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Презентация на тему Master budget

Budget Budget is a quantitative expression for a set time period of proposed future plan of action by management. It can cover both financial and nonfinancial aspects of these plans and acts as a blueprint for
MASTER BUDGETChapter 6 Budget Budget is a quantitative expression for a set time period of Budgets covering the financial aspects quantify management’s expectations regarding future income, cash Well-managed organizations usually have the following budgeting cycle: Planning the organization as Investigating variations from plans. If necessary, corrective action follows investigation. Planning again, Master budget Master budget coordinates all the financial projections in the organization’s Operating decisions center on the acquisition and use of scare resources. Financing Pro forma statements The terminology used to describe budgets varies among organizations. The budgeted financial statements of many companies include the budgeted income statement, Coordination Coordination is the meshing and balancing of all factors of production Communication Communication is getting those objectives understood and accepted by all departments and functions. Coordination forces executives to think of relationships among individual operations, departments, and For coordination to succeed, communication is essential. The production manager must know Budgets should not be administered rapidly. Changing conditions call for changes in The most frequently used budget period is one year. The annual budget Rolling budget Businesses are increasingly using rolling budgets. Rolling budget is a Thus, a 12-month rolling budget for the March 2000 to February 2001 Halifax Engineering is a machine shop that uses skilled labor and metal The only source of revenue is sales of two parts. Non-sales-related revenue, Unit costs of direct materials purchased and finished goods sold remain unchanged After carefully examining all relevant factors, the executives of Halifax Engineering forecast All direct manufacturing costs are variable with respect to the units of At the anticipated output levels for the Regular and Heavy Duty aircraft Our task is to prepare a budgeted income statement for the year 2000. STEPS IN PREPARING AN OPERATING BUDGET Step 1: Revenue BudgetSchedule 1: Revenue BudgetFor the Year Ended December 31, 2000 Schedule 1: Revenue BudgetFor the Year Ended December 31, 2000 Step 2: Production Budget (in Units) Schedule 2: Production Budget (in Units)For the Year Ended December 31, 2000 Schedule 2: Production Budget (in Units)For the Year Ended December 31, 2000 Step 3: Direct Materials Usage Budget and Direct Materials Purchase BudgetSchedule 3A: Schedule 3A: Direct Materials Usage Budget in Schedule 3B: Direct Materials Purchases BudgetFor the Year Ended December 31, 2000 Step 4: Direct Manufacturing Labor BudgetSchedule 4: Direct Manufacturing Labor BudgetFor the Step 5: Manufacturing Overhead BudgetSchedule 5: Manufacturing Overhead BudgetFor the Year Ended December 31, 2000 Step 6: Ending Inventory BudgetSchedule 6A: Computation of Unit Costs of Manufacturing Finished Goods in 2000 Schedule 6B: Ending Inventory BudgetDecember 31, 2000 Step 7: Cost of Goods Sold BudgetSchedule 7: Cost of Goods Sold Step 8: Other (Nonproduction) Costs Budget Schedule 8:  Other (Nonproduction) Costs Halifax EngineeringBudgeted Income StatementFor the Year Ended December 31, 2000
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Budget
Budget is a quantitative expression for a

Budget Budget is a quantitative expression for a set time period

set time period of proposed future plan of action

by management.
It can cover both financial and nonfinancial aspects of these plans and acts as a blueprint for the company to follow in the upcoming period.

Слайд 3 Budgets covering the financial aspects quantify management’s expectations

Budgets covering the financial aspects quantify management’s expectations regarding future income,

regarding future income, cash flows, and financial position.

as individual financial statements are prepared covering past periods, so they can be prepared covering future periods- for example, a budgeted income statement, a budgeted cash flow statement, and a budgeted balance sheet.

Слайд 4 Well-managed organizations usually have the following budgeting cycle:

Well-managed organizations usually have the following budgeting cycle: Planning the organization

Planning the organization as a whole as well as

of its subunits. The entire management team agrees as to what is expected.
Providing a frame of reference, a set of specific expectations against which actual results can be compared.

Слайд 5 Investigating variations from plans. If necessary, corrective action

Investigating variations from plans. If necessary, corrective action follows investigation. Planning

follows investigation.
Planning again, considering feedback and changed conditions.

