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Презентация на тему Что вы будете делать

Цели урока: 1. Воспитание
What can we do  to save the Earth? Презентация урока Цели урока: 1. Воспитание Phonetic drill  [ I ] ecology, eclipse, effect, enough, eruption. On your cards you see two columns of words. Use these word expressions You are going to read a text about the environment and its Read the text and find out if you were right. Give a Read the text and underline the words that you don’t understand. Find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to the Answer the following questions:Why have many species of birds and animals disappeared?What What new words have you learnt from the text? Which of the Miriam Mackley. The world needs a friendTo love and depend onIn times
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Цели урока: 1. Воспитание

Цели урока: 1. Воспитание

бережного отношения к природе. 2. Активизация известной лексики по теме «Защита окружающей среды». 3. Формирование навыков ознакомительного чтения. 3. Развитие навыков монологической речи на основе текста. Оборудование: записи на доске, карточки, интерактивная доска или медиа-экран

Слайд 3 Phonetic drill [ I ] ecology, eclipse, effect, enough,

Phonetic drill [ I ] ecology, eclipse, effect, enough, eruption. [

eruption. [ p ] protect, pollution, pack, prohibit, prevention. [ d

] dangerous, endangered, damage, desert, destroy. The tongue twister: How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans?

Слайд 4 On your cards you see

On your cards you see two columns of words.

two columns of words.

Match the words to make up word expressions.

Слайд 5 Use these word expressions

Use these word expressions

in the sentences of your own.

For example: People must protect environment. Air pollution is one of the ecological problems nowadays. Emergency workers have to wear protective clothing. There are a lot of environmental problems such as air pollution, water pollution, pollution of the environment, nuclear pollution. People pollute water by putting wastes there. Don’t waste paper in parks. Chemical waste is very dangerous.

Слайд 6 You are going to read a text about

You are going to read a text about the environment and

the environment and its problems. Look at these words

and phrases. Seven of them are in the text. Which ones do you think they are?

Human beings
Do research on
An international disaster
A lot of litter
What amazing wildlife!
Chemical waste
Solve a problem
Pollute their home
Be empty of fish
Attract a lot of attention
Alarming predictions

Слайд 7 Read the text and find out if you

Read the text and find out if you were right. Give

were right. Give a title to the text.

Choose one:

Stop polluting our home!
Protect our fragile planet.
It is time to protect the Earth.
The air is polluted by power stations and factories.
Forests the size of Belgium are destroyed every year.
There is a lot of litter in the water.
We live among litter and wastes.

Слайд 8 Read the text and underline the words that

Read the text and underline the words that you don’t understand.

you don’t understand.

Try to guess their meanings in the following way:

1. Reread the context in which the word is used (the sentence in which it is plus the sentence before and after it).
2. Write down three meanings that you think are possible.

3. Talk with your partner and try to agree with your partner on the meanings of some words you have underlined.
4. Use the textbook’s vocabulary to check your guesses.

Слайд 9 Find in the text the phrases that have

Find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to

similar meanings to the following:
die out
nature around us
vital problems


Слайд 10 Answer the following questions:

Why have many species of

Answer the following questions:Why have many species of birds and animals

birds and animals disappeared?
What is the air polluted by?

rivers polluted?
Why are forests disappearing all over the world?
Can you see pollution at the seaside?
People are in danger, aren’t they?
What are the most serious environmental problems now?
How can we solve them?
What do you think is the first step?

Express your opinion on the problem.

Слайд 12 What new words have you learnt from the

What new words have you learnt from the text? Which of

text? Which of the environmental problems do you think

are the most dangerous? Which of the problems have we got at our place? Thank you for your work!

Home assignment: Make a poster warning people about environmental problems. Use any information from the text. Make a presentation of your poster.

  • Имя файла: chto-vy-budete-delat.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 140
  • Количество скачиваний: 0