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Презентация на тему Revision: the verb ”have”, clothes, appearance

Phonetic drill Socks and shoes,And jeans and shirt,Trousers, coat,And blouse and skirt.
Revision: the verb ”have”, clothes, appearanceЧебуркова Т.Г.Учитель английского языка Phonetic drill Socks and shoes,And jeans and shirt,Trousers, coat,And blouse and skirt. The verb “have” AppearanceHair: 			long / short     	blonde / dark PLAN: TICOThis is a clown. His name is Tico. He is 20. He NameAgeHairEyesNoseClothes
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Phonetic drill
Socks and shoes,
And jeans and shirt,

Phonetic drill Socks and shoes,And jeans and shirt,Trousers, coat,And blouse and skirt.

And blouse and skirt.

Слайд 3 The verb “have”

The verb “have”

Слайд 4 Appearance
long / short

AppearanceHair: 			long / short   	blonde / dark

blonde / dark

/ straight
Eyes: blue / grey / brown / green

Nose: small / big

Слайд 5 PLAN:


Слайд 6 TICO
This is a clown. His name is Tico.

TICOThis is a clown. His name is Tico. He is 20.

He is 20.
He has long curly hair. His

hair is red. He has big eyes.
His eyes are black.
His nose is big and round.
He has yellow trousers, a purple and yellow shirt. He has red shoes and an orange hat with a flower.

  • Имя файла: revision-the-verb-”have”-clothes-appearance.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 146
  • Количество скачиваний: 0