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Презентация на тему HOLIDAYS

a poemMama loves coffeePapa loves teaI love my teachersAnd my teachers love me
HOLIDAYS a poemMama loves coffeePapa loves teaI love my teachersAnd my teachers love me NEW WORDS THANKSGIVING DAY. CHRISTMAS.READIn November in America there is a great holiday –Thanksgiving NEW YEAR.  ST. VALENTINE’S DAY. It is fun to see the Answer the questions  1 .When do people celebrate the New Year?2. ST.PATRICK’S DAY. HALLOWE’ENThe 17-th of March is a national holiday in Ireland-St.Patrick’s Finish the sentences1.A national holiday in Ireland is…2.People wear green on this DO YOU KNOW?What holidays do people in our country celebrate on.. August, T E S TOn this day people usually visit their friends. There Check Yourself!CEDBAF GOOD-BYE.  SEE YOU SOON.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 a poem
Mama loves coffee
Papa loves tea
I love my

a poemMama loves coffeePapa loves teaI love my teachersAnd my teachers love me

And my teachers love me


NEW WORDS         Divide

Divide the words into 3 categories:
Thanksgiving Day, roast turkey,trick, pumpkin pie, knock, New Year,
dress up, celebrate, decorate, St. Patrick’s Day, sweet potatoes,
Christmas, give, St. Valentine’s Day, pudding, sign, Hallowe’en,
sweets, chocolate.

In November in America there is

THANKSGIVING DAY. CHRISTMAS.READIn November in America there is a great holiday

a great holiday –Thanksgiving Day.
Families come together for the

day.They decorate the houses with autumn fruits and flowers and eat traditional American food:roast turkey, pumpkin pie and sweet potatoes.
2.On the 25-th of December there is the greatest holiday in England- Christmas. People give each other presents and send Christmas cards. Presents for children are there in the stockings.
The traditional English dinner on Christmas Day is roast turkey and Christmas pudding.
1. Thanksgiving Day is in December.
2. They usually eat meat and porridge on
Thanksgiving Day.
3. They decorate the houses with a New Year Tree on this day.
4. Christmas is on the 23-rd of December.
5.The traditional English dinner on Christmas is roast turkey and pudding.

It is fun

NEW YEAR. ST. VALENTINE’S DAY. It is fun to see the

to see the New year in.
People celebrate this

holiday on December,31.
People decorate the New Year Tree. There is a lot of dancing
and eating.

The 14-th of February is St.Valentine’s Day.
People buy or make Valentine cards and send them to people they love. They don’t sign their cards- you must guess who sent the cards to you.

Слайд 6 Answer the questions
1 .When do people

Answer the questions 1 .When do people celebrate the New Year?2.

celebrate the New Year?
2. What do they decorate?
3. What

do people do on St.Valentine’s Day?
4. Why don’t they sign the cards on St. Valentine’s Day?


The 17-th of March is a national

ST.PATRICK’S DAY. HALLOWE’ENThe 17-th of March is a national holiday in

holiday in Ireland-St.Patrick’s Day.People send greeting cards.
On that day

people wear green because it is one of the national colours of Ireland and the sign of spring.

On the 31-st of October in Great Britain there is a nice holiday for children – Halloween.
People put pumpkins on the window-sills. They draw eyes,noses and mouths on the pumpkins and put candles into them.
Children dress up in funny clothes. They go from house to house and say”Trick or treat”.
People give then sweets, fruit, cakes, cookies or money.

Слайд 8 Finish the sentences
1.A national holiday in Ireland is…

Finish the sentences1.A national holiday in Ireland is…2.People wear green on

wear green on this holiday because…
3.A nice holiday for

children Halloween is on…
4. They go from house to house and say…

Слайд 9 DO YOU KNOW?
What holidays do people in our

DO YOU KNOW?What holidays do people in our country celebrate on..

country celebrate on..

August, 30

October, 25

December, 16

March, 22

January, 7

December, 31

What holidays do English
people celebrate on…
January, 1
February, 14
March, 17
October, 31
December, 25

Слайд 10 T E S T
On this day people usually

T E S TOn this day people usually visit their friends.

visit their friends. There is a lot of dancing

and eating.
On this day people send cards
to their friends, parents and relatives.
People put trees in their rooms and
decorate them with toys.
People send cards to people they love. They shouldn’t write their names on the cards.
Those who get them must guess who sent them.
4. On this day children put pumpkins
on the window-sills and dress as ghosts on this day.
5. It’ a national holiday in Ireland.
People wear green because it’s the national colour of this country.
6. This is a great holiday in America.
People decorate the houses with
autumn fruits and flowers and eat traditional American food: roast turkey and pumpkin pie.

a) St. Patrick’s Day

b) Halloween

c) New Year’s Day

d) St.Valentine’s Day

e) Christmas

f) Thanksgiving Day

Слайд 11 Check Yourself!

Check Yourself!CEDBAF

  • Имя файла: holidays.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 166
  • Количество скачиваний: 0