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Презентация на тему History of the Railways of Great Britain

The railway network in the United Kingdom is the oldest railway system in the world. The first long-distance railroad was built between the cities of Liverpool and Manchester. It was designed by George Стефенсоном and opened
История Железных дорог Великобритании Выполнили Студенты группы 307:Чеканов Сергей, Ивашкин Николай The railway network in the United Kingdom is the oldest railway system The railway network has grown rapidly connecting and integrating into hundreds of High-speed movement (up to 250 km/h) in trains, consisting of wagons with In 1994 and 1995, the British Railways were restructured and divided into The reduction of the volume of freight transportations, and the worsening of Freight trains are operated by companies management of freight transport, such as Today the length of the Railways of great Britain is about 16 The End
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The railway network in the United Kingdom is

The railway network in the United Kingdom is the oldest railway

the oldest railway system in the world. The first

long-distance railroad was built between the cities of Liverpool and Manchester. It was designed by George Стефенсоном and opened on September 15, 1830.

Слайд 3 The railway network has grown rapidly connecting and

The railway network has grown rapidly connecting and integrating into hundreds

integrating into hundreds of individual companies during the Victorian

era. In the long boom in the construction of Railways has been completed by 1922, as the ever-increasing costs have negative influence on the development of railway transport. In 1948, the network of Railways has passed under the control of the state.

Слайд 4 High-speed movement (up to 250 km/h) in trains,

High-speed movement (up to 250 km/h) in trains, consisting of wagons

consisting of wagons with tilt body, is made on

enhancements to existing lines. Fast trains on the route London - York developing speed 180,2 km/h; train «Eurostar», linking London with the continental Europe,-209 km/h (restricted when passing the tunnel under the English channel).

Слайд 5 In 1994 and 1995, the British Railways were

In 1994 and 1995, the British Railways were restructured and divided

restructured and divided into several companies: infrastructure, maintenance, rolling-stock

companies, cargo and passenger traffic, which were privatized in the period from 1996 to 1997. Privatization has not given a definite answer the correctness of the solution of the restructuring.

Слайд 6 The reduction of the volume of freight transportations,

The reduction of the volume of freight transportations, and the worsening

and the worsening of the financial situation of the

Railways was caused by the reduction of production in the coal and other traditional heavy industries; difficulties in meeting the logistical queries industry; the construction of plants in areas that do not have W.-D. lines; growth of competition from the side of the vehicle.

Слайд 7 Freight trains are operated by companies management of

Freight trains are operated by companies management of freight transport, such

freight transport, such as the EWS. Their difference from

the first in that they are fully commercial and are not funded by the government. Most of the companies on the operation of the trains do not have their own locomotives and wagons. Instead, they are required to rent them from one of the three operators: Rolling Stock Operating Companies (Rosco's), Bombardier and Alstom.

Слайд 8 Today the length of the Railways of great

Today the length of the Railways of great Britain is about

Britain is about 16 200 kilometers (16 place in

the world), of which 4 928 km electrified. Development and prospects of high-speed traffic.

  • Имя файла: history-of-the-railways-of-great-britain.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 153
  • Количество скачиваний: 1