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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка в 6 классе Starlight -6, модуль 6Art and culture Shopping Experiences(Покупки).

Do you like to go shopping?
Do you like to go shopping? What shops do you know?Shoes shop Which of the following can you buy in these shops?penseye dropsnotebookgold ringdesigner Listen to four short exchanges, then What do you know about Venice? How does Venice in Italy differ from Venice in Las Vegas? Give reasons why would you like to visit Venice?I’d Thank you
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Do you like to go shopping?

Do you like to go shopping?

Слайд 3 What shops do you know?
Shoes shop

What shops do you know?Shoes shop

Слайд 4 Which of the following can you buy in

Which of the following can you buy in these shops?penseye dropsnotebookgold

these shops?
eye drops
gold ring
designer clothes
contact lenses
high quality cheeses
bread rolls

You can buy pens, pencils and notebooks at a stationer’s.
cold meats

Слайд 5 Listen to

Listen to four short exchanges, then answer the

four short exchanges, then answer the questions.
Where does each

take place?
Which words help you decide?

Слайд 6 What do you know about Venice?

What do you know about Venice?

Слайд 7 How does Venice in Italy differ from

How does Venice in Italy differ from Venice in Las Vegas?

Venice in Las Vegas?

Слайд 8

It’s Venice….but not as

It’s Venice….but not as you

know it! Imagine you are in this shopping mall. Tell your English pen friend about your visit there.

Слайд 9 Give reasons why would you

Give reasons why would you like to visit Venice?I’d

like to visit Venice?
I’d like to visit Venice to

ride on a gondola and visit St Mark’s Square.
I think it’d be amazing to stroll alongside the canal and be serenaded by street musicians.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-6-klasse-starlight-6-modul-6art-and-culture-shopping-experiencespokupki.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 183
  • Количество скачиваний: 2