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Презентация на тему Глаголы is\ are \ am и окончание -ing

Is Sulley sleeping?
Прочитай , перепиши вопрос, ответь на вопрос по – английски кратко и Is Sulley sleeping? Is Sulley sleeping?Yes, he is. Sulley is sleeping. Are the whales jumping? Are the whales jumping?Yes, they are. The whales are jumping. Прочитай , перепиши вопрос, ответь на вопрос по – английски кратко и Is the woman having a bath? Is the woman having a bath?No, she isn’t. The woman is watching TV. Are you watching TV? Are you watching TV?No, I’m not.I’m having a bath. Составь вопросы, используя подходящие по смыслу слова из каждой колонки. Не забудь Am I running?Are the lions fighting?Is Randall changing color? Догадайся, какой был вопрос, запиши вопрос. Выдели гл. is\ are \ am They are dancing. Are the hippos dancing? The monster is scaring children. Is it( the monster) scaring children ? The boy is swimming. Is he ( the boy) swimming? Sulley, Boo and Mike  are running. Are the ( Sulley, Mike and Boo) running?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Is Sulley sleeping?

Is Sulley sleeping?

Слайд 3
Is Sulley sleeping?
Yes, he is.
Sulley is sleeping.

Is Sulley sleeping?Yes, he is. Sulley is sleeping.

Слайд 4 Are the whales jumping?

Are the whales jumping?

Слайд 5
Are the whales jumping?
Yes, they are.

Are the whales jumping?Yes, they are. The whales are jumping.

whales are jumping.

Слайд 6 Прочитай , перепиши вопрос, ответь на вопрос по –

Прочитай , перепиши вопрос, ответь на вопрос по – английски кратко

английски кратко и полностью! Не забудь выделить гл. is\ are

\ am и окончание -ing

Пример –
Are they fighting?
No , they aren’t.
They are watching TV.

Слайд 7 Is the woman having a bath?

Is the woman having a bath?

Слайд 8
Is the woman having a bath?
No, she isn’t.

Is the woman having a bath?No, she isn’t. The woman is watching TV.

The woman is watching TV.

Слайд 9 Are you watching TV?

Are you watching TV?

Слайд 10
Are you watching TV?
No, I’m not.
I’m having a

Are you watching TV?No, I’m not.I’m having a bath.


Слайд 11 Составь вопросы, используя подходящие по смыслу слова из

Составь вопросы, используя подходящие по смыслу слова из каждой колонки. Не

каждой колонки. Не забудь выделить гл. is\ are \ am

и окончание -ing

Пример –
Is Go reading a book?

Слайд 13
Am I running?
Are the lions fighting?
Is Randall changing

Am I running?Are the lions fighting?Is Randall changing color?


Слайд 14 Догадайся, какой был вопрос, запиши вопрос. Выдели гл. is\

Догадайся, какой был вопрос, запиши вопрос. Выдели гл. is\ are \

are \ am и окончание -ing
Пример –
Is Go Go

reading a book?
He is reading a book.

Слайд 15 They are dancing.

They are dancing.

Слайд 16
Are the hippos dancing?

Are the hippos dancing?

Слайд 17 The monster is scaring children.

The monster is scaring children.

Слайд 18
Is it( the monster) scaring children ?

Is it( the monster) scaring children ?

Слайд 19 The boy is swimming.

The boy is swimming.

Слайд 20
Is he ( the boy) swimming?

Is he ( the boy) swimming?

Слайд 21 Sulley, Boo and Mike are running.

Sulley, Boo and Mike are running.

  • Имя файла: glagoly-is-are-am-i-okonchanie-ing.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 115
  • Количество скачиваний: 0