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Презентация на тему Castles

To research the history, to show tangible relics of a remarkable past, a lengthy heritage etched in stoneAIM:Tasks:To define the castles which attract people mostTo introduce the history of the castlesTo show and describe the pictures
МБОУ «СОШ №9»CastlesIonina Natal’ya Il’inichna12 cathegoryKhusnetdinova Polina Form 7 “B” Norilsk, 2009 To research the history, to show tangible relics of a remarkable past, INTRODUCTION Our work is called “Castles”. We’ve chosen this topic, because it Outline CASTLES OF ENGLAND DoverDover Castle has the most massive tower in Britain, CASTLES OF ENGLAND  Warwick Castle was founded in 1068it combines castle WarwickCastle CASTLES OF ENGLAND  Warwick Castlethe gatehouse is a remarkable building: WarwickCastleEverybody are busy with their workLadies have a rest in their apartmentPlay the piano WarwickCastle the biggest castle it is greatwas built in 1066can see wax figuresgreat furnitureold disheswonderful pictures      CASTLES OF ENGLAND Leeds Castle  the most romantic castle Beautiful, fresh flowers in every roomA lot of trees, flowers, ducks, swans, CASTLES OF ENGLAND Leeds Castlea single tower pierced by an arched passageHenry CASTLES WITH GHOSTS What story would be complete without a haunted castle. Devon was haunted by the daughter of a wicked baron who, as CASTLES WITH GHOSTS Sir James Lowther fell in love with a farmer's daughter. When she Tower of LondonIn 1816 a guard saw Windsor CastleQueen Elizabeth I's ghost has been seen in the library. A WinsdorCastle Feudal castle on the river Dnepr Feudal castle on the river Dnepr    There was a CONCLUSIONAfter the completing our research work we came to the conclusion that CONCLUSIONThe smaller landowner had found that a more peaceful country made the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 To research the history, to show tangible relics

To research the history, to show tangible relics of a remarkable

of a remarkable past, a lengthy heritage etched in




To define the castles which attract people most

To introduce the history of the castles

To show and describe the pictures of the castles

Methods of research:




Our work is called “Castles”. We’ve chosen

INTRODUCTION Our work is called “Castles”. We’ve chosen this topic, because

this topic, because it seems to us that it

can be interesting for children and their parents as well, because history is very interesting and every person studying English has to know all about this country. We pay attention and speak more about historical events.
It is important to understand what the castles are famous for. It is important to learn about the main sightseeing of London, because more and more people are preferring to spend their holidays abroad.
Britain is strewn with ruins of castles, rubble from the centuries of her existence. Castles are tangible relics of a remarkable past, a lengthy heritage etched in stone, as well as with the blood and sweat of those who built, labored, fought, and died in their shadow.
They have endured centuries of warfare and the effects of weather is a testimony to the creativity and power of their medieval owners.

Слайд 4 Outline


Dover Castle has the most massive

CASTLES OF ENGLAND DoverDover Castle has the most massive tower in

tower in Britain, an almost 100-foot cube with walls

from seventeen to twenty-one feet thick. In 1216 the castle was besieged by Louis, son of the French king but saved when Louis returned to France.
Beneath the castle are the secret wartime passages where the evacuation of Dunkirk and the Channel sea battle was controlled.

Location: Kent

Location: Kent

Слайд 6 CASTLES OF ENGLAND Warwick Castle
was founded in 1068

CASTLES OF ENGLAND Warwick Castle was founded in 1068it combines castle

combines castle ruins, two small projecting towers
rises like a

precipice above the River Avon
the great hall and residential blocks had been put up in the bailey
these were substantially what can be seen today
they included restructuring :
the great hall, a water-gate,
a high and stout defensive curtain

Location: Warwick Country

Слайд 7 Warwick


Слайд 8 CASTLES OF ENGLAND Warwick Castle
the gatehouse is a

CASTLES OF ENGLAND Warwick Castlethe gatehouse is a remarkable building:

remarkable building:
a pair of towers above

the doorway passage, which had portcullises and murder-holes
from the east side of the gatehouse is a tall rectangular building leading to another tower
is 45.2 meters tall
it is called Caesar's Tower
the three main storeys in the tower are each vaulted, and have stone fireplaces
The castle is completed by curtain walling and further, much smaller, flanking towers. The wall at the west leads up to the restored shell enclosure and down again southwards to the south range.

