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Презентация на тему Drug Design and Discovery


How are drugs created or discovered?Natural drug products have been used for milleniaSynthetic drugs came into being during the 19th centuryToday, drugs are still come from this two sourcesChemicals found in nature or synthesized in labs
Drug Design and Discovery How are drugs created or discovered?Natural drug products have been used for Atropine from Nightshade (Belladonna)	Quinine from Cinchona barkMorphine from Poppies		Taxol from Yew TreesDrugs from Natural Sources SalvarsanDrugs from Artificial SourcesAcetaminophenIbuprophen Problems are:Long design cycle of 7-12 yearsHigh cost approximately $350 million per One way to increase the odds of finding a drug is through HTS relies on small samples rapidly tested usually by robotThe test or What are the targets of the drugs developed or what do they http://www.pcop.com/dd/techno/tech_hts.html96, 384, & 1536 well plates Hold 100, 20, 2 μl/well respectivelyAssay Plates 3456-well plate, each well holds 200nl http://www.noabbiodiscoveries.com/hts.htmRobot pipetting samples into a 96 well plate http://mango2.vtt.fi:84/bel/services/hts.htmRobot moving plates for screening http://www.thomasnewman.com/novartis/public/helping/txt_02.htmlLarge scale robotic screening area Zebrafish in the well of a 96-well plate Current ultra-HTS (uHTS) systems are capable of screening 100,000 to 200,000 compounds Combinatorial Libraries Combinatorial libraries are large collections of randomly generated compounds usually based on http://schultz.scripps.edu/Research/FunctionalGenomics/research.htmlExamples of basic scaffolds of an indole libraryR- groups represent regions which Libraries are screened to find hitsHits are active samples that meet a The lead compound then progresses to the next phase of drug developmentWhere It was originally thought that combination of chemistry, robotics, & computers would Rational Drug DesignEngineering of a molecule or protein through specific changes such The target (green) has a very distinct shape to which the drug Starting molecule loosely binds to receptorAs the molecule is modified it binds AIDS drug nelfinavir (Viracept) is one of the few drugs on the Other methods of drug design are based on taking known drugs & Meperidine has only 2 rings instead of 4, but it maintains strong Another method of drug design is to take a known molecule & Sildenfil was designed to mimic cGMP & be an antihypertensive or an Phosphodiesterase (PDE), is the enzyme that converts cGMP to GMPBy blocking PDE-5, Rational Protein ModificationInvolves taking a known therapeutic protein and optimizing it to PEG=polyethylene glycol
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 How are drugs created or discovered?
Natural drug products

How are drugs created or discovered?Natural drug products have been used

have been used for millenia
Synthetic drugs came into being

during the 19th century
Today, drugs are still come from this two sources
Chemicals found in nature or synthesized in labs are randomly screened for their therapeutic ability

Слайд 4 Atropine from Nightshade (Belladonna) Quinine from Cinchona bark
Morphine from

Atropine from Nightshade (Belladonna)	Quinine from Cinchona barkMorphine from Poppies		Taxol from Yew TreesDrugs from Natural Sources

Poppies Taxol from Yew Trees

Drugs from Natural Sources

Слайд 5 Salvarsan
Drugs from Artificial Sources

SalvarsanDrugs from Artificial SourcesAcetaminophenIbuprophen

Слайд 6 Problems are:
Long design cycle of 7-12 years
High cost

Problems are:Long design cycle of 7-12 yearsHigh cost approximately $350 million

approximately $350 million per marketed drug

Salvarsan, the first chemtherapeutic,

was the 606th compound tested by Dr. Ehrlich in over three years of study of syphilis

Слайд 7
One way to increase the odds of finding

One way to increase the odds of finding a drug is

a drug is through High Throughput Screening (HTS)
HTS seeks

to increase the number of compounds tested at one time for drug-like properties
By testing 100s to 1000s of compounds at one time, HTS allows a drug company to search through many compounds in less time
Potential compounds are screened using plates capable of holding 96 to over 3000 different compounds

Слайд 8 HTS relies on small samples rapidly tested usually

HTS relies on small samples rapidly tested usually by robotThe test

by robot
The test or assay used depends on the

type of drug required
The assay must be simple to perform and easily detected by a robot, the assay also must be able to be performed in a small volume 2 to 200μl
These assays often involve the measurement of luminescence, fluorescence, or absorbance, all of which are easily quantifiable

Слайд 9 What are the targets of the drugs developed

What are the targets of the drugs developed or what do

or what do they screen against?
Traditionally drugs were first

tested against an animal or a human who had the disease the company is interested in creating a drug against
This is expensive, time consuming & can be dangerous
While this is still done, it is done at a much later stage in the drug development
Some HTS assays use cells, but many are cell-free or in vitro
There are some HTS assays though that use organisms, but these are mainly flies, worms, or fish

Слайд 10 http://www.pcop.com/dd/techno/tech_hts.html
96, 384, & 1536 well plates
Hold 100,

http://www.pcop.com/dd/techno/tech_hts.html96, 384, & 1536 well plates Hold 100, 20, 2 μl/well respectivelyAssay Plates

20, 2 μl/well respectively
Assay Plates

Слайд 11 3456-well plate, each well holds 200nl

3456-well plate, each well holds 200nl

Слайд 12 http://www.noabbiodiscoveries.com/hts.htm
Robot pipetting samples into a 96 well plate

http://www.noabbiodiscoveries.com/hts.htmRobot pipetting samples into a 96 well plate

Слайд 13 http://mango2.vtt.fi:84/bel/services/hts.htm
Robot moving plates for screening

http://mango2.vtt.fi:84/bel/services/hts.htmRobot moving plates for screening

Слайд 14 http://www.thomasnewman.com/novartis/public/helping/txt_02.html
Large scale robotic screening area

http://www.thomasnewman.com/novartis/public/helping/txt_02.htmlLarge scale robotic screening area

Слайд 15 Zebrafish in the well of a 96-well plate

Zebrafish in the well of a 96-well plate

Слайд 16 Current ultra-HTS (uHTS) systems are capable of screening

Current ultra-HTS (uHTS) systems are capable of screening 100,000 to 200,000

100,000 to 200,000 compounds per day
GlaxoSmithKline just opened a

new center capable of screening 300,000 compounds against multiple targets per day
Where do companies get all these different compounds?

