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Презентация на тему Открытый урок по английскому языку в 4-А классе : Дикие и домашние животные план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)

The aims of our lesson are to learn: Where the animals live;What they eat;What they can do;What animals and people do for each other.
Учитель английского языка: Балыкина И.А. The aims of our lesson are to learn: Where the animals live;What Listen and repeat[i:] - field, sea, eagle [e] - weather , elephant, The Animal SongelephantcrocodilesnakemonkeycamelhippoparrotlionThe     is the king of the Where do Animals Live?On a farm   in the zoo Make up your own sentence.Ex: A fox lives in the forest.A hen lives…A lion… My ProgressNow I know: - where the animals live; - what they My Progress “6 points” – “7 points” – “8 points” -goodVery goodexcellent Your hometask is:- to make the dialogue. Ask your classmate about his
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4 The aims of our lesson are to learn:
Where the

The aims of our lesson are to learn: Where the animals

animals live;
What they eat;
What they can do;
What animals and

people do for each other.

Слайд 5 Listen and repeat
[i:] - field, sea, eagle

Listen and repeat[i:] - field, sea, eagle [e] - weather ,

- weather , elephant, desert
[əu] - cold, road,

[au] - town, flower, cloudy
[ei] - game, today, whale

Слайд 6 The Animal Song
The is

The Animal SongelephantcrocodilesnakemonkeycamelhippoparrotlionThe   is the king of the jungleThe

the king of the jungle

is big and strong.
The is very dangerous.
The is very long.
The likes to swing through the branches.
The likes to walk, walk, walk.
The likes to sit in the mud pool all day.
The likes to talk, talk, talk……….

Слайд 7 Where do Animals Live?
On a farm

Where do Animals Live?On a farm  in the zoo

in the zoo in the forest

A hen

A pig
A horse
A sheep
A rabbit
A duck
A cow

A lion
A giraffe
A monkey
A tiger
A kangaroo

A fox
A bear
A wolf
A hare

Слайд 8 Make up your own sentence.
Ex: A fox lives

Make up your own sentence.Ex: A fox lives in the forest.A hen lives…A lion…

in the forest.
A hen lives…
A lion…

Слайд 9 My Progress
Now I know:
- where the animals

My ProgressNow I know: - where the animals live; - what

- what they eat;
- what they can

- what animals and people do for each other.
Now I can say:
- where the animals live;
- what they eat;
- what they can do;
- what animals and people do for each other.

Слайд 10 My Progress
“6 points” –
“7 points”

My Progress “6 points” – “7 points” – “8 points” -goodVery goodexcellent

“8 points” -
Very good

  • Имя файла: otkrytyy-urok-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-v-4-a-klasse-dikie-i-domashnie-zhivotnye-plan-konspekt-uroka-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 359
  • Количество скачиваний: 3