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Презентация на тему Slobodskoy Palace

ContentsHistory of the buildingAcademic Council ArchitectureNew part of the building
SLOBODSKOY PALACEIU1-61Gubarev F.N. ContentsHistory of the buildingAcademic Council ArchitectureNew part of the building History of the building1749 1826 1840s Academic CouncilFire in 1812New church in 1832 ArchitectureThe unity of Science and Crafts New part of the building1951-1959
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Contents
History of the building
Academic Council
New part of

ContentsHistory of the buildingAcademic Council ArchitectureNew part of the building

the building

Слайд 3 History of the building

History of the building1749 1826 1840s

Слайд 4 Academic Council
Fire in 1812
New church in 1832

Academic CouncilFire in 1812New church in 1832

Слайд 5 Architecture
The unity of Science and Crafts

ArchitectureThe unity of Science and Crafts

  • Имя файла: slobodskoy-palace.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0