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Презентация на тему How to get from Grodno to Washington

First of all you need to get from Grodno to Minsk. The most convenient way to get to Minsk is Shuttle Buses “Grodno-Minsk”. Travel time 3-3,5 hours.
How to get from Grodno to Washington First of all you need to get from Grodno to Minsk. The next destination is the airport.The best option for the price / Than of the set of flights, we chose two the most optimal:Minsk-washington19h
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 First of all you need to get

First of all you need to get from Grodno to

from Grodno to Minsk.
The most convenient way to

get to Minsk is Shuttle Buses “Grodno-Minsk”. Travel time 3-3,5 hours.

Слайд 3 The next destination is the airport.
The best option

The next destination is the airport.The best option for the price

for the price / quality ratio to get from

Minsk to the national airport is a trip on the buses that depart from Minsk daily and almost every hour. Travel time 45 min.

  • Имя файла: how-to-get-from-grodno-to-washington.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 117
  • Количество скачиваний: 0