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Презентация на тему sport

Sport is our life. We go in for sport every day. It helps us to keep fit.
Sport is our life. We go in for sport every day. It The most popular sport among girls is… volleyball The most popular sport among boys is… football People with brown eyes are very kind-hearted. Most of all they like… People with green eyes are helpful and smart. They like… ATHLETIKS Blue eyes are like sea. People with blue eyes are so generous! And they like… swimming People say that our eyes are the mirror of the soul. People Gymnastics I think that some guys of my class can get sport world records in future! Sport is our life! Remember it! Thank   You     For      Attention…
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Sport is our life. We go in for

Sport is our life. We go in for sport every day.

sport every day. It helps us to keep fit.

Слайд 3 The most popular sport among girls is…

The most popular sport among girls is…

Слайд 4 volleyball


Слайд 5 The most popular sport among boys is…

The most popular sport among boys is…

Слайд 6 football


Слайд 7 People with brown eyes are very kind-hearted. Most

People with brown eyes are very kind-hearted. Most of all they like…

of all they like…

Слайд 9 People with green eyes are helpful and smart.

People with green eyes are helpful and smart. They like…

They like…



Слайд 11 Blue eyes are like sea. People with blue

Blue eyes are like sea. People with blue eyes are so generous! And they like…

eyes are so generous! And they like…

Слайд 12 swimming


Слайд 13 People say that our eyes are the mirror

People say that our eyes are the mirror of the soul.

of the soul. People with grey eyes are responsible.

They like…

Слайд 14 Gymnastics


Слайд 15 I think that some guys of my class

I think that some guys of my class can get sport world records in future!

can get sport world records in future!

Слайд 16 Sport is our life! Remember it!

Sport is our life! Remember it!

  • Имя файла: sport.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 130
  • Количество скачиваний: 0