

small particle size of it is very difficult to isolate. So the astronauts of the "Apollo" on the next day noticed the presence of dust in the descent module.

  • Имя файла: a-trip-to-mars.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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