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Презентация на тему Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy person
Simple Ways to Live a Healthy LifestyleExercise and Eating Well A healthy person ExerciseOne of the biggest reasons we're have a weight problem these days We know we need to exercise, but we have so many excuses not to do it. Just adding a little movement to your life can:The truth is, everything Simple Ways to Move Your Body Eating WellEating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy lifestyle. There are some tips for simple ways to change how you eat: Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to mean drastic changes. In fact,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 A healthy person

A healthy person

Слайд 3 Exercise
One of the biggest reasons we're have a

ExerciseOne of the biggest reasons we're have a weight problem these

weight problem these days is because we sit around

too much.

Слайд 4 We know we need to exercise, but we

We know we need to exercise, but we have so many excuses not to do it.

have so many excuses not to do it.

Слайд 5 Just adding a little movement to your life

Just adding a little movement to your life can:The truth is,

The truth is, everything counts and the more you

move, the healthier you'll be.

Слайд 6 Simple Ways to Move Your Body

Simple Ways to Move Your Body

Слайд 7 Eating Well
Eating a healthy diet is another part

Eating WellEating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy

of the healthy lifestyle. Not only can a clean

diet help with weight management, it can also improve your health and quality of life as you get older. 

Слайд 8 There are some tips for simple ways to

There are some tips for simple ways to change how you eat:

change how you eat:

  • Имя файла: simple-ways-to-live-a-healthy-lifestyle.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 127
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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