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Презентация на тему Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II is the Queen of 16 of 53 member states in the Commonwealth (1) of Nations. She is Head of
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (к 90-летию со дня рождения) Elizabeth II is the Queen of 16 of 53 member states in Elizabeth’s father was born in 1895 and died in 1952. As a Queen Elizabeth II was born Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary on April 21, The Duke and Duchess of York had two children: Elizabeth and Margaret. Since the beginning of World War II, Elizabeth and her sister, Princess Elizabeth first met Philip Mountbatten, son of Prince Andrew of Greece, when Queen Elizabeth's reign (24) was accompanied (25) by great changes in Soon the couple produced an heir (33) . Son Charles was born Queen Elizabeth II survived (35) a lot of hard moments in her Elizabeth likes to spend her free time on quiet pastimes. She Elizabeth's personal fortune has been the subject of speculation for many years. Queen Elizabeth II, the ‘fairy tale queen’, ushered (56) Quiz:HELP Elizabeth Alexandra Mary on April 21, 1926, in Londonher father – Источники использованных фотографий:  http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/queen-elizabeth   http://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/thumbs/queen-elizabeth-ii-1.jpg  http://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/images/queen-elizabeth-ii/quotes/25050.png video coronation Источники текстовой информации: http://www.notablebiographies.com/Du-Fi/Elizabeth-II.html http://www.biography.com/people/queen-elizabeth-ii-9286165#synopsis http://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/queen-elizabeth-ii-2987.php  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_II   http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/queen-elizabeth-ii
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Elizabeth II is the Queen of 16 of

Elizabeth II is the Queen of 16 of 53 member states

53 member states in the Commonwealth (1)

of Nations. She is Head of the Commonwealth and Supreme Governor (2) of the Church of England. At the time of her birth, no one thought Elizabeth would someday become queen of Great Britain. Her father, Prince Albert, was the second son of King George V and Queen Mary. In 1936 her grandfather, King George V died. Her uncle became King Edward VIII, but he was in love with American divorcee (3) Wallis Simpson and had to choose between the crown and his heart. In the end, Edward chose Simpson and Elizabeth's father, Prince Albert, became King George VI in 1936. George VI's coronation took place on 12 May 1937.

Queen Elizabeth II

King George VI

the Commonwealth (1) –
Supreme Governor (2) –
Верховный Глава
divorcee (3) –


Слайд 3 Elizabeth’s father was born in 1895 and died

Elizabeth’s father was born in 1895 and died in 1952. As

in 1952. As a great-grandson of Queen Victoria, he

was known formally as His Highness Prince Albert of York from birth. Despite his problems with health , Prince Albert got education in the Royal Naval College, went to seas, took part in the World War I, served in Royal Air Force. Prince Albert also attended (4) Trinity College, Cambridge, where he studied history, economics and civics (5) . He began to take on more royal duties. He represented his father on coal mines, factories, and rail yards. The man got the nickname of the "Industrial Prince". Albert had much freedom in choosing a prospective (6) wife. In 1920 he met Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (he knew her since childhood). He wanted to marry her. She rejected (7) his proposal (8) twice, she was afraid to lose her freedom. Then she agreed and they were married on 26 April 1923 in Westminster Abbey. Lady Elizabeth became "Her Royal Highness The Duchess of York" after their marriage. She lived a long life (1900-2002).

attended (4) – посещал
civics (5) – гражданское право
prospective (6) – будущая
rejected (7) – отвергала
proposal (8) – предложение


Слайд 4 Queen Elizabeth II was born Princess Elizabeth Alexandra

Queen Elizabeth II was born Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary on April

Mary on April 21, 1926, in London, to Prince

Albert, Duke of York (9) (later King George VI), and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. The girl was called "Lilibet" by the family. Her father and mother, also known as the Duke and Duchess of York (10) , lived both in London residence and Royal Lodge (11) of Windsor.