Слайд 9 Warwick
Everybody are busy with their work
Ladies have a

WarwickCastleEverybody are busy with their workLadies have a rest in their apartmentPlay the piano

rest in their apartment
Play the piano

Слайд 10 Warwick
the biggest castle
it is great
was built

WarwickCastle the biggest castle it is greatwas built in 1066can see wax figuresgreat furnitureold disheswonderful pictures

in 1066
can see wax figures
great furniture
old dishes
wonderful pictures

Слайд 11      CASTLES OF ENGLAND Leeds Castle
the most romantic castle in

     CASTLES OF ENGLAND Leeds Castle the most romantic castle

is located  in south-east England
built on two adjacent island

in the river Len
was originally a manor of the Saxon royal family
around 1119 Robert Crevecoeur started to build a stone castle on the site, establishing his donjon
In 1278 the castle came into the possession of Edward I
he rebuilt much of the castle as it stood at the beginning of his reign
enlarged it
open-backed  flanking towers
the gatehouse at the south-west

Слайд 12 Beautiful, fresh flowers in every room
A lot of

Beautiful, fresh flowers in every roomA lot of trees, flowers, ducks,

trees, flowers, ducks, swans, rabbits, squirrels on the territory

of the castle

Wonderful furniture which tries to show the picture of the 15th century

Слайд 13 CASTLES OF ENGLAND Leeds Castle
a single tower pierced by

CASTLES OF ENGLAND Leeds Castlea single tower pierced by an arched

an arched passage
Henry VIII expended large sums in enlarging

and beautifying the whole range of buildings
he carefully retained the defenses of the castle for
in 1926 Leeds was bought by the Hon (Mrs. Wilson-Filmer, known as Lady Baillie)
she began the restoration of the castle that took her over 30 years to leave it as it stands today

Location: Kent

What story would be complete without

CASTLES WITH GHOSTS What story would be complete without a haunted

a haunted castle. Here is some of the castles

that are reportedly haunted in England.

Слайд 15 Devon was haunted by the daughter of a

Devon was haunted by the daughter of a wicked baron who,

wicked baron who, as a consequence of an enforced

relationship with her father, bore him a child, which he strangled.
Dover Castle is associated with numerous ghosts and strange sounds. In the King's bedroom, the lower half of a man has been seen walking through the doorway. The specter of a woman dressed in a red dress has been seen at the west stairway of the keep.
The castle is associated with a ghostly bridal party. Baron Featherstone had arranged for his daughter to marry a relative of his choice, even though the daughter was in love with someone else. When the party failed to return by midnight, the baron began to fear the worst. Sitting alone at the table, he heard horses crossing the drawbridge. The door opened and the party entered. But, they made no sound and passed through furniture. The wedding party had been ambushed and killed. On the anniversary of the wedding, the party can still be seen heading towards the castle.

Berry Pomeroy Castle , Dover Castle, Featherstone Castle



Слайд 17 Sir James Lowther fell in love with a

Sir James Lowther fell in love with a farmer's daughter. When

farmer's daughter. When she suddenly grew ill and died,

Sir James refused to believe she was dead and left her on the bed. She was finally moved and placed in a coffin with a glass lid, which he set in a cupboard where he could look at her. She was finally buried, and Sir James died unloved and unmourned. At his funeral his coffin began to sway as it was lowered into the ground.

Lowther Castle

Слайд 18 Tower of London
In 1816 a guard saw "a

Tower of LondonIn 1816 a guard saw

shadowy bear walking up the stairs in the twilight."

He lunged at it with his bayonet, which shattered against the wall. The ghostly presence walked on unaffected and the guard, having told his unlikely story to others, died of shock a few days later.

Слайд 19 Windsor Castle
Queen Elizabeth I's ghost has been seen

Windsor CastleQueen Elizabeth I's ghost has been seen in the library.

in the library. A young guard shot and killed

himself and another guard on duty saw him afterwards.

Слайд 20 Winsdor


Слайд 21 Feudal castle on the river Dnepr

Feudal castle on the river Dnepr

Слайд 22 Feudal castle on the river Dnepr

Feudal castle on the river Dnepr  There was a rich

There was a rich feudal castle, which was

built by Vladimir Monomakh at the end of the 11 century. It was situated on the hill of the river Dnepr. But in 1147 the castle was burnt. Before you come into the castle you can see a bridge across the river. The walls consisted of wood for boiled water which was put on the enemy. On the territory of the castle There was a big place for food and honey. Also there was underground places in the bailey if there would be dangerous. Military men could live there without any help for 2 years. This castle was “capital” of macroscopically “government”.

After the completing our research work we came

CONCLUSIONAfter the completing our research work we came to the conclusion

to the conclusion that these castles were essentially defensive,

designed to protect the Norman families .
They originally consisted of a mound of earth thrown up with a tower or 'keep' on top, possibly surrounded by a palisade around the bottom and in turn frequently surrounded by a moat.
The whole countryside include villagers and their beasts could be taken into the bailey for protection and in dire necessity the whole would be withdrawn into the keep.
These structures were of wood but, as they were vulnerable to fire, quite soon the King insisted that they be built of stone.
Castle building became a never ending program of updating to create defensive protection. The keep had its own curtain wall with watchtowers.

  • Имя файла: castles.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
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