Слайд 17 Combinatorial Libraries

Combinatorial Libraries

Слайд 18 Combinatorial libraries are large collections of randomly generated

Combinatorial libraries are large collections of randomly generated compounds usually based

compounds usually based on a scaffold molecule
The scaffold molecule

often is the skeleton of a known class of drugs or a random chemical structure
The scaffold molecule is modified by the addition of functional groups such as methyl, ethyl, amino, or carboxyl groups
Libraries can contain anywhere from 500 to 50,000 randomly generated members
These libraries are then screened for possible drug compounds

Слайд 19 http://schultz.scripps.edu/Research/FunctionalGenomics/research.html
Examples of basic scaffolds of an indole library

http://schultz.scripps.edu/Research/FunctionalGenomics/research.htmlExamples of basic scaffolds of an indole libraryR- groups represent regions

groups represent regions which would be varied to create

up to 40,000 discrete molecules

Слайд 20 Libraries are screened to find hits
Hits are active

Libraries are screened to find hitsHits are active samples that meet

samples that meet a defined success criteria
These criteria are

determined by the company and are specific to the assay being used
Once these hits are validated, meaning the compounds nature is confirmed, they progress to lead compound status
A lead compound is a hit with sufficient potential to progress to full drug development

Слайд 21 The lead compound then progresses to the next

The lead compound then progresses to the next phase of drug

phase of drug development
Where other aspects of its physical

nature are tested
The compound is assayed for toxicity, often this is done during HTS, but further tests are required in cells or whole organisms
This is also when it will be determined how the drug is to be delivered

Слайд 22 It was originally thought that combination of chemistry,

It was originally thought that combination of chemistry, robotics, & computers

robotics, & computers would deliver blockbuster drugs
However, HTS of

random compounds has not delivered a large number of new blockbuster drugs
Companies are now taking known drugs or compounds that have drug-like properties & using these as scaffolds to create libraries
These libraries are more focused in that they are tailored to the disease being targeted
Another option is rational or structure based drug design

Слайд 23 Rational Drug Design
Engineering of a molecule or protein

Rational Drug DesignEngineering of a molecule or protein through specific changes

through specific changes such that it becomes drug-like
Often requires

choosing a target molecule in the cell, such as a receptor or enzyme and designing a therapeutic that prevents the target from causing or contributing to a disease
Need to know the structure of the target usually obtained through X-ray crystallography or NMR
Also need a complete understanding of the thermodynamics factors involved in binding, which vary from interaction to interaction

Слайд 24 The target (green) has a very distinct shape

The target (green) has a very distinct shape to which the

to which the drug can bind
The molecule shown,

has a shape which would allow it to fit into the binding site
Once a drug designer knows this, he can use this molecule as a base to build his drug
By attaching methyl groups, carboxyl groups, etc. he can change the action the drug will induce

Слайд 25 Starting molecule loosely binds to receptor
As the molecule

Starting molecule loosely binds to receptorAs the molecule is modified it

is modified it binds tighter to the receptor
Eventually the

designed molecule binds so tightly that it prevents the natural compound from binding

Starting compound

Final compound

Слайд 26 AIDS drug nelfinavir (Viracept) is one of the

AIDS drug nelfinavir (Viracept) is one of the few drugs on

few drugs on the market that can be traced

directly to structure-based methods
Here, the molecule is shown in the active site of HIV-1 protease


Слайд 27 Other methods of drug design are based on

Other methods of drug design are based on taking known drugs

taking known drugs & modifying their structure to make

them better
This requires one to know the structure of the drug
Alterations may:
Cause the drug to be more potent
Give the drug fewer side effects
Increase its solubility, giving better absorption

Слайд 28 Meperidine has only 2 rings instead of 4,

Meperidine has only 2 rings instead of 4, but it maintains

but it maintains strong analgesic activity
It has better oral

absorption than morphine, and shows less GI side effects

Слайд 29 Another method of drug design is to take

Another method of drug design is to take a known molecule

a known molecule & design a drug mimic
A mimic

looks like the endogenous molecule, but is not processed by the cell the same way
These mimics work either as antagonists, that prevent cell functions
Or agonists that turn on cellular function in the absence of the normal signal

Слайд 30 Sildenfil was designed to mimic cGMP & be

Sildenfil was designed to mimic cGMP & be an antihypertensive or

an antihypertensive or an anti-angina
cGMP leads to, among other

things, vascular relaxation which allows more blood to flow through vessels

Слайд 31 Phosphodiesterase (PDE), is the enzyme that converts cGMP

Phosphodiesterase (PDE), is the enzyme that converts cGMP to GMPBy blocking

to GMP
By blocking PDE-5, sildenafil prevents the breakdown of

Leading to more blood in the vessels
Unfortunately sildenafil did not work as well as the normal treatment, nitroglycerine
But its side effect was much more promising…

Слайд 32 Rational Protein Modification
Involves taking a known therapeutic protein

Rational Protein ModificationInvolves taking a known therapeutic protein and optimizing it

and optimizing it to function as a drug
Even though

the endogenous protein functions well in the cell, there are properties unique to being a drug which can be added to improve its therapeutic nature

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