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Презентация на тему Natural disasters and their consequences

Natural disasters Tornado Tornado - monstrously narrow rotating column of air that extends from Known fact:   Tornado - the most violent disaster. Volcanic eruption Eruption - process emissions volcano on the Earth's surface hot debris, ash Interesting fact: On Earth, about 1500 active volcanoes, not counting submarines. Of Earthquake Earthquake - is any wobble in the Earth surface due to natural Interesting fact: In the main earthquakes happen because of geological problems, but Flood Flood - is significant flooding areas from rising water levels in the Interesting fact: The annual damage to the world economy floods and other Ice Ice - this dense layer of ice formed on the surface Interesting facts: In terms of handling and stability of the car on
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Tornado


Слайд 3 Tornado - monstrously narrow rotating column of

Tornado - monstrously narrow rotating column of air that extends

air that extends from a thunderstorm cloud to the

ground. As the wind is invisible, you can not always see a tornado. Visible sign - funnel consisting of water droplets, sometimes items throughout its existence tornadoes are not always in contact with the ground. Dust and debris in a rotating funnel also make a tornado visible and indicate the position of the tornado.

Слайд 4 Known fact:   Tornado - the most violent

Known fact:   Tornado - the most violent disaster.


Слайд 5 Volcanic eruption

Volcanic eruption

Слайд 6 Eruption - process emissions volcano on the Earth's

Eruption - process emissions volcano on the Earth's surface hot debris,

surface hot debris, ash outpouring of magma, which izlivshis

on the surface, it becomes lava. Eruption may have a time period ranging from several hours to many years.

Слайд 7 Interesting fact: On Earth, about 1500 active volcanoes,

Interesting fact: On Earth, about 1500 active volcanoes, not counting submarines.

not counting submarines. Of these, only 20-30 erupt each


Слайд 8 Earthquake


Слайд 9 Earthquake - is any wobble in the Earth

Earthquake - is any wobble in the Earth surface due to

surface due to natural causes, among which the main

role belongs to tectonic processes (mass transfer inside the Earth). It is a common phenomenon observed in many areas of continents and on the ocean floor.

Слайд 10 Interesting fact: In the main earthquakes happen because

Interesting fact: In the main earthquakes happen because of geological problems,

of geological problems, but sometimes they can be caused

by landslides, explosions in mines, nuclear tests and volcanic activity.

Слайд 12 Flood - is significant flooding areas from rising

Flood - is significant flooding areas from rising water levels in

water levels in the river, lake or sea during

snowmelt, rainfall, wind surges, with traffic jams, ice jams, etc.

Слайд 13 Interesting fact: The annual damage to the world

Interesting fact: The annual damage to the world economy floods and

economy floods and other water-related disasters, ranging from 50

to 60 billion U.S. dollars.

Слайд 15 Ice - this dense layer of ice

Ice - this dense layer of ice formed on the

formed on the surface of the earth, sidewalks, roadway

and on objects (trees, wires, etc.) when freezing of supercooled rain and drizzle (fog)

  • Имя файла: natural-disasters-and-their-consequences.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 113
  • Количество скачиваний: 0