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Презентация на тему Национальные парки США

Currently in the United States there are 58 national parks, which attract tourists with its charming nature and many activities. It is very difficult to identify the best national parks, but some of them by far the
National Parks in the USAПрезентацию составилаПейль Юлия ВладимировнаУчитель английского языкаМАОУ Новотарманская СОШ Currently in the United States there are 58 national parks, which attract Grand Canyon is one of the most popular and most visited national Yellowstone National Park is located in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. This is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is located in Tennessee. The wide variety of Yosemite National Park is located in California and attracts millions of visitors, Rocky Mountain National Park is located in Colorado. It has majestic mountain peaks, ИСТОЧНИКИ ИНФОРМАЦИИhttp://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%http://www.nps.gov/grca/index.htmhttp://www.nps.gov/yell/index.htmhttp://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/national-parks/yellowstone-national-park/http://www.deadzones.com/2010/08/cell-coverage-in-yosemite-national-park.html#.UvYS5vl_urghttp://quoteko.com/id24/black-and-white-photograph-lower-yosemite-falls.htmlhttp://www.answers.com/topic/rocky-mountain-national-park-21234567
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Слайд 2 Currently in the United States there are 58

Currently in the United States there are 58 national parks, which

national parks, which attract tourists with its charming nature

and many activities. It is very difficult to identify the best national parks, but some of them by far the most popular among tourists. Here are lists of the 5 most popular national parks in the United States.

Слайд 3 Grand Canyon is one of the most popular

Grand Canyon is one of the most popular and most visited

and most visited national parks in the United States. It

is also one of the seven natural wonders of the world. And it's really a miracle to see his amazingly-beautiful colors canyon. This is one of the best places to photograph. Located in Arizona, it attracts millions of tourists every year. Red Rock Valley and the Grand Canyon are spectacular.

Слайд 4 Yellowstone National Park is located in Montana, Idaho

Yellowstone National Park is located in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. This is

and Wyoming. This is the first national park in the

United States, founded in 1872. It is home to many wild animals such as grizzly bears, bison, wolves, moose, and so on. This park has the world's largest number of hot springs and geysers, and the most popular park geyser Old Faithful.

Слайд 5 Great Smoky Mountains National Park is located in

Great Smoky Mountains National Park is located in Tennessee. The wide variety

Tennessee. The wide variety of flora and fauna of the

park attract millions of visitors from around the world. There are many great places to take pictures and enjoy the beauty of nature. But very popular among tourists are the fascinating waterfalls. Visitors can make hiking, camping, and even travel by car.

Слайд 6 Yosemite National Park is located in California and

Yosemite National Park is located in California and attracts millions of

attracts millions of visitors, especially lovers of rock climbing. It

is ideal for rock climbing. In addition, tourists like to look at the ancient redwoods, beautiful waterfalls and green valleys. Native Americans settled here eight thousand years ago

Слайд 7 Rocky Mountain National Park is located in Colorado. It

Rocky Mountain National Park is located in Colorado. It has majestic mountain

has majestic mountain peaks, a variety of wildlife, varied

climate and the environment, forest-tundra in the mountains and easy access to back-country trails and campsites. The breathtaking beauty is a great place to take pictures. The park offers visitors a variety of activities

  • Имя файла: natsionalnye-parki-ssha.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 127
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