Слайд 6 Master budget
Master budget coordinates all the financial

Master budget Master budget coordinates all the financial projections in the

projections in the organization’s individual budgets in a single

organizationwide set of budgets for a set time period.
It embraces the impact of both operating decisions and financing decisions.

Слайд 7 Operating decisions center on the acquisition and use

Operating decisions center on the acquisition and use of scare resources.

of scare resources.
Financing decisions center on how to

get the funds to acquire resources.

Слайд 8 Pro forma statements
The terminology used to describe

Pro forma statements The terminology used to describe budgets varies among

budgets varies among organizations.
For example, budgeted financial statements

are sometimes called pro forma statements.

Слайд 9 The budgeted financial statements of many companies include

The budgeted financial statements of many companies include the budgeted income

the budgeted income statement, the budgeted balance sheet, and

the budgeted statement of cash flows.

Слайд 10 Coordination
Coordination is the meshing and balancing of

Coordination Coordination is the meshing and balancing of all factors of

all factors of production or service and of all

the departments and business functions so that the company can meet its objectives.

Слайд 11 Communication
Communication is getting those objectives understood and

Communication Communication is getting those objectives understood and accepted by all departments and functions.

accepted by all departments and functions.

Слайд 12 Coordination forces executives to think of relationships among

Coordination forces executives to think of relationships among individual operations, departments,

individual operations, departments, and the company as a whole.

Coordination implies, for example, that purchasing officers make material purchase plans on the basis of production requirements.
Also, production managers plan personnel and machinery needs to produce the number of products necessary to meet revenue forecasts.

Слайд 13 For coordination to succeed, communication is essential.

For coordination to succeed, communication is essential. The production manager must

production manager must know the sales plan.
The purchasing

manager must know the production plan, and so on.
Having a formal document such as the budget is an effective way to communicate a consistent set of plans to the organization as a whole.

Слайд 14 Budgets should not be administered rapidly.
Changing conditions

Budgets should not be administered rapidly. Changing conditions call for changes

call for changes in plans.
A manager may commit

to the budget, but a situation might develop where some special repairs or a special advertising program would better serve the interests of the organization.
The manager should not defer the repairs or the advertising in order to meet the budget if such actions will hurt the organization in the long run. Attaining the budget should not be an end in itself.

Слайд 15 The most frequently used budget period is one

The most frequently used budget period is one year. The annual

The annual budget is often subdivided by months

for the first quarter and by quarters for the remainder of the year.
The budgeted data for a year are frequently revised as the year unfolds.
For example, at the end of the first quarter, the budget for the next three quarters is changed in light of new information.

Слайд 16 Rolling budget
Businesses are increasingly using rolling budgets.

Rolling budget Businesses are increasingly using rolling budgets. Rolling budget is

Rolling budget is a budget or plan that is

always available for a specified future period by adding a month, quarter, or year in the future as the month, quarter, or year just ended is dropped.

Слайд 17 Thus, a 12-month rolling budget for the March

Thus, a 12-month rolling budget for the March 2000 to February

2000 to February 2001 period becomes a 12-month rolling

budget for the April 2000 to March 2001 period the next month, and so on.
There is always a 12-month budget in place.
Companies also frequently use rolling budgets when developing five-year budgets for long-run planning.

Слайд 18 Halifax Engineering is a machine shop that uses

Halifax Engineering is a machine shop that uses skilled labor and

skilled labor and metal alloys to manufacture two types

of aircraft replacement parts- Regular and Heavy Duty.
Halifax manager is ready to prepare a master budget for the year 2000.
To keep our illustration manageable for clarifying basic relationships, we make the following assumptions:

Слайд 19 The only source of revenue is sales of

The only source of revenue is sales of two parts. Non-sales-related

two parts. Non-sales-related revenue, such as interest income, is

assumed to be zero.
Work-in-process inventory is negligible and is ignored.
Direct material inventory and finished goods inventory are costed using the FIFO method.

Слайд 20 Unit costs of direct materials purchased and finished

Unit costs of direct materials purchased and finished goods sold remain

goods sold remain unchanged throughout the budget year (2000).

production costs are variable with respect to direct manufacturing labor-hours. Variable nonproduction costs are variable with respect to the revenues.
For computing inventoriable costs, all manufacturing costs (fixed and variable) are allocated using a single allocation base- direct manufacturing labor-hours.

