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Презентация на тему must, have to

+ I must go there just now. - You mustn’t (must not) talk like that! ? Must you always interrupt me?
MUST – должен TO HAVE TO – должен, вынужден (в силу каких – то обстоятельств) + I must go there just now. - You mustn’t (must not) Have to Have to  future Tense + I shall have to do this Home task: сделать литературный перевод текста стр. 58 (рабочая тетрадь)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 + I must go there just now. - You

+ I must go there just now. - You mustn’t (must

mustn’t (must not) talk like that! ?

Must you always interrupt me?

Слайд 3

Have to


to Present Tense + We have to stay at home now. - We don’t have to stay at home now. He doesn’t have to stay at home now. ? Do you have to go there? Does she have to look after her sister?

Слайд 4

Have to

Have to

past Tense + We had to stay at home yesterday. - he didn’t have to wait for us. ? Did you have to know the truth?

Слайд 5 Have to future Tense + I shall have to

Have to future Tense + I shall have to do this

do this work just now. - They will not

(won’t) have to go there. We shall not (shan’t) have to stay at home. ? What will you have to do now?

  • Имя файла: must-have-to.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 180
  • Количество скачиваний: 0