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Презентация на тему Interesting facts about Canada.

The first fact. The longest geographical name of place is «Pekwachnamaykoskwaskwaypinwanik Lake» It means- Там, где ловят форель на удочку.
Interesting facts about Canada. Smolina Liza 8V The first fact. The longest geographical name of place is «Pekwachnamaykoskwaskwaypinwanik Lake» The second fact. The British researchers       announced the The third fact. Beavers and Canadian geese are the official symbol of The fourth fact. All prices on the price list IS without VAT The fifth fact. The canadian city London as an English city, situated The sixth fact. The official symbol stands in the Central square of The seventh fact. They say, Canadians speak American and write British, though The eighth fact. Vancouver is often called North Hollywood. He is on The ninth fact. It is believed, that the letter S crossed out The tenth fact. Lowest cost of higher education in North America is The eleventh fact. The subway is in Toronto, The metro is in Montreal. The twelfth fact.Canadian 1 and 2 dollar is coins. One dollar is The thirteenth fact. 128 000 canadian families have a TV in the bathroom. The fourteenth fact. About 10% of the citizens said that once saw a UFO (НЛО). The fifteenth fact. Citizens of the canadian town Churchill, do not lock The End.  Thank you for your attention.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The first fact.
The longest geographical name of

The first fact. The longest geographical name of place is «Pekwachnamaykoskwaskwaypinwanik

place is «Pekwachnamaykoskwaskwaypinwanik Lake» It means- Там, где ловят

форель на удочку.

Слайд 3 The second fact.
The British researchers

The second fact. The British researchers    announced the list of the most comfortable cities of the world.Canadian Vancouver

 announced the list of the most comfortable cities of the world.Canadian Vancouver occupies leading  position among the

most world cities fifth year in a row.

Слайд 4 The third fact.
Beavers and Canadian geese are

The third fact. Beavers and Canadian geese are the official symbol

the official symbol of Canada along with maple leaf.

Слайд 5 The fourth fact.
All prices on the price

The fourth fact. All prices on the price list IS without

list IS without VAT (НДС) in Canada as in

the United States. You have to pay more than 11% at the checkout sometimes.

Слайд 6 The fifth fact.
The canadian city London as

The fifth fact. The canadian city London as an English city,

an English city, situated on the river called the

Thames in Ontario.

Слайд 7 The sixth fact.
The official symbol stands in

The sixth fact. The official symbol stands in the Central square

the Central square of the canadian town Glendon. It

is dumpling (вареник). His height is 9 meters and his weight is 2700 kg.

Слайд 8 The seventh fact.
They say, Canadians speak American

The seventh fact. They say, Canadians speak American and write British,

and write British, though it is not. Canadian English

is a separate dialect of English.

Слайд 9 The eighth fact.
Vancouver is often called North

The eighth fact. Vancouver is often called North Hollywood. He is

Hollywood. He is on second place because of a

number of different television production after Los Angeles. The movies are cheaper in Canada, so such popular TV shows as “Fringe" (За гранью) (the action takes place in Boston and new York) or the movie "Twilight" (Сумерки) were created in this city.

Слайд 11 The ninth fact.
It is believed, that the

The ninth fact. It is believed, that the letter S crossed

letter S crossed out with a single slash is

a symbol of the Canadian dollar, and crossed out with double slash is the symbol of American one.

Слайд 12 The tenth fact.
Lowest cost of higher education

The tenth fact. Lowest cost of higher education in North America

in North America is in Quebec. You can get

a bachelor's degree (степень бакалавра) for 10 000$. (~590.000 RUB)

Слайд 13 The eleventh fact.
The subway is in Toronto,

The eleventh fact. The subway is in Toronto, The metro is in Montreal.

The metro is in Montreal.

Слайд 14 The twelfth fact.
Canadian 1 and 2 dollar is

The twelfth fact.Canadian 1 and 2 dollar is coins. One dollar

coins. One dollar is called a loonie, because a

duck shown on it. And two dollars is a twonie (just in rhyme).

Слайд 15 The thirteenth fact.
128 000 canadian families have

The thirteenth fact. 128 000 canadian families have a TV in the bathroom.

a TV in the bathroom.

Слайд 16 The fourteenth fact.
About 10% of the citizens

The fourteenth fact. About 10% of the citizens said that once saw a UFO (НЛО).

said that once saw a UFO (НЛО).

Слайд 17 The fifteenth fact.
Citizens of the canadian town

The fifteenth fact. Citizens of the canadian town Churchill, do not

Churchill, do not lock their cars. In case of

an attack of a polar bear, passers can hide in any open car.

  • Имя файла: interesting-facts-about-canada.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 147
  • Количество скачиваний: 0