Слайд 21 After carefully examining all relevant factors, the executives

After carefully examining all relevant factors, the executives of Halifax Engineering

of Halifax Engineering forecast the following figures for 2000:

Material 111 alloy $7 per kilogram
Material 112 alloy $10 per kilogram
Direct manufacturing labor $20 per hour

Слайд 23 All direct manufacturing costs are variable with respect

All direct manufacturing costs are variable with respect to the units

to the units of output produced. Additional information regarding

the year 2000 is as follows:

Слайд 26 At the anticipated output levels for the Regular

At the anticipated output levels for the Regular and Heavy Duty

and Heavy Duty aircraft parts, management believes the following

manufacturing overhead costs will be incurred:

Слайд 28 Our task is to prepare a budgeted income

Our task is to prepare a budgeted income statement for the year 2000.

statement for the year 2000.



Слайд 30 Step 1: Revenue Budget
Schedule 1: Revenue Budget
For the

Step 1: Revenue BudgetSchedule 1: Revenue BudgetFor the Year Ended December 31, 2000

Year Ended December 31, 2000

Слайд 31 Schedule 1: Revenue Budget
For the Year Ended December

Schedule 1: Revenue BudgetFor the Year Ended December 31, 2000

31, 2000

Слайд 32 Step 2: Production Budget (in Units)

Step 2: Production Budget (in Units)

Слайд 33 Schedule 2: Production Budget (in Units)
For the Year

Schedule 2: Production Budget (in Units)For the Year Ended December 31, 2000

Ended December 31, 2000

Слайд 34 Schedule 2: Production Budget (in Units)
For the Year

Schedule 2: Production Budget (in Units)For the Year Ended December 31, 2000

Ended December 31, 2000

Слайд 35 Step 3: Direct Materials Usage Budget and Direct

Step 3: Direct Materials Usage Budget and Direct Materials Purchase BudgetSchedule

Materials Purchase Budget
Schedule 3A:

Direct Materials Usage Budget in

Kilograms and Dollars

For the Year Ended December 31, 2000

Слайд 39 Schedule 3A:
Direct Materials Usage Budget in

Schedule 3A: Direct Materials Usage Budget in

Kilograms and Dollars
For the Year Ended December 31, 2000

Слайд 44 Schedule 3B:
Direct Materials Purchases Budget
For the Year

Schedule 3B: Direct Materials Purchases BudgetFor the Year Ended December 31, 2000

Ended December 31, 2000

Слайд 51 Step 4: Direct Manufacturing Labor Budget
Schedule 4: Direct

Step 4: Direct Manufacturing Labor BudgetSchedule 4: Direct Manufacturing Labor BudgetFor

Manufacturing Labor Budget
For the Year Ended December 31, 2000

Слайд 54 Step 5: Manufacturing Overhead Budget
Schedule 5: Manufacturing Overhead

Step 5: Manufacturing Overhead BudgetSchedule 5: Manufacturing Overhead BudgetFor the Year Ended December 31, 2000

For the Year Ended December 31, 2000

Слайд 57 Step 6: Ending Inventory Budget
Schedule 6A:
Computation of

Step 6: Ending Inventory BudgetSchedule 6A: Computation of Unit Costs of Manufacturing Finished Goods in 2000

Unit Costs of
Manufacturing Finished Goods in 2000

Слайд 60 Schedule 6B:
Ending Inventory Budget
December 31, 2000

Schedule 6B: Ending Inventory BudgetDecember 31, 2000

Слайд 63 Step 7: Cost of Goods Sold Budget
Schedule 7:

Step 7: Cost of Goods Sold BudgetSchedule 7: Cost of Goods

Cost of Goods Sold Budget
For the Year Ended December

31, 2000

Слайд 66 Step 8: Other (Nonproduction) Costs Budget Schedule 8: Other

Step 8: Other (Nonproduction) Costs Budget Schedule 8: Other (Nonproduction) Costs

(Nonproduction) Costs Budget For the Year Ended December 31, 2000

Слайд 68 Halifax Engineering
Budgeted Income Statement
For the Year Ended December

Halifax EngineeringBudgeted Income StatementFor the Year Ended December 31, 2000

31, 2000

  • Имя файла: master-budget.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 129
  • Количество скачиваний: 0