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Презентация на тему Daily Life

PLAN:Phonetics: sound [ŋ]Remember telling the timeCompare: Present Simple and Present ContinuousRole-play the dialoguesRead about a cosmonaut’s day and ask questions
DAILY LIFEPresent Simple and Present Continuous PLAN:Phonetics: sound [ŋ]Remember telling the timeCompare: Present Simple and Present ContinuousRole-play the - p.32 , ex. 3What’s the time? What are they doing?What do they like to do?cook dinnerdraw a pictureplay Let’s sing and do!This is my house,This is the door!The windows are A cosmonaut in spacea space stationplanet Earth [ɜ:ɵ]to talka phonepeoplea spacesuit Now we can:pronounce the sound [ŋ] correctlytell the timesay what we do Thank youHave a good time!HometaskDescribe your friend’s day/the day of your favourite character
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 PLAN:
Phonetics: sound [ŋ]
Remember telling the time
Compare: Present Simple

PLAN:Phonetics: sound [ŋ]Remember telling the timeCompare: Present Simple and Present ContinuousRole-play

and Present Continuous
Role-play the dialogues
Read about a cosmonaut’s day

and ask questions

Слайд 3

- ng The King can

- ng The King can sing in the evening! Ding-

ding! Let’s sing!


Слайд 4
p.32 , ex. 3
What’s the time?

p.32 , ex. 3What’s the time?

Слайд 5

What are they doing?
What do they like to

What are they doing?What do they like to do?cook dinnerdraw a


cook dinner
draw a picture
play basketball
go for a walk
watch TV

to music

Слайд 6 Let’s sing and do!
This is my house,
This is

Let’s sing and do!This is my house,This is the door!The windows

the door!
The windows are clean,
And so is the floor!

there’s a chimney,
As tall as can be,
With smoke that goes up,
Come and see!

Слайд 7 A cosmonaut in space

a space station
planet Earth [ɜ:ɵ]

A cosmonaut in spacea space stationplanet Earth [ɜ:ɵ]to talka phonepeoplea spacesuit

a phone
a spacesuit

Слайд 8 Now we can:

pronounce the sound [ŋ] correctly
tell the

Now we can:pronounce the sound [ŋ] correctlytell the timesay what we

say what we do every day and what we’re

doing now
describe his/her day
ask questions using Present Simple and Present Continuous

  • Имя файла: daily-life.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 199
  • Количество скачиваний: 0