Duke of York (9) –
Герцог Йоркский
Duchess of York (10) –
Герцогиня Йоркская
Royal Lodge (11) –
Королевские апартаменты


Слайд 5 The Duke and Duchess of York had two

The Duke and Duchess of York had two children: Elizabeth and

children: Elizabeth and Margaret. The Duke and Duchess and

their two daughters lived a relatively sheltered (12) life at their London residence in Piccadilly. They were a close and loving family. Elizabeth and her younger sister Margaret were educated at home by tutors (13) . Their studies included French, mathematics, history and geography. They also took dancing, singing and art lessons. But Elizabeth particularly liked history, languages, and music.

sheltered (12) – закрытый
tutors (13) – гувернантки,
учителя на дому


Слайд 6 Since the beginning of World War II, Elizabeth

Since the beginning of World War II, Elizabeth and her sister,

and her sister, Princess Margaret, often stayed out of

London, spending much of their time at Windsor Castle. From there, Lilibet made one of her famous radio broadcasts for the children of Britain who had been evacuated from their homes and families. In 1945, Elizabeth joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service (13) to help in the war effort. She trained side-by-side with other British women to be an expert driver and mechanic. During her volunteer (14) work Elizabeth got to know a different, non-royal world.

Auxiliary Territorial Service (13) –
Вспомогательная Территориальная Служба
volunteer (14) – добровольный


Слайд 7 Elizabeth first met Philip Mountbatten, son of Prince

Elizabeth first met Philip Mountbatten, son of Prince Andrew of Greece,

Andrew of Greece, when she was only 13 and

was smitten (15) with him from the start. Distant cousins, the pair kept in touch (16) over the years and eventually fell in love. They made an unusual pair. Elizabeth was quiet and reserved while Philip was boisterous (17) and outspoken (18) . Prince Philip had ties (19) to both the Danish and Greek royal families, he didn't possess (20) great wealth (21) and was a bit rough (22) in his personality. The wedding (23) ceremony was held at London's Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947. They received 2500 wedding gifts from around the world.

was smitten (15) – была поражена
kept in touch (16) – поддерживали связь
boisterous (17) – резвый, бойкий
outspoken (18) – прямой, откровенный
ties (19) – связи
didn't possess (20) – не владел
wealth (21) – богатство
rough (22) – грубоват, неотёсан
the wedding (23) – свадьба


Слайд 9 Queen Elizabeth's reign (24) was accompanied (25) by

Queen Elizabeth's reign (24) was accompanied (25) by great changes

great changes in her people's lives, in her country's

power. As head of the Commonwealth, Elizabeth II travelled much. She also made visits to other countries as a representative (26) of Britain. As a constitutional monarch, Elizabeth does not weigh (27) in on political matters (28) , nor does she reveal (29) her political views. However, she meets regularly with her Prime Ministers, and is known to have good working relationships with all of them. Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee (30) in 2012 marked 60 years as Queen, with celebrations throughout her realms (31) . Since Elizabeth rarely gives interviews, little is known of her personal feelings. The Queen opened the 2012 Summer Olympics and the Paralympics 2012 in London, she became the first head of state to open two Olympic Games in two different countries (she also opened the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal). The Queen always performs (32) the State Opening of the British parliament.

Queen’s signature:

reign (24) – царствование
was accompanied (25) – сопровождалось
a representative (26) – представитель
does not weigh (27) – не имеет веса
matters (28) – вопросы, дела
reveal (29) – раскрывать
Diamond Jubilee (30) – Бриллиантовый Юбилей
realms (31) – государства , владения
performs (32) - проводит, осуществляет


Слайд 10 Soon the couple produced an heir (33) .

Soon the couple produced an heir (33) . Son Charles was

Son Charles was born in 1948, daughter Anne was

born in 1950. Elizabeth had two more children – sons: Andrew (1960) and Edward (1964). In 1969, Queen Elizabeth officially made Prince Charles her successor (34) by granting him the title of Prince of Wales. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip have four children, who gave birth to their eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren. In 1973 Princess Anne married Mark Philips and later had two children: Peter and Zara. Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer in 1981, and had two sons, Prince William and Prince Henry. Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson on in 1986, and they had two daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie. Prince Edward married Sophie Rhys-Jones in 1999, and they had the daughter Lady Louise, Windsor and the son James, Viscount Severn.

an heir (33) – наследник
successor (34) – преемник
pressured (35) – оказала давление

Queen Elizabeth’s heirs:
1.Prince Charles, Queen’s son
2.Prince William, son of Prince Charles
3.Prince George, son of Prince William
and etc.


