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Презентация на тему Метод учебных проектов как средство активизации учебной деятельности на уроках английского языка


Определение понятияМетод проектов – система обучения, при которой учащиеся приобретают знания в процессе планирования и выполнения постоянно усложняющихся практических заданий – проектов.
Метод учебных проектов как средство активизации учебной деятельности на уроках английского языкаУчитель Определение понятияМетод проектов – система обучения, при которой учащиеся приобретают знания в Главная особенностьГлавная особенность метода – обучение на активной основе, через целесообразную деятельность Метод проектов в России1905 – начало проектных технологий под руководством С.Т. Шацкого20-е Достоинства проектной деятельностиРазвивает способности·   к осмыслению своей деятельности с позиций ценностного подхода;·    к Этапы работы над учебным проектом Виды проектов на уроках английского языкаИндивидуальный письменныйКоллективный (или парный) письменныйКоллективный  (или парный) устный Формы индивидуального и коллективного (письменного проектов) проектовОписание ( дома, школы будущего .достопримечательности Проект на уроке (индивидуальный) Парный проект ( 8 класс) Проект на уроке (коллективный) Our class in the holidays Компьютерная презентация  (5 класс) Happy     eggs Take two eggs and oil. Pour out oil Break one egg Break two eggs Sprinkle salt Enjoy your eggs Компьютерная презентация 8 класс “Tsarskoye Selo” by Klementyeva Polina 8-B A Brief History Of Tzarskoje Selo For nearly 200 years Tzarskoje Selo The Russian Monarchy EMPEROR PETR IPetr I Alexeevich (1672-1725) - Tsar from 1682, Emperor EMPEROR PAUL IPaul I Petrovich (1754-1801) - Emperor from 1796. EMPEROR ALEXANDER IAlexander I Pavlovich (1777-1825) Plan of the Catherine Palace The Catherine Palace The exposition in the Catherine Palace Museum (prior to The Main Staircase Between the years 1752 and 1756, during reconstruction of The First and the Second Exhibition Halls The First Exhibition Hall can The Great Hall The Great Hall, or the Light Gallery, as it The Amber Room If the Amber Room had not disappeared during World The Picture Hall The Picture Hall is one of the formal rooms The Waiters' Room From the Room Leading to the Iron Staircase (buffet) Проект-ролевая игра Раздел “Food” (Еда) 5 класс How we cooked salad… The salad is ready… Enjoy our salad… A sandwich “Ship” Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Определение понятия
Метод проектов – система обучения, при которой

Определение понятияМетод проектов – система обучения, при которой учащиеся приобретают знания

учащиеся приобретают знания в процессе планирования и выполнения постоянно

усложняющихся практических заданий – проектов.

Слайд 3 Главная особенность
Главная особенность метода – обучение на активной

Главная особенностьГлавная особенность метода – обучение на активной основе, через целесообразную

основе, через целесообразную деятельность ученика, соответствующую его личным интересам.

– Джон Дьюи (США) 1859-1952

Слайд 4 Метод проектов в России
1905 – начало проектных технологий

Метод проектов в России1905 – начало проектных технологий под руководством С.Т.

под руководством С.Т. Шацкого
20-е годы – внедрение «комплексного метода»,

серия ошибок и перегибов.
1931 год – запрет на применение метода проектов
90-е годы XX века – возрастание интереса, становится неотъемлемой частью концепции модернизации российского образования.

Слайд 5 Достоинства проектной деятельности
Развивает способности
·   к осмыслению своей деятельности с

Достоинства проектной деятельностиРазвивает способности·   к осмыслению своей деятельности с позиций ценностного подхода;·   

позиций ценностного подхода;
·    к целеполаганию;
·    к самообразованию и самоорганизации;

к синтезированию, интеграции и обобщению информации из разных источников;
·    к творчеству
·      делать выбор и принимать решения.

Слайд 6 Этапы работы над учебным проектом

Этапы работы над учебным проектом

Слайд 7 Виды проектов на уроках английского языка
Индивидуальный письменный
Коллективный (или

Виды проектов на уроках английского языкаИндивидуальный письменныйКоллективный (или парный) письменныйКоллективный (или парный) устный

парный) письменный
Коллективный (или парный) устный

Слайд 8 Формы индивидуального и коллективного (письменного проектов) проектов
Описание (

Формы индивидуального и коллективного (письменного проектов) проектовОписание ( дома, школы будущего

дома, школы будущего .достопримечательности и т. д.)
Рассказ ( сказка,

Рецензия на книгу
Мини-исследование об истории вещей
Сценарий к фильму
Коллаж из нескольких текстов на заданную тему и др.
Компьютерная презентация
Художественный перевод стихотворения

Слайд 9 Проект на уроке (индивидуальный)

Проект на уроке (индивидуальный)

Слайд 10 Парный проект ( 8 класс)

Парный проект ( 8 класс)

Слайд 11 Проект на уроке (коллективный)

Проект на уроке (коллективный)

Слайд 12 Our class in the holidays

Our class in the holidays

Слайд 13 Компьютерная презентация (5 класс)

Компьютерная презентация (5 класс)

Слайд 14 Happy eggs

Happy   eggs

Слайд 15 Take two eggs and oil.

