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Презентация на тему Corporation Johnson & Johnson

In Russia and CIS company Johnson & Johnson is presented with the 1992 three divisions:• The division of consumer goods• The division of medical devices and diagnostics• The division of pharmaceutical products
Presentation on:“Corporation Johnson & Johnson” In Russia and CIS company Johnson & Johnson is presented with the The history1886 Three brothers - Robert Wood Johnson, James Wood Johnson and 1910 James Wood Johnson assumes the role of head of Johnson & Johnson until 1932. 1921Robert Wood Johnson, son of the founder, became the head of Johnson Developed a standard of quality and safety for baby shampoos, called Johnson & Johnson is the general sponsor of Safe Kids Worldwide 2002 William Weldon is chairman and chief executive officer of Johnson & A year ago, Johnson & Johnson said the 125th anniversary of its activity. Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 In Russia and CIS company Johnson & Johnson

In Russia and CIS company Johnson & Johnson is presented with

is presented with the 1992 three divisions:
• The division

of consumer goods
• The division of medical devices and diagnostics
• The division of pharmaceutical products

Слайд 3 The history
Three brothers - Robert Wood Johnson,

The history1886 Three brothers - Robert Wood Johnson, James Wood Johnson

James Wood Johnson and Edward Mead Johnson - base

company Johnson & Johnson in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.

Слайд 4 1910
James Wood Johnson assumes the role of

1910 James Wood Johnson assumes the role of head of Johnson & Johnson until 1932.

head of Johnson & Johnson until 1932.

Слайд 5 1921
Robert Wood Johnson, son of the founder, became

1921Robert Wood Johnson, son of the founder, became the head of

the head of Johnson & Johnson and wrote "Our

motto is" - a document that combines the principles that still lie at the heart of Johnson & Johnson, then the company opened offices in Argentina and Brazil.

Слайд 6 Developed a standard of quality and safety

Developed a standard of quality and safety for baby shampoos,

for baby shampoos, called "No More Tears ®».

Слайд 7 Johnson & Johnson is the general sponsor of

Johnson & Johnson is the general sponsor of Safe Kids Worldwide

Safe Kids Worldwide

Слайд 8 2002
William Weldon is chairman and chief executive

2002 William Weldon is chairman and chief executive officer of Johnson

officer of Johnson & Johnson, becoming the eighth head

of the company since its inception.

Слайд 9 A year ago, Johnson & Johnson said the

A year ago, Johnson & Johnson said the 125th anniversary of its activity.

125th anniversary of its activity.

  • Имя файла: corporation-johnson-amp-johnson.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 158
  • Количество скачиваний: 0