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Презентация на тему British and Russian food and drinks

British and Russian  food and drinks Dogacatvlionotigercfoxawolfdgiraffeo A recent servey showed that:One child in ten in Britain eats no 1.TheBritish like sandwiches,…?2. There are a lot of sandwiches shops in London,…?3. Thank you  for your work
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 8 Dogacatvlionotigercfoxawolfdgiraffeo


Слайд 11 A recent servey showed that:
One child in ten

A recent servey showed that:One child in ten in Britain eats

in Britain eats no fruit
50% drink no fruit juice

out of ten kids eat no vegetables
One child in ten is overweight
Over 40% of girls aged 14 and 15 go to school without eating breakfast because they want to look like models and pop stars

Слайд 13
1.TheBritish like sandwiches,…?
2. There are a lot of

1.TheBritish like sandwiches,…?2. There are a lot of sandwiches shops in

sandwiches shops in London,…?
3. You can’t get different sandwiches,…?

Lots of foreigners don’t like English sandwiches,…?
5. The foreigners like rolls,….?
6. English tea is very strong,…?

Make up tag questions

  • Имя файла: british-and-russian-food-and-drinks.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 160
  • Количество скачиваний: 0