Take two eggs and oil.

Слайд 16 Pour out oil

Pour out oil

Слайд 17 Break one egg

Break one egg

Слайд 18 Break two eggs

Break two eggs

Слайд 19 Sprinkle salt

Sprinkle salt

Слайд 20 Enjoy your eggs

Enjoy your eggs

Слайд 21 Компьютерная презентация 8 класс “Tsarskoye Selo” by Klementyeva Polina 8-B

Компьютерная презентация 8 класс “Tsarskoye Selo” by Klementyeva Polina 8-B

Слайд 22 A Brief History Of Tzarskoje Selo
For nearly

A Brief History Of Tzarskoje Selo For nearly 200 years Tzarskoje

200 years Tzarskoje Selo had been a summer residence

of the Russian Royal Family. Many of the significant state affairs were conducted here. The magnificence of its fronts, interieur, pavilions and parks putsTzarskoje Selo into the rank of the world's largest museums. The real gem of the Catherine palace, the Amber room, is considered the eighth wonder of the world.

Слайд 23 The Russian Monarchy

Petr I Alexeevich (1672-1725) -

The Russian Monarchy EMPEROR PETR IPetr I Alexeevich (1672-1725) - Tsar from 1682,

Tsar from 1682, Emperor from 1721.

Catherine I Alexeevna

(1684 -1727) - Empress from 1725


Petr II Alexeevich (1715-1730) - Emperor from 1727.


Anna Ivanovna (1693-1740) - Empress from 1730.


Ivan VI Antonovich (1740-1764) - Emperor from 1740 to 1741.


Elizabeth Petrovna (1709-1761) - Empress from 1741


Petr III Fyodorovich (1728 - 1762) - Emperor from 1761 to 1762


Catherine II Alexeevna (1729-1796) - Empress from 1762.


Paul I Petrovich (1754-1801) - Emperor from 1796.

EMPEROR PAUL IPaul I Petrovich (1754-1801) - Emperor from 1796. EMPEROR ALEXANDER IAlexander I Pavlovich


Alexander I Pavlovich (1777-1825) - Emperor from 1801


Nicholas I Pavlovich (1796-1855) - Emperor from 1825.


Alexander II Nikolaevich (1818-1881) - Emperor from 1855.


Alexander III Alexandrovich (1845-1894) - Emperor from 1881.


Nicholas II Alexandrovich (1868-1918) - last Russian emperor, ruled from 1894 to 1917

Слайд 25 Plan of the Catherine Palace

Plan of the Catherine Palace

Слайд 26 The Catherine Palace
The exposition in the Catherine

The Catherine Palace The exposition in the Catherine Palace Museum (prior

Palace Museum (prior to 1910 - the Great Tzarskoje Selo

Palace) encompasses the 250-year history of the famous monument, and acquaints visitors with the work of the architects who participated in its construction and decoration in the 18th and 19th centuries, and also with the current state of this unique landmark, with the work of restorers who managed to bring the palace back to life after World War II. The Tzarskoje Selo and the Orient exposition, located in the former personal quarters not yet restored, continues to be featured at the Catherine Palace Museum.  

Слайд 27 The Main Staircase
Between the years 1752 and

The Main Staircase Between the years 1752 and 1756, during reconstruction

1756, during reconstruction of the Catherine Palace, Bartolomeo Francesco

Rastrelli placed the Main Staircase at a distance from the entrance gates to the palace in the southern part of the building, topped by a spired dome. Rastrelli's Main Staircase was destroyed at the end of the 18th century during the reign of Catherine II. In its place, Charles Cameron erected a new Main Staircase in the center of the palace, in place of the Chinese Hall created by Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli. The staircase occupies the entire height and width of the Catherine Palace and is illuminated from the east and west by windows placed on three levels. The walls boast decorative 18th and 19th century Chinese and Japanese porcelain vases and plates. The windows of the Main Staircase are dressed with crimson draperies.