Слайд 11 Queen Elizabeth II survived (35) a lot of

Queen Elizabeth II survived (35) a lot of hard moments in

hard moments in her life which caused heartache and

weakened her health. She worried about her second son Andrew, who served as a helicopter pilot in the British Royal Navy during the Falklands War of 1982. Fortunately (36) he returned home safe while more than 250 British soldiers died in the conflict. Her troubles seemed to peak in 1992, and she herself called it a horrible year. The twenty-year marriage (37) of Princess Anne ended in divorce (38) . Prince Charles and Prince Andrew officially separated from their wives. Then Princess Diana died in the car crash in 1997. In 2002 Elizabeth II lost her sister Margaret and her mother. While riding a horse in a parade during her birthday celebrations in June 1981, near the Buckingham Palace, she was shot at (39) by a teenager. The next year another man broke into (40) her personal bedchamber (41) ; fortunately she didn’t get hurt (42) in any of the incidents.

From left to right:
1.Queen Elizabeth II
2.Queen’s mother
3.Queen’s sister Margaret

survived (35) – пережила
fortunately (36) – к счастью
marriage (37) – брак
divorce (38) – развод
was shot at (39) – стрелял в
broke into (40) – ворвался в
bedchamber (41) – покои
didn’t get hurt (42) – не пострадала


Слайд 12 Elizabeth likes to spend her free time on

Elizabeth likes to spend her free time on quiet pastimes.

quiet pastimes. She likes to read mysteries, work on

crossword puzzles and even to watch wrestling on television. For much of her life, Elizabeth has surrounded herself with dogs. She especially known for her love of corgis. Elizabeth likes horses and attends several racing events each year. In spite of problems and public stresses, Elizabeth refuses (43) to slow down (44) . She enjoys country life, horse-racing and to spend time with her family.

refuses (43) – отказывается
to slow down (44) – сбавлять темп


Слайд 13 Elizabeth's personal fortune has been the subject of

Elizabeth's personal fortune has been the subject of speculation for many

speculation for many years.  Official Buckingham Palace statements in

1993 called estimates (45) of £100 million very overstated (46) . “Forbes” magazine estimated (47) Royal property (48) worth at around US$450 million (about £275 million) in 2010. The Royal Collection (which includes art works and the Crown Jewels (49) ) is not owned (50) by the Queen personally and is held in trust (51) ,  as are the occupied palaces, such as Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, and the Duchy of Lancaster, a property portfolio valued (52) in 2014 at £442 million. Sandringham House and Balmoral Castle are privately owned by the Queen.  The British Crown Estate (53) – with holdings (54) of £9.4 billion in 2014 is held in trust for the nation and cannot be sold or owned by Elizabeth in a private capacity (55) .

estimates (45) – расходы overstated (46) – преувеличены
estimated (47) – оценил property (48) – собственность
the Crown Jewels (49) – драгоценности Короны
is not owned (50) – не является собственностью
trust (51) – имущество, управляемое по доверенности
valued (52) – оценил Crown Estate (53) – имущество Короны
holdings (54) – владения, поместья, вклады
capacity (55) – возможность, владение


Слайд 14 Queen Elizabeth II, the ‘fairy tale queen’, ushered

Queen Elizabeth II, the ‘fairy tale queen’, ushered (56)

(56) England in an era of hope and prosperity

(57), … a ‘new Elizabethan age’. Elizabeth has many titles and honorary (58) military positions throughout (59) the Commonwealth, she is Sovereign (60) of many orders in her own countries, and has received honours and awards from around the world. The Queen became the longest-lived British monarch in 2007. Let’s hope she is still reigning on 10 September 2015, she will have surpassed (61) her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, as the longest-reigning British monarch. Citizens of the UK adore (62) their Queen. They sing: “God save our gracious Queen! Long live our noble Queen! God save the Queen! Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the Queen!” (Taken from the Anthem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) God save – Господи храни gracious – милосердный noble – благородный victorious – победоносный glorious – славный to reign – царствовать, править

ushered (56) – ввела prosperity (57) – процветание
honorary (58) – почётный throughout (59) – во всём …
Sovereign (60) – монарх, повелитель adore (62) – обожают
will have surpassed (61) – превзойдёт


Слайд 15 Quiz:

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary
on April 21, 1926,

Quiz:HELP Elizabeth Alexandra Mary on April 21, 1926, in Londonher father

in London
her father – King George VI;
her mother –

Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

in 1952, at the age of 25

Prince Philip

Four children: 3 sons and
1 daughter (Charles, Anne,
Andrew, Edward)

1-Prince Charles,
2-Prince William,
3-Prince George

Слайд 16 Источники использованных фотографий: http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/queen-elizabeth http://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/thumbs/queen-elizabeth-ii-1.jpg http://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/images/queen-elizabeth-ii/quotes/25050.png video coronation ceremony was taken

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from TV archives

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