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Презентация на тему Make the most of your money

credit card [kredıt ka:d]notes [nəυts]coins [kɔınz]discount[dıs´kaʋnt]currencies [kʌrənsız]cheque [tʃek]cash [kæʃ]bargain [´ba:gın]
Make the most of your moneyMoney spent on the brain is never credit card [kredıt ka:d]notes [nəυts]coins [kɔınz]discount[dıs´kaʋnt]currencies [kʌrənsız]cheque [tʃek]cash [kæʃ]bargain [´ba:gın] Remember the active vocabulary1.advertise        A. 1.The coins or banknotes     a) shopthat you use Оdd       Out1.a) shop assistant, b) cashier, Make up sentencesWhere is your shopping list?is, your, Where, list? shoppingI, on? TV advertisementsAdvantagesfun to watchpeople get entertainedsongs are coolhelp to choose goodsuseful Are you for TV advertising or are you against it?I’m for Ads Spending moneyon bookson presents to friendson comics and magazineson computer gameson CDson films -Did you buy a present for Jane yesterday?Yes, I chose an interesting - I think this suit is a bit loose on you.-I quite -The coat is rather tight. Give me a size larger.Here you are.Sweater, How do you like this suit?You look smart in it , and -This suit is too expensive. Will you show me something cheaper?Certainly.Hat, bag, Would you like to relax? Would you like to buy anything?Asking for a favourAgreeingThankingReplying Harrods inKnightbridgeSelfridgesKing’s Road in Chelsea Shopping in London Shopping in London1.Big department stores in Oxford Street are …Selfridges,John Lewis,D.H. Evans2. Make the most of your money Are you ready for the test?I need a new jacket  ___ The best things in life are free. A penny saved is a Good Luck!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 credit card [kredıt ka:d]
notes [nəυts]
coins [kɔınz]
currencies [kʌrənsız]
cheque [tʃek]

credit card [kredıt ka:d]notes [nəυts]coins [kɔınz]discount[dıs´kaʋnt]currencies [kʌrənsız]cheque [tʃek]cash [kæʃ]bargain [´ba:gın]

bargain [´ba:gın]

Слайд 3 Remember the active vocabulary

Remember the active vocabulary1.advertise    A. запомнить2.annoying

A. запомнить

B. рекламировать
3.commercial C.поощрять, ободрять
4.encourage D. развлекатьcя
5.get entertained E.раздражающий
6.selective F.коммерческий
7.stick in your head G.избирательный

Слайд 4 1.The coins or banknotes

1.The coins or banknotes   a) shopthat you use to

a) shop
that you use to buy things
2. A place

where you buy b) money
different things
3. A large shop with many c) shop assistant
4. A person who buys d) customer
things in the shop
5. A person who works e) department
in a shop store

Find the Definition

Слайд 5 Оdd Out

Оdd    Out1.a) shop assistant, b) cashier, c) baker

shop assistant, b) cashier, c) baker d)
2. a) buy,

b) , c) go shopping, d) choose
3. a) , b) bag, c) basket, d) packet
4. a) supermarket, b) shop, c) , d) market
5. a) money, b) coin, c) , d) banknote
6. a) cost, b) sell, c) , d) try on
7. a) fit, b) match, c) , d) suit









Слайд 6 Make up sentences

Where is your shopping list?
is, your,

Make up sentencesWhere is your shopping list?is, your, Where, list? shoppingI,

Where, list? shopping
I, on? this, May, blouse, try
May I

try this blouse on?

can, for, What, you? do, I

What can I do for you?

for, Boris, the party,bought,T-shirt, a new

Boris bought a new T-shirt for the party

a, He, shop, is, assistant

He is a shop assistant

Where is he?


is at work.



Слайд 7 TV advertisements
fun to watch
people get entertained
songs are

TV advertisementsAdvantagesfun to watchpeople get entertainedsongs are coolhelp to choose

help to choose goods
useful information
some are exciting
encourage to buy

very relaxing

boring and repetitive
make me cringe
you may go mad
chewing gum for eyes
everywhere and
all the time
sometimes tell lies
stick in your head

Слайд 8 Are you
for TV advertising or
are you

Are you for TV advertising or are you against it?I’m for

against it?
I’m for Ads because …
Ads should be banned

because …

Слайд 9 Spending money
on books
on presents to friends
on comics and

Spending moneyon bookson presents to friendson comics and magazineson computer gameson CDson films

on computer games
on CDs
on films

Слайд 10 -Did you buy a present for Jane yesterday?

-Did you buy a present for Jane yesterday?Yes, I chose an

I chose an interesting book for her.

Marry – a

bottle of perfume
your sister – a bag
your friend – a new CD

Make up short dialogues. Use the words prompted:

Слайд 11 - I think this suit is a bit

- I think this suit is a bit loose on you.-I

loose on you.
-I quite agree with you.

shirt, raincoat, jacket


up short dialogues

Слайд 12 -The coat is rather tight.
Give me a

-The coat is rather tight. Give me a size larger.Here you

size larger.
Here you are.

Sweater, trousers, suit
Make up short dialogues

Слайд 13 How do you like this suit?
You look smart

How do you like this suit?You look smart in it ,

in it , and it fits you well.

Raincoat, frock,


Make up short dialogues

Слайд 14 -This suit is too expensive.
Will you show

-This suit is too expensive. Will you show me something cheaper?Certainly.Hat,

something cheaper?

Hat, bag, shoes, trousers
Make up short dialogues

Слайд 15 Would you like to relax? Would you like to

Would you like to relax? Would you like to buy anything?Asking for a favourAgreeingThankingReplying

buy anything?
for a favour


Слайд 16 Harrods in
King’s Road in Chelsea

Harrods inKnightbridgeSelfridgesKing’s Road in Chelsea

Слайд 17 Shopping in London

Shopping in London

Слайд 18 Shopping in London
1.Big department stores in Oxford Street

Shopping in London1.Big department stores in Oxford Street are …Selfridges,John Lewis,D.H.

are …
John Lewis,
D.H. Evans
2. …

Garden market is open every day.


3. The smartest and most expensive shops are
in Knightsbridge, but more people come to …

Oxford Street.

4. Twice a year, in January and July … has a “sale”.


Слайд 19 Make the most of your money

Make the most of your money

Слайд 20 Are you ready for the test?
I need a

Are you ready for the test?I need a new jacket ___

new jacket ___

my new jeans.

to fit
to suit

to go with

Слайд 21 The best things in life are free.


The best things in life are free. A penny saved is

penny saved is a penny earned.
Easy come, easy


Value time over money –
only time cannot be replenished.

Самое дорогое в жизни бесплатно.

Копейка рубль бережет.

Как нажито, так и прожито.

…только время невозможно вернуть.

  • Имя файла: make-the-most-of-your-money.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 131
  • Количество скачиваний: 0