Слайд 28 The First and the Second Exhibition Halls

The First and the Second Exhibition Halls The First Exhibition Hall

First Exhibition Hall can be reached from the Main

Staircase of the Catherine Palace. The exposition in this room acquaints visitors with the main stages in the creation of the Catherine Palace. In the center of the left wall, among antique engravings, can be seen the communique from P. Apraxin to Emperor Peter I dated August 24, 1702, in which Sarskaya myza, which would later become Tzarskoje Selo, is mentioned for the first time. Hanging next to this is the drawing "Sixteen Stone Chambers" depicting the first Tzarskoje Selo palace, designed by Johann Friedrich Braunstein.
The Second Exhibition Hall The Second Exhibition Hall is located next to the First Exhibition Hall. The exposition in this room tells of the tragic events connected with the years of World War II in Tzarskoje Selo. It also covers the evacuation of the museum's treasures from the Catherine and Alexander Palaces organized by the Soviet government, during which approximately 70,000 objects were rescued

Слайд 29 The Great Hall
The Great Hall, or the

The Great Hall The Great Hall, or the Light Gallery, as

Light Gallery, as it was called in the 18th century,

is a formal apartment in the Russian baroque style designed by the architect Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli between 1752 and 1756. The Great Hall was intended for more significant receptions and celebrations, including formal dinners, balls and masquerades. The hall is painted in two colors, with an area of approximately 1,000 square meters, and occupies the entire width of the palace. The windows on the eastern side look out onto the park, and on the western side, onto the palace square. In the summer, the hall is penetrated by sunlight which plays on the gilding throughout the day, and in the evening 696 lamps are lit on 12 - 15 chandeliers located near the mirrors, which made the impression of the hall more effective.

Слайд 30 The Amber Room
If the Amber Room had

The Amber Room If the Amber Room had not disappeared during

not disappeared during World War II, we would celebrate its

tercentenary in 2001. Prussian kings and Russian emperors, architects and artists, leaders of the Third Reich and Soviet leaders, Maecenases and businessmen, treasure hunters and outstanding scientists, not to mention craftsmen, were involved in the history of the "Eighth Wonder of the World".
Today, the theme of reconstruction of the Amber Room is of primary importance. Preserved photographs and archives help the roughly 40 art experts to fashion the barely palm-sized thin amber pieces so that they match the original in shape in colour and to carve fine ornaments, thus recreating the legendary work of art like a huge puzzle from over half a million pieces of amber. The time approaches when, before our very eyes, we will see a replica which looks very much like original, but is a new work of applied art, worthy of being on display in one of the best palace-museums of the world: the Catherine Palace Tzarskoje Selo .

Слайд 31 The Picture Hall
The Picture Hall is one

The Picture Hall The Picture Hall is one of the formal

of the formal rooms in the Catherine Palace, and

was designed by Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli in the 1750s. This formal hall occupies approximately 180 square meters, and stretches across the width of the palace.
During the 18th century, it was frequently used for diplomatic receptions, meals and music concerts. Meetings, or "conferences at the high court," were also held here during the Seven-year war, (1756-1763) and the summer of 1757 saw a triumphant reception to celebrate the delivery of banners and keys to captured Prussian towns.

Слайд 32 The Waiters' Room
From the Room Leading to

The Waiters' Room From the Room Leading to the Iron Staircase

the Iron Staircase (buffet) one passes into the Waiters'

Room. This room was one of the service rooms in the Catherine Palace, hence the name. According to plans by Charles Cameron, it was divided by a cross-wise screen into two "foyers," one of which was dark and led to the staircase. The architectural style was of the classical period.
The interior of the Waiters' Room suffered greatly during the fire in 1820. The interior composition created by the architect Charles Cameron with its double pilasters on the walls and broad frieze with archivolts was reproduced with a few changes by the architect Vasily Stasov. Due to the absence
оf original drawings of the detail executed by
Charles Cameron, the design was modeled
after sketches by Vasily Stasov.

Слайд 33 Проект-ролевая игра Раздел “Food” (Еда) 5 класс

Проект-ролевая игра Раздел “Food” (Еда) 5 класс

Слайд 34 How we cooked salad…

How we cooked salad…

Слайд 35 The salad is ready…

The salad is ready…

Слайд 36 Enjoy our salad…

Enjoy our salad…

Слайд 37 A sandwich “Ship”

A sandwich “Ship”

  • Имя файла: metod-uchebnyh-proektov-kak-sredstvo-aktivizatsii-uchebnoy-deyatelnosti-na-urokah-angliyskogo-yazyka.pptx
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