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Презентация на тему The 3rd meeting of English club. Culture of the Englishspeaking countries

1. Say Hello
The 3rd meeting of English clubTopic: Culture of the English-speaking countries 1. Say Hello 2. let’s remember wordsArticle –Author – Chapter -Cover -Editor -Epilogue – Front 2. let’s remember wordsArticle –Author – Chapter -Cover -Editor -Epilogue – Front 3. speaking Which country do you like more (uk & usa) ? Why(2 words) ? 4. Making sentences with new words 5. Usa vs. uk (battle) 6. Usa & Uk Accents 6. Usa & UkMeaning of the words 6. Usa & UkBaggage       багаж 6. Usa & UkWritingwords ending with –our Americans use –or: labor, color, favor  instead 7. How to…Be britainBe american 8. New phrases.  How to speak without pauses.Basic – oh, well, Thank you! See you next time!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 1. Say Hello

1. Say Hello

Слайд 3 2. let’s remember words
Article –
Author –
Chapter -

2. let’s remember wordsArticle –Author – Chapter -Cover -Editor -Epilogue –

Editor -
Epilogue –
Front page -
Headline -
Issue -
Narrator -

Prologue –
Publishers -
Title -
Volume –

Слайд 4 2. let’s remember words
Article –
Author –
Chapter -

2. let’s remember wordsArticle –Author – Chapter -Cover -Editor -Epilogue –

Editor -
Epilogue –
Front page -
Headline -
Issue -
Narrator -

Prologue –
Publishers -
Title -
Volume –

первая страница

Слайд 5 3. speaking
Which country do you like more

3. speaking Which country do you like more (uk & usa) ? Why(2 words) ?

(uk & usa) ? Why(2 words) ?

Слайд 6 4. Making sentences with new words

4. Making sentences with new words

Слайд 7 5. Usa vs. uk (battle)

5. Usa vs. uk (battle)

Слайд 8 6. Usa & Uk

6. Usa & Uk Accents

Слайд 9 6. Usa & Uk
Meaning of the words

6. Usa & UkMeaning of the words

Слайд 10 6. Usa & Uk

6. Usa & UkBaggage    багаж


Couch диван sofa
Fix ремонтировать repair
Grade отметка mark
Located расположенный situated
Movies кинотеатр cinema
Metro/subway метро tube/underground

Слайд 12 6. Usa & Uk
words ending with –our Americans

6. Usa & UkWritingwords ending with –our Americans use –or: labor, color, favor 

use –or: labor, color, favor  instead of  labour, colour, favour.
British: apologise, paralyse in American: apologize, paralyze. 

words from French languge ending with –re, in American ending with –er : center, theater instead of  centre, theatre. 
The word «серый» in British language looks like grey, but in American – gray

Слайд 13 7. How to…
Be britain
Be american

7. How to…Be britainBe american

Слайд 14 8. New phrases. How to speak without pauses.

8. New phrases. How to speak without pauses.Basic – oh, well,

– oh, well, like, er и ok. OH: Oh I

see, Oh right,Oh good,Oh Heavens,Oh dear,Oh no. WELL: 1. He said well he needed another week. 2. Speaker 1: Your visa will be ready in 15 days. Speaker 2: Well, in 20 days. 3. Well, let’s meet tomorrow and discuss the remaining questions. LIKE: 1. And Jeremy was like, I have nothing to do with that. 2. The whole team was, like, depressed. 3. The visa will be ready in like 20 days (or not). ER/ ERM: Speaker 1: How long will the trip to Las Vegas take? Speaker 2: Erm… about 2 days, more or less. OK: 1. Sarah: How about a drink? John: Ok. 2. Speaker 1: So we are meeting tomorrow at the conference. Speaker 2: Yes. Speaker 1: Ok.

  • Имя файла: the-3rd-meeting-of-english-club-culture-of-the-englishspeaking-countries.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 153
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